Enjoy Unique Tax Advantages, Capital Security and The Ultimate Asset Protection (Within The U.S)
The risk of asset seizure and forfeiture when accumulating your wealth Offshore is not far fetched.
With an increased demand for transparency by multiple agencies across government and the tightening of the regulation of monetary systems, full disclosure may be a life saver.
Risks are greater when corporate identities or affluent high-net-worth families/individuals are considering shifting a majority of their wealth to locations that may be commonly known as "offshore havens."
Even if you are physically there and have operations running from those locations that give you access to banking, day to day supervision and constant monitoring, you are still subject to tax laws and specific regulations that prohibit any "sheltering" that may be deemed illegal by U.S Laws.
Others have tried, some with success, in developing unique systems that creatively repatriate funds back home via different financial products.
The issue then becomes in the angle of creating a trail that leads back to the "secretive" asset protected structures that could have been set up. The question of opening an investigation based on that trail in order to identify on whether or not the transfer of funds were compliant is inevitable.
- What happens should the Government determine that the funds were repatriated in an effort to "evade" taxes?
- What would you do should a significant penalty be enforced by the I.R.S and authorities in those circumstances? (not to mention possible imprisonment)
- And, what will you do should all the assets you've worked hard to shelter be seized by order of Government, because of a conclusive investigation that put you in the heart of tax evasion?
Although these investigations and running trails take several years, just having a file opened against your assets and being under constant scrutiny may be a dangerous place to be.
Moreover, the damage caused at the end of all of this is certainly not worth your while...
Sooner or later, funds will be required. Whether it be for emergency or necessity, the risks of exposure are imminent. The goal is to be acutely aware of this and anticipate it while staying fully compliant.
No matter the effort put towards strategizing a way "around" the binding laws, sooner or later, you will have to conform, whether willingly or unwillingly. The question is, which side will you be on?
If you're looking to find a way to shelter your assets, preserve the security of your funds and are seeking to enjoy a significant tax advantage for yourself as a person and your businesses, there are structures that can be set up. More importantly, they are fully compliant and provide a great peace of mind for those who are constantly living in fear in hopes of protecting themselves and their loved ones.
Below are some examples of what is possible...
- Unique Asset Protection (each vehicle is customized to meet the need of different goals and objectives)
- Significant tax breaks due to full disclosure and selective spending
- Private Banking Access to those looking to grow their wealth against all market odds
- All books and records are kept completely confidential and are not subject to review or subpoena
- Falls under a different set of Laws that are governed above Statutory regulations
- And, so much more...
No matter what circumstance you are in or are looking to find a way to set up something that is truly unique, I invite you to contact me directly to explore the different options available.