Enhance Your WooCommerce Product Pages: Display Specific Attributes with a Shortcode
Struggling to showcase crucial product details in a clean and organized way on your WooCommerce store? This PHP code snippet empowers you to effortlessly display a specific product attribute using a shortcode. No more cluttered descriptions, just the information your customers crave!
Here's how it works:
function single_atr_shortcode( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'attribute' => '',
), $atts, 'single_atr' ) );
global $product;
if ( ! is_a($product, 'WC_Product') || ! $attribute ) {
if ( $custom_attribute = $product->get_attribute( $attribute ) ) {
// Display product attribute
return $custom_attribute;
} else {
// No attribute: Display a message
return __("No Information on this Product", "woocommerce");
add_shortcode( 'single_atr', 'single_atr_shortcode');
[single_atr attribute="Color"]
This code would display the "Color" attribute value for the product on your WooCommerce store.
Additional Notes: