Enjoy Your Work
"...God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6:17 GNT
If work is a tool to help us fulfil our purpose, then it should be a tool we know how and prefer to use. It should also be a tool we enjoy using because it just makes it easier to achieve our desired result. A plier may be able to help me pull out a screw from a joint but using a screwdriver to get the job done just makes the process better.
To enjoy is to "have a good time" according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. This is why I have a problem with people who say work is not designed to be enjoyed but endured. I do agree that there are days when everything about work makes you angry. There are also days when you have a really good time working. But to live in perpetual endurance all the days of your life is drudgery.
The focus scripture says what we have is for our enjoyment. If that's the case, then I should be able to go to God in prayer when I don't enjoy marriage, work, finances, good health, relationships, parenting, leadership, etc. It means that on days when I feel like I'm not having a good time, I'm living outside of God's plan for me which is to enjoy the riches of life that He has given me.
If you are going to spend your whole life using a tool, you had better enjoy using that tool, or find another one that will serve you better. Just because 50 people stated that a plier could remove screws doesn't mean the group statement should define your life. I love research because they supply facts, but I also like to check how I feel about the facts gathered. If the facts don't resonate with me and I'm able to validate that, I move on.
So, for yourself, decide how you want to work. Do you just want to survive through it because of the ROI you get, or do you want to enjoy the process while receiving the same ROI? Both scenarios have case studies to back them up; we choose how long we want to stay in one before making the switch.