Enhancing your ability to understand, predict and influence organization performance with models
In this:
* Mapping out human antecedents and behaviors with business consequences
* Using models to understand, predict and influence team performance
* Clarifying fuzzy thinking with the help of models
If people were robots, you would simply hire them, and they'd do whatever it is they were designed to do for you. The robots would be productive whenever they were turned on, so you'd know that you'd get a particular value return on every robot dollar spent. You can't assume the same about people, however. People can show up and do the bare minimum or enthusiastically find ways to make your company run better. People can help you outsmart the competition, or they can keep their mouths shut. The ideas I put forward here is about whether you’re getting the most out of your people and how you can manage people better.
If you’re analyzing machines, you simply need to understand the basic parameters of those machines. Then you can have a near-perfect ability to understand, predict, and control the machine's behavior. Unfortunately, or fortunately, controlling the behavior of people isn’t as easy. People make their own independent choices about their behavior; therefore, the behavior of people is more difficult to understand, influence, and predict. That is not to say that people's behavior is random and cannot be analyzed, predicted, and influenced. Discernible patterns can help you understand the behavior of people; you just have to know the ways that the behavior of people is influenced.
<Remember> The models that predict the behaviors of humans are fundamentally probabilistic, not deterministic. They postulate what is likely to happen in the future, not what will happen in the future or what happened in the past.
If you want to understand, predict, and influence the actions of people, you need to make the less-visible influences of people’s behavior more visible with data. The concepts here are intended to help you organize your thoughts about how you approach this.
Analyzing Antecedents, Behaviors, and Consequences
The goal of people analytics is to understand cause-and-effect relationships so that when you act, you can produce a better outcome for companies and the people who work for them. Just as the alphabet is the starting point for all human communication, you need a starting point for people analytics. The ABC Behavior Change framework shown in Figure 10-1 is this starting point.
Figure 10-1: The ABC Behavior Change framework.
The ABC framework has these three parts:
* Antecedent: Those measurable factors that precede an observed behavior and consequence. Antecedents can refer to measurable company conditions, such as employee culture or climate, and it can refer to specific program or policy actions intended to stimulate some behavior or consequence.
* Behaviors: Measurements of how a person or group of people act in response to a particular antecedent situation or stimulus or absence thereof.
* Consequences: Results that directly follow from that behavior. The goal of the ABC framework is to come up with theories about behavior that you can test with data, which drives a specific measurement and analysis plan that you can act on.
<Remember> Each behavior has both individual and company consequences. Individual and company consequences have different impacts on individual and collective behavior. Company consequences are dispersed among many people, so company consequences have less impact on individual behavior than personal consequences. Individual consequences can reinforce or discourage individual behavior. Effective management works to bring the company and individual consequences into alignment.
You can’t manage what you don’t see, and data is useful for seeing things that otherwise are difficult to see. The ABC framework is a heuristic tool used to organize theories about behavior, which is the starting place for developing scientific methods to test your theory and (eventually) improve how you manage people using data. To test theories with data, you have to codify the behavior, the circumstances that lead to the behavior, and the outcomes that are associated with the behavior in measurable ways. After you have all three elements of the ABC framework described as measurements, you can apply mathematics to find out whether your theories hold. In this way, the ABC framework is a jumping-off point for a data-informed way to identify the best course of action to take to influence behavior to achieve the outcomes you want.
Looking at the ABC framework in action
Say that you’re in a busy grocery store checkout lane, and an angry customer accuses the cashier of mispricing an item. The customer asks the cashier to check the price of the item, but the cashier insists that the price is correct. The customer presses the issue, and the cashier follows up by getting angry at the customer in return. Everyone in line is held up while the cashier phones the office for a clerk to check the price. The price is found to be correct, though the item had been picked up in the wrong place. Now an even angrier customer leaves his groceries with the cashier and storms out of the store. The rest of the people waiting in line are exasperated at the delay.
Let’s examine this situation with the ABC framework. First, the customer, using an angry tone, asked the employee to do a price check. That was a critical antecedent, though there were many others. For example, the item was in the wrong place. (Clearly, other antecedents are not described in the preceding paragraph, but I'll come back to them.) Next, the employee reacts with recalcitrance and anger — a wrong behavior, especially in a retail environment. The ideal behavior would be to acknowledge the misunderstanding but offer the product to the customer for the lower price or offer the customer some type of reward for pointing out the problem. If nothing else, a caring response may have deescalated the situation. In any case, the consequences of the wrong behavior are that the store has lost this particular sale, has potentially lost this customer for life, and has diminished the experience of other customers. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for anyone. Some would say, “That’s work” or “That’s retail.” However, not all store experiences and cashiers are the same — some handle these situations more adeptly than others. How do they do it?
This situation is anecdotal, but if I were to analyze this problem, I would want to step back and think about other, less apparent antecedents. Has the store been appropriately staffed? Is there a general culture and expectation that cashiers be happy and responsive to customers? Is this an enthusiastic employee, or does this employee consider the relationship between cashiers and management to be contentious? Is there is a policy in which the cashiers can make their own decisions under a specific price limit? How frequently is that policy evoked? Have cashiers been selected for unflappable personalities? What is the range of variability and percentage of different types in the store? Is there an expectation that cashiers behave in a certain way or be sent home? Are lots of other people modeling good behavior? Have employees been trained in how to deal with demanding customers? Do other employees exhibit the expected behaviors? Is this a fun place to go to work every day, or is this workplace total hell?
<TechnicalStuff> Total hell is a technical term referring to a place to work that is much like the total hell described in Dante Alighieri's Inferno. If you can imagine suffering where you’re subjected to burning, fiery coals, you’re on the right path to understanding total hell.
In some ways, the store and the employee consequences can be aligned. Are there rewards for good behavior? s there an aggressive career opportunity program at the store, or are cashiers treated as temporary expendable help? Is there an employee profit-sharing program? Does the company, and do the managers, work with employees to create a compelling mission and vision for their work, thus creating a connection between the actions that individuals take and the more significant impact on other lives or society? You can picture in your mind a store that has the antecedents and behaviors that would lead to a much better outcome for everyone. Maybe you have experienced one. It’s a remarkable difference, isn’t it?
Extrapolating from observed behavior
There are all kinds of antecedents, behaviors, and consequences going on all around us all the time. Antecedents drive consequences, and consequences, in turn, create new antecedents, like billiard balls bumping into each other. Much of what is driving behaviors is unseen because each encounter seems independent and random. This is just a flaw in perspective, however. One primary goal of people analytics is to increase the breadth and depth of awareness collectively and individually.
A Johari window (see Figure 10-2) is a heuristic illustration that helps people think about how information can vary between the self and others to see the implications. The Johari window is used in corporate settings as a heuristic tool to explain why getting feedback is essential for the success of the enterprise.
Figure 10-2: A Johari window.
The philosopher Charles Handy came up with a twist on the Johari window that he calls the Johari house. Essentially, he reconfigures the four panes of the Johari window into a house with four rooms. Room 1 is the part of yourself that you and others see. Room 2 contains aspects that others see, but that you cannot see. Room 3 is the private space that you know but hide from others. Room 4 is the unconscious part of you that neither you nor others see. The idea of the Johari house is that although your understanding of yourself and the world around you is imperfect, and will remain imperfect, there is some advantage to improving it. The factors that you measure and report in people analytics primarily offer value by providing feedback about things that are otherwise outside of the field of awareness — increasing the size of those rooms, in other words. You’re architecting a different house.
<Tip> Sometimes, you will already have access to regularly collected data that you can use to create collective and individual feedback. In most situations, you don’t have the measurements, and you need to develop new measurement methods. In my experience, the best-performing people analytics teams and analysts do a lot more of the latter - developing new measurements. The best analysts produce an advantage by coming up with creative methods to measure things, not by applying the same methods everyone else is using, but with fewer mistakes. The difficult mathematical tasks are performed by software, so you’re likely not making many mistakes in mathematics. You’re likely making more mistakes in what you put into the software or in how you are interpreting what you get out of the software.
As I state at the beginning of this section, the goal of the ABC framework is to come up with specific theories you can test — theories that drive a specific measurement and analysis plan. If you can express your theories about antecedents, behaviors, and consequences clearly, you have created a blueprint to measure your theories mathematically. To provide clarity about your theories and organize them, you will use the tool described in the following section.
Introducing Models
A model is an abstract representation of an object (thing or concept) and its components to help people understand or simulate reality. The term model has a number of uses, so I spend some time in this section describing the different types of models that apply to people analytics.
Some models are physical objects. These are the simplest types of models to understand, so I start here for illustration. For example, an architect may create a physical model of a building. In this way, a model can be used to convey the idea of the building and test this idea before the building is constructed in the real world. Everyone can look at the model and decide whether they like it. If they don't like it, the architect can ask why not. The model removes non-essential detail and material. Material is added when the decision is made to proceed.
Conceptual models are abstractions that connect or organize ideas. These are often illustrated diagrammatically or with mathematical notation. Though more abstract than physical models, conceptual models serve the same purpose as physical models — but for items, you can't hold in your hand. The model serves a useful purpose by helping you see in your mind this thing you can’t touch or feel. All of what you work within business strategy and applied behavioral science is conceptual. Figure 10-3 shows an example of a conceptual model.
Figure 10-3: The Service-Profit Value Chain model.
The Service-Profit Chain model illustrates the researchers' point of view about the critical antecedents, behaviors, and consequences of a retail company at a high level. It’s a way to communicate abstract notions of what matters in order to first elicit reactions by others and then form a plan for analysis and testing. Though this model may be useful for a retail company as a starting place, each company creates value and profit differently — sometimes you can learn from the strategies of other companies but hopefully you are implementing some unique strategies too. If a company does not find a model that works for them that is unique, it is only a matter of time before they cease to be.
<Remember> The conceptual model illustrated by the Service-Profit Chain is not the only way people use the word model or that you will use the word model. As I mentioned at the beginning of this section, the term model has many forms, which can be confusing. The following sections categorically describe the essential forms of conceptual models.
Business models
Business models are frameworks that describe how a business creates value or, as management theorist Peter Drucker has said, business models are simply “a theory of a business.”
A business model is a theory of a business
A business model is a conceptual model that describes and represents the elemental structure of how a business will earn a profit that can be contrasted to the ways that other businesses earn a profit. These conceptual models describe the elements of a business that generally include a unique point of view on the companies: problem focus, target customer focus (market), unique value proposition, channels, methods of generating revenue, total addressable market (projected target customer market estimates), projected costs, projected revenues, and any believed or real business differentiation advantages.
Often, unusually big business successes are the results of the application of a new business model that nobody else saw coming. Examples include the initial success of companies like Ford (mass production), McDonald’s (fast food), Amazon (e-commerce), and Netflix (digital streaming). Each new business model has antecedents and consequences that stem from or affect the way the company works with people — the way that companies harness people to produce profits — which are referred to as human resources. In a historical context, what companies like Ford and McDonalds decided to do with human resources was remarkable for their time. It is only over time that the methods they deployed faded into a collective experience to such an extent that their innovations now seem unremarkable and boring.
<Remember> The business model determines the unique characteristics of what, how, where, and why people matter. The work of people analytics is to develop a unique model of how people deliver value to customers and to keep refining that model to create more happy customers before running out of time and resources. You come up with theories, you test them, and if you learn something, you improve your model.
Scientific models
A scientific model is a conceptual model that describes and represents the component structure, relationship, behavior, and other views of scientific theory for a physical object or process. A scientific model is a simplified abstract view of a complex reality. Sometimes these are expressed as mathematical equations, and at other times they’re expressed as diagrams. Diagrams make models accessible to a wider audience.
The well-known e=mc2 is a mathematical expression of a scientific theory of how the universe works. It was developed from theory, refined with mathematics, and tested by experiments. It’s abstract, but it has been applied to do some concrete tasks like travel into space, create massive explosions, and develop ways to harness the energy that is all around us.
The quality of a scientific field can be assessed by how well the mathematical models developed on the theoretical side agree with the mathematical results of experiments. Lack of agreement between theoretical mathematical models and experimental measurements often leads to significant advances as better theories are developed based on the nuances of the findings.
Mathematical / Statistical models
A mathematical model is a conceptual model that describes and represents the mathematical structure, relationships, behaviors, and other views of real-world situations, represented as equations, diagrams, graphs, scatter plots, tree diagrams, and other elements. A mathematical model is a simplified abstract view of a more complex real-world phenomenon. Mathematical models can take many forms, including dynamical systems, statistical models, differential equations, or game-theoretic models.
With mathematical/statistical models, we are at the very heart of how data can be used to impact business decisions. Take, for example, a rocket manufacturer. When designing a new engine, the manufacturer starts by designing a mathematical model and conducting simulations on a computer rather than incur the costs of building million-dollar rockets and blowing them up just for testing purposes. If the only way you could learn was by blowing them up, things might get pretty expensive. Eventually, you have to test your rockets in the real world, but hopefully, you can do this only after you worked out most of the bugs through a mathematical model. This isn’t where it ends, though. Eventually, even as you launch real rockets, you collect data to see whether the rocket performs as predicted and to adapt your model based on real-life data.
Similar to the rocket example, before you implement some new way of hiring employees, some new training programs, some new way of paying people, or some new benefit, you should do some rudimentary mathematical testing to make sure you aren’t going to blow up your company. Companies can and do frequently go bankrupt as a result of the inadequate modeling of people-related decisions or an inability to understand how to control the performance of the workforce within a business model, which determines success or failure in the marketplace.
Data models
A data model is a conceptual diagram or other technical languages that describes and represents the component structure, relationships, behaviors, and other views of data elements in an information system that, in turn, represent objects or processes of the real world. It’s a simplified, abstract view of complex database relationships.
You bore down into the nuts-and-bolts when you get to data models. Data models assist software engineers, testers, technical writers, IT workers, analysts, business users, and other stakeholders to understand and use a standard data definition of the concepts represented by data and their relationships with one another. With that standard definition, you’re now in a position to facilitate
* The design of systems
* Efficient data management in databases and data warehouses (also known as data repositories) and reporting applications
* Multiple stakeholders in analyzing data in a consistent way
* The integration of multiple information systems that contain common elements
<Technical Stuff> While there are now several companies focusing on HR data visualization, there is the only one company that I know that specializes in addressing HR problems at a data model level. That company is One Model. One Model has specifically chosen to create an advantage in the things they or you can do with data, if all data is put into a single subject-oriented data model, regardless of the system it comes from. How One Model's solution is different may not be immediately transparent by a surface review because where they choose to create an advantage is not on the surface.
The first phase of a data model is conceptual. The data requirements are initially recorded as a set of technology-independent conceptual specifications. For instance, a data model may specify that the data element represent a primary object, which is composed of data elements and relatable to other objects. See Figure 10-4 for an example.
Figure 10-4: A tiny part of an HR data model.
In the example, an employee object consists of related data elements such as job title, location, start date, and manager. The employee data elements can be related to elements in other systems, such as customers, products, and orders, which are recorded in a sales system.
The conceptual model of what data elements you have, their nature, and how they are associated can then be translated into a logical data model, which documents structures of the data that can be implemented in databases — entities, attributes, relations, or tables, for example. The logical data model describes the semantics of the database, as represented by a particular data manipulation technology whether they are tables and columns, object-oriented classes, XML tags, or other items. The implementation of one logical model may require multiple submodels.
The last step in data modeling is transforming the logical data model to a physical data model that organizes the data into physical assets that accommodate access, speed, and other situational needs. The physical data model describes the physical means by which data are stored in the servers, partitions, CPUs, tablespaces, and the like.
System models
Systems modeling is the use of models to conceptualize and construct business information systems in business.
In business information systems and IT development, the term systems modeling has multiple meanings. It can relate to
* The use of a model to conceptualize and design systems
* The interdisciplinary study of the use of these systems
* The systems simulation, such as system dynamics
* Any specific systems modeling language
Check out Figure 10-5 for a rudimentary example of all the systems and databases that may be connected in an operating people analytics environment in a large company. It functions as a simplified conceptual diagram of the systems a company may already have in place when embarking on establishing an automated people analytics data workflow through these systems.
