Enhancing Responsiveness with Flexbox
My latest talk is called, “Enhancing Responsiveness With Flexbox.” I talked about how to actually put flexbox to use in the real world—today. I demonstrated a bunch of practical ideas for how to use flexbox as a progressive enhancement to improve sizing, spacing, and order in responsive web design, while still ensuring non-supporting browsers get an acceptable fallback experience. I’ve just given this talk at CSS Day, Smashing Conference, and the RWD Summit.
You can view my presentation on Slideshare or download the slides directly here:
Enhancing Responsiveness with Flexbox (PDF, 2.6 MB)
The demos
To demonstrate the flexbox features, I’m still using my S’mores Builder page. Check it out (in a browser with good flexbox support, of course) to see what flexbox can do.
I also created a few additional, standalone demos, of which I have these two ready to share: