Enhancing Collaboration with an Integrated Audio Video Conferencing System

Enhancing Collaboration with an Integrated Audio Video Conferencing System

Nowadays, businesses are becoming more dynamic in nature. They need several impromptu meetings, as well as scheduled meetings, which require people from multiple locations to join the meeting. Business teams travel to increase the reach of a business for marketing, sales, and customer relationships across the nation and even across the globe. Moreover, resellers, partners, and more need to communicate their take on different things to increase the sales of a company. All these use cases demand to have a reliable collaboration system that can be furnished by an audio video conferencing system .

What is an Integrated Audio and Video Conferencing Solution?

A conferencing solution can be a web app, mobile app, or a software tool, which lets users connect with each other. Different conferencing solutions may require different hardware devices, software elements, network components, and more that are necessary to host a conference and let participants share their audio and visuals. The traditional conferencing tools create several issues and challenges, which demand a reliable and integrated audio visual video conferencing system.

An integrated solution will use the system applications and devices to let participants and hosts participate in a conference. It will not need to have an additional device to stream a video or for any other feature use. The smart telephony platform provider can also let businesses integrate this conferencing solution within their business application with a click-to-connect feature. This allows users to simply create a conference room and with a single click, the user can generate a conference.

Major Challenges Faced Without an Integrated Collaboration Solution

Traditionally businesses used to use different remote communication solutions to meet collaboration needs, but often businesses have to face several challenges.

Everyone Needs to Download the Conferencing Tool

Traditional conferencing tools demand business users download the same tools and sign up to participate in or host conferences. This can be inconvenient often because there can be new users like prospective clients who don’t have that system to join the audio and video conferencing and need to download the one.

If you are still thinking about whether your business needs a conferencing solution or not, then here is our interesting read on the topic of, Why Does your Business Need a Conferencing Solution?

High-tech Equipment Would be Needed

Some professional conferencing tools require high-tech equipment to conduct conferences such as video conferencing cameras, high-resolution monitors, and more. In this case, it is necessary to use similar equipment for all participants who are interested in collaboration. This can be difficult to manage by all professionals or customers and cause a major challenge.

Conferences can Get Expensive

All traditional conferencing solutions don’t use VoIP technology and that can be quite difficult to use on an ongoing basis because it is an expensive affair. Even VoIP based tools that demand certain hardware components for all professionals are an added expense. Even if it is a software solution or a web app, it can get expensive to manage a professional account and upgrade the software for a user. White label accounts get too expensive for a business to manage.

for more information visit: Inextrix Technologies