Figure 10-5: A sample system diagram.
<TechnicalStuff> A common type of system modeling is function modeling, with specific techniques such as the Functional Flow Block diagram. These diagrammatic models can be linked to requirements and extended in breadth or depth. As an alternative to functional modeling, another type of system modeling is architectural modeling, which uses the systems architecture to conceptually model the structure, behavior, and other views of a system. The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation for specifying an entire business process in a workflow. (In that sense, BPMN can also be considered a system modeling language.)
Taking models apart and putting them back together
Think holistically and work modularly with models. Models allow for independent design and operation of parts while providing enough perspective on what you’re trying to accomplish to see how all the parts fit together.
The primary benefit of keeping all five model types in mind — business, scientific, mathematical/statistical, data, and system — is that it allows these perspectives to be understood and managed independently of the other. The systems can change without (necessarily) affecting either the scientific models and the business model. Storage technology can change without (necessarily) affecting the data model or scientific models. The data table/column structure can change without (necessarily) affecting anything else — the order of tables and columns is trivial minutia.
The independent design premise doesn’t work equally in all directions. Changes to the scientific model always have implications that must be addressed at the data and system-model levels. Models create transparency to see this.
Evaluating the Benefits and Limitations of Models
A model’s primary objective is to convey the fundamental relationship and functions of the system of elements that it represents without unnecessary detail. Models can
* Enhance understanding of the system of parts through their organization.
* Facilitate efficient communication between stakeholders using a common language.
* Document the system of objects for future reference and provide a means for collaboration.
* Study the effects of different components, make predictions about behavior, and test ideas.
* Provide an outline for analysts to perform their work while also offering a tool for practitioners to formulate ideas on how to solve problems and see the impact.
Though the use of models offers many benefits, it also has some limitations.
* A model is not a perfect representation of reality, and so by definition models omit some things.
* A model can be obtuse to others if they aren’t yet familiar with the pieces.
* A model regarding dynamic systems (people, for example) can and will change over time. Your work is never done.
* A model may not apply well between different situations, industries, companies, and locations.
<Remember> The most important insight that can be gleaned from the limitations of models is that they need to be created, validated, and rebuilt for each situation.
To take just one example, imagine owning a pet retail company that has discovered the high probability that a candidate who has five or more pets at home makes a great employee. With this information in hand, you might put the question “How many pets do you have?” into your pre-hire screening process with the intent to measure whether it matters in the store performance prediction model. The point here is that this same question doesn’t predict success for other companies — an electronics retail store, for example. At most, other companies relying on this information to make hiring decisions would be wrong. Furthermore, collecting such information would be a waste of everyone's time and would prevent you from collecting something else that would be much more useful.
You won't be able to derive a unique model from a common dataset. You need a way to know which data to collect. Which data you collect is determined by a theoretical model. Without this model, the amount of data you could apply approaches the entire possible universe of data — infinity, in other words — which clearly won’t work. This means you have to create different datasets for different businesses. Of course, you use some common data ingredients at all companies (employee roster lists, exit lists, and hire lists, for example). Still, these won’t provide you with the answers to essential questions about your business without other data as determined by theory, models. This part of people analytics is a creative activity rather than a routine activity.
Obtaining unique insight requires defining a unique scientific model for a unique business, which requires collecting unique data. After you have the correct data, the analysis is routine and, therefore, easy. The problem of identifying what of all possible new data to add to the model to produce new insight cannot be solved with a system because all of the data you need doesn’t reside in the existing systems yet. This understanding moves the priority of work from system and statistics to the design of scientific models and data collection instruments to fill those models. The design of the scientific model must precede all other systems and data efforts, or else those efforts fail. This understanding moves the initial priority of work from systems and data governance to the conversations and actions required to develop a thoughtful scientific model for each business, which informs you on what data you need, what the shape of that data should be, and what analysis is necessary.
Using Models Effectively
Just like an architectural blueprint does for a construction site, a model is a design blueprint for a series of activities that are intended to come together into a finished product. The blueprint allows the people to work on the different parts to know what to do and where to do it while also providing a basis for communication between each other.
Imagine building a house. You cannot begin certain activities until other activities have already occurred. You can begin work on framing only if the foundation is in place. You cannot begin working on the electrical system until the framing is in place. You cannot finish the walls until the electrical system is in place and approved by inspectors. Each part has to be built, and then they all must eventually fit together, or else the house won’t work. The blueprint provides the structure, and the project plans provide the order. Models provide the same guidance in people analytics.
When you pay careful attention to how HR professionals talk about their difficulties with people analytics, you hear a lot of if-only statements:
* "If only we had all our data in one place, then we could do people analytics."
* "If only we had better data governance, then we would have better data, and then people analytics would (finally) work."
* "If only we could hire someone who can tell a story with our data in a compelling way, then people here would use data more successfully."
* "If only executives wouldn't rush ahead to make decisions without data."
When you have undertaken this long journey to implement systems and do all this work with data, and you are then confronted at the end by one or more of these if-only statements, you are stopped dead in your tracks and find that you have wasted money and time. Then you will have to start over.
In a system-oriented people analytics workflow, success is achieved if you
* Have implemented systems with relevant data.
* Have data quality governance to produce useful, clean data.
* Have extracted all the relevant data and joined it.
* Have structured the dataset correctly for your analysis.
* Can fit an insight from the data to your unique business situation.
* Can, after all that, fit that insight to the needs of someone who can act on it.
