Enjoy today as this is your day

Enjoy today as this is your day

We don't realise the value of today until it becomes yesterday and we regret that we did not do proper justice to our day which was today yesterday and even we do waste lot of time planning for tomorrow which is yet to arrive and we are not sure whether we shall be around to see the tomorrow of the world. Therefore it is today which is your day and we must enjoy and given proper justice to each day as our today. I have been a dedicated individual towards my work and really like to read and share about things which can help me and my team deliver quality products to the customers who deserve nothing but the best consistently.

"Yesterday was history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift; that’s why it is called the present" - Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda We all make mistakes and reflect on them after, but the worst mistake we make is that we are too fixated on what we did, and finding ways to grasp the long gone past. Instead, we should focus on what we can do, to make sure we don’t do that mistake again.

There are many things- if not nearly everything around you that is controlling you. Humans strive on finding new ways to desperately characterize themselves in establishing their presence in each era. Yet, they try so hard to dig the past or force the future, in which they forget that the present- their present- can be controlled, and thus is the most important thing they have.

I was always impressed by reading real life stories of great people our country has produced which are so inspiring and motivating to us fellow citizens and also to all human beings. The story goes that every day the top executives of Tata Motors used to have lunch together except Padma Bhushan Sumant Mulgaonkar, a Director who used to disappear suddenly during lunch break and come back of office after a long time.

One day some Tata Motors employees followed him during lunch break. However they were surprised to find his car parked outside a Highway Dhaba in simple clothes where he not only paid for the food but kept himself busy talking to the truck-drivers getting a feedback and taking detailed notes after understanding the driver’s point of view and opinions about Tata Trucks. Later once he himself was sure about what was good or bad, he would go back to the office and brief the Tata design and R&D teams about appropriate improvements to be made.

Therefore most important day of your life is Today that you will never get it back ever. Time is like a flowing river. It waits for none. So, to be with this flow you have to focus on your Today. Yesterday is for lesson , future is for vision but Today is the day where you have this beautiful life to live. A lot of people say tomorrow has never been promised, which is one of the finest truth. But I feel the very next moment of our life is very unpredictable. So, we should live in this present moment.

Planning for the future , setting our goals as well as working hard for reaching there, are always important without which life will be directionless but along with these we should always keep in our mind that , may be tomorrow I won't get this time to go forward in my life. If something is there with me then this is today, this moment. I should do the best utilisation of it.

Sometimes we get derailed from our life by thinking much about our yesterday that we can't control anymore and about our future that we have never seen. In between this cycle we forget to keep our eyes as well as our mind on today that's create our tomorrow. If our Today is not worth living then how can we imagine for a beautiful tomorrow!!

Today is important because you are alive, you are able to see & feel the beautiful creation around you. Today is important because past is not going to change & about future you can't predict it. You don't know what might happen in a blink of your eyes, may be things will not turn the way you wanted but today is very important as each & every second counts towards your life & your life is precious. So be positive & give your best. Always remember to ask yourself a question whether you are happy with what you are doing? whatever might be the answer try not to lie to yourself & you will feel it yes today is very important. Cheers!

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

3 年

Inspiring Kishoreji


