Enhancing Professional Etiquette

Enhancing Professional Etiquette

It’s so easy now to leave a digital footprint, isn’t it? Everything we post leaves a lasting mark.

LinkedIn serves as a crucial platform for professionals from diverse backgrounds to connect, learn, and grow together. However, I've observed a series of interactions on this platform that range from endearing to... well, let’s just say, eyebrow-raising, so I thought I would take the opportunity to address this issue.

Here is what I have directly experienced or observed and what we can do better:

? Addressing someone as “Hello dear” or “Hi there beautiful” is so off-putting. It’s best to use professional titles or simply “Hello [Name]” when initiating contact or responding on LinkedIn. This respects professional boundaries and sets a positive tone.

?? While phrases like "Hello beautiful" might be seen as flattering or even normal in some office cultures and regions, they tend not to translate well on a global platform like LinkedIn. What works in one cultural context can be perceived differently in another. It’s essential to consider the diverse backgrounds of your LinkedIn audience and adapt your approach to ensure professionalism and respect are maintained across all interactions. This doesn't mean losing our cultural identity; it means broadening our understanding of what constitutes professionalism on an international stage.

? Treat comments on posts like professional contributions rather than casual text messages. Share insights, ask meaningful questions, or offer support. NO “Hi”, “How are you?”, or "I want to connect” nonsense. Think of the comment section as a networking event if you will. Would you interrupt a serious conversation with “Add me!”? Probably not. Let's keep our comments as relevant and engaging as the posts themselves.

? Instead of commenting "I'm interested” on a LI post about a job (unless the author specifies) as did the 30 others before you and 20 more after, find another way to stand out. Reach out to that person directly, follow the application instructions in the job post, or visit the company’s career page. Additionally, you could also write a comment that briefly touches on your value proposition. Beats waving frantically!

? When engaging with posts discussing serious issues or opinions, ensure your comments are relevant and add value to the discussion. This is not the time to slide in your “Please add me,” if your goal is to connect or seek specific advice, consider sending a direct message instead. This keeps the comment section meaningful and focused on the topic at hand.

? Lastly, if you wish to comment on a topic, make sure your input is informed and genuine. Take time to understand the subject if it's new to you and contribute thoughtfully. Random comments that have nothing to do with the content can often have the opposite effect, repelling rather than attracting professional connections.

It is important to be cognizant of what we post and how we’re perceived globally. Our comments they echo far beyond our immediate circle. So, while it’s important to communicate mindfully, this doesn’t mean sacrificing your authenticity or adapting to a different cultural norm – this is about LinkedIn etiquette. Be true to yourself but also consider how your words might reflect on our wider community. By being mindful, we can challenge stereotypes without compromising our identity. As a 3rd generation Indian Tanzanian, I share this message from a place of understanding and shared cultural background. Let's use our digital presence to showcase the best of who we are and what we represent.

Remember, while I am not asking everyone to change their stripes—just maybe polish them! LinkedIn is our global office, and every interaction is a chance to showcase our professionalism and represent our community – our country. Let’s make it count.