Each if-only statement contains a contingency that can cause overall failure. The number of contingencies suggests that the system of work has a very low probability of success. This is especially true when you consider that, at your company, you’re solving a problem that nobody has ever solved and that may be unlike the problem at any other company.
Using a method of people analytics that I developed called lean people analytics, you reduce risk and waste by working in a different order, which places the more expensive risks at the end.
Figure 10-6 illustrates how the order of activity in lean people analytics is the opposite of a system-oriented analytics order of activity.
Figure 10-6: Contrasting people analytics workflows.
In the system-oriented analytics development workflow, you start with the system first, and you work to the right toward deducing an insight that has relevance to a particular business. You then try to find people to listen. The assumption is that if you can make the system workflow more efficient or if you can visualize the data marginally better at the end, you get a better result. The entire premise is flawed if you don’t have the correct data to derive valuable insight into your systems from the beginning. You can’t add by analysis what you left out, to begin with. Consequently, a system-oriented analytics development workflow is better at helping you more efficiently produce the metrics you are already producing from the data you already have, as opposed to developing new insights.
In the insight-oriented analytics development workflow, you go in a different order. Here is the order of the insight-oriented analytics development workflow I propose:
1. Define your company's business model.
2. Add to this definition, a scientific model that illustrates how you think people connect to your business model.
3. Collect the relevant data.
4. Create a statistical model.
5. Build a permanent system model to systematize this information for routine ongoing use.
The advantage of insight-oriented analytics workflow is that by reordering the workflow to put systems design, in the end, you can move the more expensive and riskier activity later. You only move to the next step once you have completed the last, which increases the expected value of the overall system of work. Just like an architectural diagram does for a construction site, models direct you to do the right things in the right order. You proceed from one development phase to the next only as you receive a positive indication the pieces fit together at the previous stage. Each stage informs the actions and focuses you must take in the next phase.
<Remember> The first crucial step is that you must learn the company’s unique business model. Only then can you work out theories of how people connect to this business model. The primary objective of people analytics is to understand the model of how employees deliver value to customers and continue refining that model to create more happy customers before running out of time and resources. You start with this consequence in mind, identify where employees fit and work backward to the behaviors and antecedents.
After you have a theory of how the antecedents and behaviors of people related to how your company produces happy customers, you can then test your theories with data to see whether they are correct, as you learn what is useful and what isn’t useful, you can change the model. When you start, you want to collect new measurements and conduct new analyses in a manner as nimble and inexpensive as possible. Survey tools are inexpensive and are, therefore, an excellent tool for this phase of development.
After you have come up with a report or an analysis that provides useful feedback that others have found useful, you can make it more efficient by systematizing ongoing data collection, processing, and delivery in a permanent data model represented by permanent systems. A system model begins as a conceptual model that you can use to communicate the flow of data to technical partners. Eventually, this conceptual model is used to codify a physical data workflow and database or system structure.
Getting Started with People Models
The idea that every company is different and every person is a snowflake may be in some ways accurate, but it's about as useful as saying that you can reach the North Pole from any direction you want. You need to know where you are, and you need a generalizable navigation system to put (and keep) you on the right path, or else you’re just going to go around in circles.
The global navigation system I suggest for dealing with people is called net activated value (NAV). For more on NAV, check out Activating Employee Value, If you’re looking for nirvana, I have no idea what to offer you, but if you’re looking for business results, the value always points you in the right direction.
The concept behind NAV is a simple one: You get business value from employees when they’re activated, and you get no value from employees when they aren’t activated. Imagine if all employees were like money machines with a light on the front and you could see which ones were functioning and which ones weren't. Then, if you wanted more money, you would go to work on the ones with the lights off. It seems obvious, doesn’t it? What isn’t apparent is why some aren’t working, and if there is any consistent pattern to the failure. For this, you need to take some measurements.
Activating employee performance
Carrying forward this idea that the value creation motors of folks are either on (activated) or off (not activated), your job as a technician is to figure out how to get as many of them running as possible.
What you want to understand is whether there’s a pattern. Are the machines broken at a particular location? Within the machine, what part of the machine is broken? How long does the machine run before breaking? What happened immediately before the machine stopped? There are different scenarios: Just because one machine needs oil doesn’t mean that all machines aren’t working because they need oil.
If you can see inside the machine, you can see which parts are broken and replace them. You want to do the same thing for your employees. If you were to rip open these humans and see what was broken, you would have a chance to fix it like you would a machine, but that wouldn’t be humane. Instead, one way you can measure which elements of the human equation are broken is by way of scientific inference — to be clear, you infer what is broken by using survey instruments. After this is done, you apply creative solutions, and later you survey again to see whether the theory was correct. Did the behaviors or consequences you were concerned about change as a result of your creative solutions?
<Remember> Though you never know everything that makes a particular human tick, fortunately, that isn’t your goal. Your goal is to understand the minimum conditions necessary for employees to produce value for your business consistently. Though many things could be beneficial to humans — free lunch and back massages, for example — you need to know what is essential for this human to produce value and get a handle on that first. You can work on lunches and massages after the essential factors that produce value are working correctly.
Whatever creative solutions you come up with, they have to come to terms with the four minimum conditions necessary for this human-machine to produce value: capability, goal alignment, motivation, and support (CAMS). If each of these conditions is turned on, the value that your employees produce is either what you pay them or some multiple of this value.
Figure 10-7 shows one way of expressing capability, alignment, motivation, and support (CAMS) in a framework of antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.
Figure 10-7: One possible CAMS model.
