Enhancing Issue Resolution with "Smart Issue Templates"
The ‘Manage Templates' page is the central location where you can find all of the templates you created.
You can perform various actions on these templates based on your assigned permissions. To access this page, go to the 'Apps' section and choose 'Manage Templates.' From there, select the 'Templates' button on the left navigation panel.
Template Folders
A new way to organize the Templates is to place them into Folders.
Use the predefined folders - Productivity, Development, Organization - or create your own.
All existing templates can also be found in the 'ALL' system folder.
Favorite Templates
Templates you've marked as “Favorite” will consistently appear at the top of the list when you're searching within the 'Apply Template' dialog box.
If you wish to highlight a Template as a favorite, simply click on the star icon on the left side of the Template.
Copy Template link
If you need to share created Template, use the ‘Copy link' button:
Once done, the "Edit Template" link will be copied to the clipboard, allowing you to share it with your team members.
Search and Sort
The 'Manage Templates' page provides a variety of filters to simplify your search. You can apply single or multiple filters at once.
Additionally, the templates in the list can be sorted by various parameters, including Name, Scope, Available for, Owner, Date of Creation, Date of Update, and the User who made changes.
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