Enjoy your own company...
The starting point of enjoying your company is to have self love. Self love starts from accepting yourself first for who you are and what you are doing. There are so many reasons why you are not enjoying your own company. it can be your past trauma, fear of leaving someone, afraid of having lots of negative thoughts and may be you don't trust yourself that you make it alone. So whatever experiences you have in your past but if you have decided to love yourself then start it by doing what you love to do the most. It can be anything like gardening, reading, blogging, practicing yoga, doing makeup and experimenting different hairstyles, writing a journal or whatever it may be.. if you start doing what you love , you feel the emotions of self care and this brings confidence.
If you are in a situation where you can't go to the outside world- go to the inside of yourself. Spend time alone not to overthink in a negative way but to analyze your decisions and goals. Try to find happiness in every little things you do.. Clap for yourself celebrate every little achievement. Also, it's not necessary to celebrate it with people.. you yourself can give a treats by going to eat in a good restaurant, by watching a good movie, by travelling and exploring things alone, or by visit to any orphanage home or old age home. Doing things alone can brings so much confidence and you start loving yourself and your own company.
According to most holy texts, if you have been good, yo go to heaven alone, but you have done bad things on earth, you will go to hell to suffer consequences alone.. Even if you don't believe in the concept of heaven and hell, the facts that you were born alone and die alone. So learn to enjoy your own company.
[Self-Healing Post 7]