In figure 10-7, CAMS is in the antecedent's column in a framework of antecedent's section of the model, meaning it is believed to influence behaviors and consequences that are represented in columns on the right side of the antecedent's column. For example, the model is suggesting the CAMS antecedent should be correlated to measures of work quality and work intensity behavior, and these should, in turn, correlate to the other downstream consequences such measures of job performance and productivity.
You can infer a measure of all four CAMS variables — capability (C), alignment (A), motivation (M), and support (S) — with a short, 8-item survey using a 0–10 agreement scale.
The statements in this section pertain to the theory that individual success requires, at minimum, four conditions:
* Agreement on goal
* Capability to perform the goal
* Motivation to perform the goal
* Support
The absence of any of these four conditions results in something less than high performance. Here are eight statements you can get a disagree or agree reaction for evaluating if the four minimum necessary conditions are likely present or absent.
For more on NAV, check out Activating Employee Value
The idea of models is to organize all the concepts so that you aren’t adding questions to surveys either indiscriminately or based on what someone else is doing. The idea is to add those survey questions that help you learn something specific related to the problem you’re trying to solve. Without a conceptual model to keep things organized, you start with a lot of fuzzy ideas about people, collect a lot of data, and end up in a situation where you won’t know what the data means for you or what to do with it. You have managed to ask a ton of questions, but it's not entirely clear how the answers to those questions connect to critical behaviors and consequences. It also isn’t clear whether you have asked the appropriate questions among the infinite number of possible questions.
In the next section, I take a stab at firming up some of the more common "fuzzy ideas" found in business these days, by presenting models that allow you to move from vague notions to quantifiable measurements. The conceptual models I describe are intended to be illustrative. You can find or create many more.
Using models to clarify fuzzy ideas about people
One of the fuzziest ideas out there is the notion of organizational culture (usually defined as a "corporate personality"), consisting of the shared values, beliefs, and unstated rules that influence the behavior of people as members of an organization. Now, culture is a concept borrowed from anthropology, where it’s defined as those unique characteristics — knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs — held in common among a group of humans that are transmitted via social learning. Members of a company are, first and foremost, part of a broader social, cultural context (continent, religion, country, ethnicity, community) and also the specific social-cultural context of where they work.
<Remember> Contrary to how the term is frequently thrown around, company culture is not good or bad or wrong or right in any universal sense. On the other hand, company culture may or may not be the right fit for a particular place, market, or time or may or not be what you expect it to be. It’s the difference between the current state of affairs and people's expectations that matters.
Culture may not be good or bad universally, but it can be strong and weak, and this can have implications. A strong culture is one that people clearly understand and can articulate. A weak culture is one that people have difficulty defining, understanding, or explaining. The benefit of a strong culture is that people behave and make decisions consistently because they agree on a shared set of expectations and values. Companies with strong cultures operate like well-oiled machines. Hardly a word needs to be said, and everyone knows exactly what to do. Conversely, in a weak culture, there is little common understanding and agreement about expectations and values, which means that control must be exercised by way of extensive instruction, rules, and bureaucracy.
Some of the benefits derived from cultivating a strong culture are that it
* Gives similar-minded people a reason to embrace this company.
* Better aligns the company toward achieving its vision, mission, and goals.
* Achieves higher intrinsic employee motivation and loyalty.
* Increases team cohesiveness among the company's various departments and divisions.
* Promotes consistency and coordinated effort among the company.
* Shapes employee behavior at work with less bureaucratic controls, enabling the company to operate more efficiently.
<Tip> You can quantify organization culture through field observation, interviews, or surveys; however, surveys are much more efficient and useful for your use in people analytics.
The Culture Congruence model
A lot of public peer-reviewed research on organization culture is available, and the methods of measuring culture proposed by these researchers have been defined in many different ways. Though I share just one way with you — the Culture Congruence model — I want to know that you can do it in other ways, if that serves your purpose.
Figure 10-9 illustrates the high-level concepts that are measured as variables in the organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI), a well-respected tool for assessing current and preferred organizational culture that was developed by professors Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron of the University of Michigan.
The main OCAI variables shown on the left side of the figure — dominant characteristics, leadership style, strategic emphasis, management style, and so on — are represented as antecedents to a series of attitudes, behaviors, and consequences. (There are tons more information about the OCAI at www.ocai-online.com, and you can find the complete OCAI culture survey instrument, with sample survey items, in People Analytics For Dummies)
Figure 10-9: The OCAI Culture Congruence model.
Culture is measured a little differently in the OCAI survey instrument from most other types of survey instruments. Because culture is presumed to be neither universally good nor bad, the way the OCAI uses culture data is by measuring the differences between the current and expected states, a concept I refer to as congruence. Figure 10-10 shows one way to measure congruence for dominant characteristics, one of the six concepts included in the OCAI instrument.
Figure 10-10: Sample scoring of OCAI for dominant characteristics.
In the OCAI, participants are asked to divide 100 points between four options, depending on the extent to which they find that each option lines up with what they see at their company. The participants are instructed to give a higher number of points to the option that jibes closest to their experience of the company. (The survey instrument ensures that they get only 100 points and have to distribute all 100 points.) The participants are asked to do this twice — once for now and once for how they would prefer it to be in the future. These are in separate, side-by-side columns. Behind the scenes, you calculate congruence as the difference between the participants’ rating of now and the participants’ preferred state. Congruence is measured for each of the six major concepts included in the OCAI definition of culture and, after this is complete, indexed as a whole.
