Enhancing Educational Opportunities in HS Athletics
A fundamental part of education-based athletics is the growth and development of student-athletes with respect to life-long qualities and values. It is also important to emphasize that the key distinguishing word in the concept is "education."
As with all aspects of education, it is vital to plan and organize activities, initiatives, and approaches to encourage and ensure learning opportunities and experiences occur. This means that concrete efforts have to be made to promote leadership, sportsmanship, and other life-long attributes and values. As an athletic administrator, you can't simply assume or hope that they will effectively happen within your program.
Whether an athletic administrator realizes it or not, he or she is the chief educational officer for the athletic program. If you are looking for some helpful ideas to fill this role, you can find them in Refocusing on Education-Based Athletics - A Call to Action and Leading an Education-Based Athletic Program. Both resources are available on Amazon.