Enhancements to Google Maps
sridhar S.
Multi-domain experience - Looking for challenges in New growth or Turn around or Operations. Experience in Compute,Storage,Networking,Security, Web, K8, Data Analysis
FireHydrant Marker
Now a days cities place a blue reflective markers on middle of road opposite a fire hydrant so Fire fighters can locate them in low light situations. If the cities can use Google or Google Maps to place them then firefighters can use before hand and insurance companies can use them for discounts for home
Curb repairs
Google should partner with cities , remember citizen journalism. this could be citizen reporting so any time you can tell the repair work a city needs to be done
Gardening service lead generator
Greenary support
partner with cities to identify homes which don't have trees. usually cities give free plants. have cities reach out, incentives to home owners to plant
Fruit tree map
every house add the fruit tree they have, and the season to expect and neighborhood school kids can collect fruit and make ca$h or fund school activities.