<Tip> You can mathematically measure congruence between each participant’s current and preferred states, but also the congruence between participants, either as a whole or by segment. All this congruence data can be used in other models.
Organizational culture and organization climate are similar ideas often used interchangeably, but the two have marked differences. Yes, both culture and climate describe a company and influence behavior. Still, culture defines those aspects of the company that is ubiquitous, deep, and stable, whereas climate arises more from perceptions that are less agreed on and changes more frequently. In other words, the climate is influenced by culture; culture is not influenced by climate.
Organizational climate is a measurement of the patterns of opinion, attitudes, and feelings that characterize people’s perception of life in the organization at a particular time and context. You quantify organization climate using surveys, usually by first listing a variety of experiences or ideas as a series of statements and then measuring agreement or disagreement with these statements.
Surveys can try to measure the big picture, as in “XYZ company is a great place to work." Still, you can also try to measure organization climate relative to some specific concept domain, such as a climate for innovation, a climate for safety, or a climate for inclusion. The latter approach recognizes the fact that climate can contain multiple dimensions, each in turn containing multiple items, which shape your perspective on the whole and the parts.
One common climate-of-innovation survey item tests whether “employees feel free to express their ideas to bosses” or whether “people are not afraid to take risks around here.” (You can find items for a climate-of-inclusion survey and a climate of innovation survey in this book's Appendix B.) But there is no universal survey or set of items used by all researchers for measuring organization climate. Though some items find their way onto most surveys, you see items drift on or off surveys based on the particular interests of researchers or consultants, based on whether those items describe something they think they want to measure.
Figure 10-11 is one take on a climate survey, illustrating the high-level concepts that are measured as variables of an organizational climate instrument (OCI) based on the work of Bedell Hunter and M.D. Mumford. The climate concept variables — mission clarity, autonomy, organization integration, and so on — are on the left side of the figure and are represented as antecedents to a series of attitudes, behaviors, and consequences that are theorized to be influenced, at least in part, from the climate. (The complete OCI, with sample survey items, can be found in this book's Appendix B.)
Figure 10-11: An organizational climate instrument (OCI) model.
The climate model survey instrument is a little easier to score than the culture survey instrument because it’s designed around agreement or disagreement with a series of positive statements. Figure 10-12 takes a small slice of items from the climate survey and shows how a simple index can be created by assigning a point system to the Likert scale. The responses from survey participants are scored and combined into an index.
Figure 10-12: An example of climate model scoring.
<Technical Stuff> A Likert Agreement Scale is a survey research question response scale design named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert. When responding to a Likert Agreement item, respondents specify their level of agreement on a symmetric agree-disagree rating scale for a series of statements. That scale is as follows:
* Strongly Disagree
* Disagree
* Neither Disagree or Agree
* Agree
* Strongly Agree
Using the method of scoring responses to the climate survey shown in Figure 10-11, any response less than neutral is worth 0 points, neutral is worth 2 points, an agreement is worth 4 points, and a strong agreement is worth 6 points. The points from each item in a variable — in this example, role clarity — are added together per survey response. Then the points per recipient can be divided by the total number of points possible: total number of items in the variable times 6. This example has seven items, so there are a possible 42 points (7 x 6). After you divide the points achieved by the points possible, you end up with a percent between 0 and 1. Multiply this by 100 to get an index value between 0 and 100. Using this method, each individual in the survey database gets an index score between 0–100 for each variable measured in the survey.
<Tip> As you score surveys, you obtain the response to each item, the index of each variable, and the combined index of all questions for each person who takes the survey. You are are not interested in anecdotally what each individual stated. You are interested in statistically correlating these measures to each other and to other data. In order to make these correlations, you must join datasets using a unique employee identifier. Examples of unique identifiers are employee ID and email.
<Remember> The idea here is to only view, analyze, and report the data in aggregate, not at the individual employee level of detail. If individuals suspect that their answers are being scrutinized by management, they might come up with answers that they believe management wants to hear rather than come up with the truth. Nevertheless, for purposes of data management and analysis, you must retain this individual level of detail and unique identifier so that you can join the data to correlate to other datasets containing relevant antecedents, behaviors, and consequences not contained in the survey dataset itself. Because of the sensitivity of the individual level of data being collected, you should work with a third party (someone who isn’t a member of your company) to perform this work so that you can collect sensitive survey data while providing assurances of confidentiality or pseudo-anonymity to employees.
If it’s a genuinely anonymous survey, you cannot connect the results to an individual; however, this means you can’t use the data within an antecedent, behavior, and consequence model joining to any other data sources outside the survey. From my perspective, a strictly anonymous survey is not worth doing, for this very reason.
Employee Engagement is a fundamental concept in the effort to understand and describe the nature of the relationship between a company and its employees quantitatively. While the definition of engagement can vary somewhat depending on whom you ask, my definition of an "engaged employee" is one who is committed to the company, enthusiastic about their work, and willing to take affirmative action to further the companies and interests. The distinction between employee engagement and the older concept of employee satisfaction is that engagement measures than just how satisfied employees feel what they get. In essence, it is about whether or not employees have the motivation to make some efforts on behalf of the company too. You can imagine a well-paid employee that is committed to staying at a company as long as the company lets them stay, but that is not motivated to make any effort on behalf of the company more than the bare minimum to keep their job. Because engagement implies some motivation to apply additional personal discretionary effort on behalf of company interests, you might imagine, therefore, that companies with "high" employee engagement should be expected to outperform those with "low" employee engagement.
