Enhance skills ∞ Chase my dream life
Oli Dierickx
I help you to improve French, connecting your ?? and ??, using Neurolanguage coaching. Join me with L.A.U.G.H., joy and reclaim your inner ??
"Whoever has *gratitude* will be given more, and (s)he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have *gratitude*, even what (s)he has will be taken from him/her."
Thank you!
Firstly, I wish to thank humans that are part of my network and linked to it. When I recall milestones of my journey, 2 years ago, I realized how this network was (still is) important to build my dream life! You may say I'm a dreamer, and I'm certainly not the only one! Please be kind with my English, as you may see, I have to improve. I'm happy to be free of perfection > it drives me to do my best! Check blessings section for more.
To know that from 2016 my LK network has grown more than 300% isn't important key in my eyes. Moments, events, the context I met in real most of these people, this is it! There are some that I've not seen (yet...?) and I do share their energy to forward, contribute in this world. Is there anything I could do to improve it, to make it better?
Past is past. I will it to you. Because future (and especially present) is much more important for me. Focus to build my dream life, step by step, enjoying these more than final line (isn't any, no end). Focus also on my thoughts, my words, aware, energized through positiveness. I am the leader of my life, of my actions and choices. I'm always open to opportunities, to your feedbacks, and in the same time, I stand up, I know what I wish to achieve and also I stand up. We are all influenced each others, if I tell you I'm not changing anything in my way of actions, it could lead me to wall. And if I constantly change what you tell me, without confering it to my inner voice, it will lead me somewhere far from my Genius.
Now go for practice > if you wish to help me
Here is the line you could read if you wish to know what are my decisions for 201∞ (the year of infinite opportunities) and if you wish to help me to make it happen!
I wish to dive in fieldwork practice! I understand for sure the need of companies which offers contracts only to those that have experienced already what they have learned. However, if you can't gain experience, you can't have. During 4 years I have learned many things during my Ephec IT Bachelor, last year with di Academy trainings.
Mainly analyze and development skills, with data science concepts and languages. I can tell you many languages and tools I have learned, meanwhile I should be honest, some are not yet fully in my conscious competence. My strengths, basics of: C#, Java, ASP.NET, MVC (VStudio, SQL Server), T-SQL, HTML, CSS, Scrum, UML, BPMN, as Python and R. Mastering them is a long way, I want to involve, and for the moment, should I tell you I can do it, as I feel myself 'novice' or 'medium' into these? I wish also improve my communication skills ("am I good enough", "am I enough confident?")
*shout* Whatever happens, I will make personal projects, using all the skills listed above, developing oil-of-oliiive, Pralina, LinkedGraph, PythPage. OoO is my portal, Pralina will be a testing of MVC & asp.net, LinkedGraph a testing of Neo4J with LinkedIn network, and PythPage an attempt to explore website creation with Python.
From any of you I search a way to practice all my skills. Any internship and work experience is more than welcome. A contract is also welcome, in the same time, as for sure I have to earn my living, I don't seek absolutely money for what I'm doing for you, all I wish is practice, gain experience, feel useful, be happy of what I'm doing, bring value to your business and contribute for a better world.
Philosophic space
How many time do each of us have? We never know! If you have 70+ years old, ask this guy (if he's still alive), this cyclist or these athletes, or Jeanne Calment! In the same time, there are some young people (including babies) that die at really young age, either by accident, by illness or during tragedies... I could live forty more years, or die in five minutes! Aside suicide (a sad topic, even if I don't judge), nobody knows how much remaining time we have in this Earth, within our body. That makes life magic and I really focus, since some years, to what I wish to achieve during my lifetime. Two years, I experienced a huge shift in my life, and last year, I learned to listen to my inner voice.
Blessings, gratitude, people I'm thankful for (prepare for a long read!)
Those of you that aren't listed here, please be free of any jealousy. I love you all and I won't quote all 385+ people of my network here (else it will take really long to read!)
For my early life, some aren't here at LK, I wish to pay gratitude, for sure, to my mom, my dad and family, including family I was connected through Liliane. Carine for her kind soul and flower passion, as Pierre for his help and network.
At school I can quote Alan. Since 2008 until 2015 I can quote many & I have to choose: Elif for her special soul, Laetitia and Mireille for their personality.
About learn: Fran?ois, Michel, Jean-Paul, Venkat, Bertrand for IT skills and training. For coaching help and workshops, Lenka and Christiane, as Erik and Jean-Charles. With community and entrepreneur mindset, Vincent, John, Andy, Chalks. As others, for inspiration, Vincent, Radmila, Sheila, Claudia, Stefan. You made impact in my life!
Helping in my spiritual path, Marianne & Kathryn, connecting with Angels and divine. Viviane for discovering Tilicho (& offer yoga lessons), Marcia to reveal my colors.
Since 2017 for Data Science path, Philippe for being an amazing pillar of di Academy, inspired also by Kris, Juan, Zahra, Toon, Antoine, Thomas & Thierry (many more!)
Since 2018, Linda for her personality, & Thomas leading this nice MIC community. This is it! I can quote here many more people I feel grateful to connect, remember you don't know what you don't know, and consider yourself fully complete when you really know yourself and your limits. Enjoy each and every moment! All are important!
Ask, then you shall receive. Feel free to contact me, free of fear. I may be able to help you, or to tell who you could contact. We need each others to thrive, share is the key!
Best regards,
I help you to improve French, connecting your ?? and ??, using Neurolanguage coaching. Join me with L.A.U.G.H., joy and reclaim your inner ??
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