Enjoy and let it in (Books to Read #42)
Manifesting Wealth: Your Law of Attraction Book for Attracting Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
by Ryan Wills, Horizons Media
I'm very grateful to have found this wonderful book. It's helped me realize the benefits of repetition.
It's a concept that reappears in most of the books on manifesting and I've been reading it, journaling about it, and meditating on it, but Ryan reached me and helped me manifest this truth.
This book covers a few basic and deeply effective practices towards manifesting.
The author has a smooth and clear explanation style that brought home a few concepts I may have been resisting.
His voice is clearly full of love and his knowledge is full of gratitude. It attracts your attention and gives good feelings.
Thank you Ryan and Amazon for sharing this book!
Blessings and good reading.