Figure 10-13 illustrates the high-level concepts that are measured as variables of an engagement model. The engagement concept variables — belonging, motivation, commitment, and so on — are in the second column, with some additional antecedents like culture and climate to the left because these are believed to influence engagement. Further to the right are a series of attitudes, behaviors, and consequences that are theorized to be mediated by engagement. (You can find sample engagement survey item variations in this book's Appendix B.)
Figure 10-13: An engagement model.
When you compare Figures 10-14 and 10-15, you can see that there’s more than one way to measure engagement operationally.
Figure 10-14: Putting engagement model A through its paces.
The engagement model illustrated in Figure 10-14 measures three concepts — belonging, commitment, and motivation — and brings them together into a composite measure referred to as engagement. Other researchers prefer to keep concepts such as belonging, commitment, and motivation as separate measures and to measure each component by itself. (See Figure 10-15)
Figure 10-15: Putting engagement model B through its paces.
Figures 10-14 and 10-15 show you that different researchers make very different choices about how they measure concepts and express them as variables. This is true of all inferential science, not just engagement. I raise this point to illustrate that a vital part of the work of people analytics is deciding what method you want to use to measure a variable and testing your choices to determine whether the method of defining the measure you picked is reliable and valid. (Valid here means that it measures what you intended it to measure.)
The great thing about analytics is that you get to experiment with measures to decide for yourself what works best for your purposes. Measure everything in pieces, put them together, take something out, or put something else in. You do so until you find the combination that works best for the question you are trying to answer. Once you know what works best, you can share that information with the world if you want or keep it secret if you want. You wouldn't be the first. It is all up to you!
Technical Sidebar
In research design, especially in psychology and other social sciences, operationalization is a process of defining the measurement of a concept that is not directly measurable, though its existence can be inferred through the measurement of something else that is observable. Operationalization defines a fuzzy concept so as to make it measurable and, therefore, understandable by math and science. For example, in medicine, the abstract concept of health might be operationalized by one or more measurable indicators like body mass index, blood pressure, and heart rate. As another example, in a submarine, the presence of another object in the environment is inferred by measuring specific features of the sound it reflects - sonar. In these examples, the real object of focus is difficult to directly observe because it is an abstraction (as in the concept of health) or because, in the current context, the object of attention cannot be observed directly with visual senses (as in the example of sonar).
To use an example relevant for people analytics, the hypothesis engagement increases productivity is one way to connect (or frame) two concepts – engagement and productivity. The process of moving from the concept of engagement to the set of questionnaire items that you use to measure engagement and the metric you use to define productivity is operationalization. The design of the questionnaire scales describes what is and is not an instance of engagement. If the person taking the survey agrees strongly enough with the series of statements you have chosen to represent engagement then engagement is present if the person taking the survey disagrees with the statements, then engagement is not present. This gets you part of the way. Then to perform your analysis of the relationship between engagement and productivity, you have to define and operationalize productivity, get the data for both, and set both into a dataset together - only then can you perform the relatively routine task of the mathematics – correlation in this case.
There is no perfect way to operationalize concepts that cannot be directly observed - researchers will disagree on what concepts are important and how to measure them. It is essential to know that the design of measurements is a fundamentally creative process that alternates between concept formation and measurement refinement. Over time you refine or abandon concepts and measures, and add new concepts and measures through experimentation. As science and technology progress, humanity obtains increasingly better measures for concepts someone has decided to put their time and attention to.
Operationalization is a fundamentally important part of people analytics, which cannot be found in existing data by systems. It must be provided by you. When there is a new problem or essential question, then the conceptual framework that organizes the response to the question must be operationalized before data collection and analysis can begin. When you design a metric or a questionnaire to measure some component of a model, you have operationalized a component of a model. Most serious empirical research should involve operationalization that is transparent and linked to a conceptual model that has been hypothesized in advance.
If you are looking for inspiration, use the previous work of others as a starting point. There are many years of research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals in which scholars have operationalized job-related concepts like satisfaction, commitment, motivation, engagement, prejudice, inclusion, etc. For example, go to Google Scholar online at https://scholar.google.com and type in “Employee Commitment.”
Operationalization uses a different logic when rigorously testing an existing model (quantitative) and forming a working model hypothesis (qualitative). For rigorous analysis of a model, the concepts of the model are represented as numeric variables, and the theory is tested empirically using statistics. Working models, on the other hand, are formulated and tested through less precise evidence collection and analysis but still using evidence. For example, evidence may be collected through direct observation or conversation. You must decide - is the evidence from the conversations sufficient to 'support' the working model hypothesis? Serious researchers establish a protocol that specifies the kinds of evidence needed to be seen during the qualitative phase in advance. Ideally, you should specify the kinds of evidence needed to support the hypothesis as well as evidence that would "fail" to support it. Qualitative research uses six sources of evidence: 1) documentation; 2) archival records; 3) interviews; 4) direct observations; 5) participant observation and 6) physical or cultural artifacts.
<Remember> How you measure a concept shapes what you see, and the result of your statistical analysis varies based on the choices you make. Welcome to the world of science!
This is an excerpt from the book People Analytics for Dummies, published by Wiley, written by me.
Don't judge a book by its cover. More on People Analytics For Dummies here
I have moved the growing list of pre-publication writing samples here: Index of People Analytics for Dummies sample chapters on PeopleAnalyst.com
You will find many differences between these samples and the physical copy in the book - notably my posts lack the excellent editing, finish, and binding applied by the print publisher. If you find these samples interesting, you think the book sounds useful; please buy a copy, or two, or twenty-four.
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