Enhanced Healing Potential

Cell Signaling ? Healing Potential

'who would want to heal inefficiantly & slower?. . .'

By? J. David Key, Specialist in Cellular Signialing

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Healing broad-based


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Healing Potentia

A. Validation


I am not a scientist or a doctor.? There are? many "experts" that one does not know who to listen to.? Thus, rather than my self-assigned claim about me, my experience may outweigh that claim. My business focus for the past 13 years is molecular healing at the cellular level, maybe consider me as a Signaling Molecule specialist, as I offer some accumulated content & simplified non-sciencey thought derived from years of seminars, reading publications, meeting with doctors & scientists, first hand? personal amazement, and hearing hundreds of testimonials that may validate my topics.?

The molecules were nicknamed about 20 years ago, by scientists as redox? or? redox signaling molecules and referenced in the thousands of articles in the? Medical Journal Library, Pub Med.

David C. Nieman,? PhD and staff? at the Human Performance Lab North Carolina Research Center of Exercise Biochemistry? using the world's largest Magnetic Resonance? Spectroscopy (MRS) machine have verified the 16 specific? signal molecules.? Then:? conducted a placebo-controlled study by researchers. revealing dramatic conclusions.

Taueret Laboratories verified the molecular existence before studying the genetic affects? of? the molecules and their numerous affects on vast numbers of? sub-pathways.?

Dermatest Laboratories tested the molecules to analyze the? affects on Cellulite and blood flow to the skin.

Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) performed in vitro tests to determine the antioxidant efficiency of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Also, they looked at the increase in the natural production of these antioxidants inside epithelial and endothelial cells.? The results showed significant, well-defined effects. The cell extracts exposed to the signaling molecules exhibited eight (8) times the antioxidant efficiency than those exposed to the saline solution. The SOD antioxidant efficiency was slightly less, with about five (5) times enhancements in efficiency. This efficiency was evident especially at low-level concentrations of the Supplement, tested down to 2.5% of full strength. The scientists saw from these in vitro tests at least a 500% improvement in the overall antioxidant efficiency due to the Supplement exposure. ? ? ? ? This would not happen if the Supplement were a placebo or the Signaling Molecules did not exist.

Healing Potential

B. Skeptics

Sure,? the belief in something new may not be easy to understand, thus, occasionally people put up a simple defensive reaction of disbelief. These thoughts may offer some insight for continue? understanding, intrigue or at least further learning.? ?

Yes, the signaling molecules are created from salt water,? NaCl & H2O and legally marked on the labels as such 'ingredients', already probably adding confusion.?

Analogy:? ingredients? are? water, grain, yeast,? with processing those ingredients become what?: ? a sticky mess,? beer, or? bread.? My discussion is about atoms, the ingredients are transformed and no longer salt water.? With a patented process? stabilized the molecules are created.? ? Salt water is separated into each of the separate atoms:? Hydrogen, Chloride, Sodium, & Oxygen, then as separate atoms, they are reconfigured into 16 new molecules identical to what a body makes natively.? These molecules are charged, thus not stable, and not easily shi pped or with a predictable life.? Now the big deal, the? molecules have been bundled into very? temporarily stable forms.? Result:? the molecules become? shippable. Bioactivated when in contact with? organic matter? as with blood, skin, optic fluid, or? saliva. ? Still think the molecules are salt water?… consider mixing up some salt water and put it in your eyes.. then flush with the molecules. ?

One may follow animal owners and results in their testimonials about those animals? The? animal owners, (knowing the molecular safety) have chosen to give the molecules? to their various species of animals. (this article is accepting yet not promoting use on animals as is does not meet FDA animal categories).? The often dramatic results are not a placebo. ?

Those with experience are not at the mercy of those with an opinion. ? As Mikey says, "try it, you will like it".Healing Potential

C. Broad-based

Healing is repair & rejuvenation of damaged cells, or replacing the non-functioning cells.? This process may be the within the? cell,? such as signaling that cell to do it's intended function or this could simultaneously be signaling outside of cells sending messages to? the various organ/systems? (endocrine, nerve, digestive,thyroid) to work in harmony.

As this article is written the molecules are contributing to broad-based general health, healing, & recovery. (Although specific targeted molecules have been formulated, tested and? on the horizon). Thus, the broad-based? results are what the body has opted to focus on and in what order. So conceivably a person ingesting the molecules for seeking their improved athletic endurance yet the body decides to first work on wound healing.? The exposure to the molecules will? often not attack a single mality, it may be working a little on several issues simultaneously.? Such as? attacking replicating bad cells and the same time? enhancing cellular repair of a wound.?

As a real example of broad-based healing, initially the Australians did not have access to the liquid ingestible like other parts of the world,? however their use of topical? molecule applications often gave astonishing cell enhancements other than sublingual application to their skin, . . .? similar to those individuals in other countries results? from ingesting the molecules.? The Australian's external absorption traveled to other areas. ?

Healing Potential

D.? Summary.

This article is not intended to treat or cure a disease, malady, or condition.? However, it is intended to enhance general healing, at the cellular level by giving a cell it's potential.? ?

Could it heal:? …..?? or Would it fix:? . . . ? ? Answesr: maybe; quite possibly; depending on the the severity of the issue &? how long/how much of the supplementation is introduced.?

The molecular? supplement of the signal's content like our native systems? focus on cause not symptoms.? One thing is for sure? 100% of people? using the molecules are cellularly enhanced. Their blood changed,? even if they have not noticed a result. Saying a different way they are better even if they had not felt? a change.? The molecules are not toxic. Introducing? the body to these signal messengers and if needed changing in the use/protocol are not harmful to attain quicker noticeable results.? Who would like to heal? better, more completely, & faster as their potential?

E.Other related topics

Other Cell Signaling Articles on the horizon

Adjusting the usage


Doctor's thoughts

Formulating Process

Specifically Targeted Molecules


Strategy of longevity


See numerous related topics in my several Linkedin posts as J. David Key.

About the me, the author

I am? J. David Key, ? born in Spokane, WA as? John David Key, Jr., nicknamed? David or Dave. ? With my various experiences? having been self-employed,, Commercial Banker, landlord,? and Real Estate Lender,? nothing compares to me spending the past 13 years intrigued with signaling molecules… &? learning so much. ?

You may email me at? [email protected]? to request email versions of my future articles.? None of your information will be shared.?


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