Translations 6, English-Spanish- English: Polysemy 5, English “sandbag,” Idioms 19-38, "sack to scoop" into Spanish and back to English

Translations 6, English-Spanish- English: Polysemy 5, English “sandbag,” Idioms 19-38, "sack to scoop" into Spanish and back to English


Translations 6, English to Spanish to English, English: Polysemy 5, English “sandbag,” Idioms 19-38,, from sack to scoop, translations to Spanish and back to English

Following are 20 interesting idioms in English, some with synonyms, and thirty translations into Spanish with their respective back translations into English. Two of the idioms given are the same term in English, sandbag, with two completely different meanings: one meaning is to bully somebody through threats, and the other to deliberately underperform to take advantage. The idioms are numbered 19 to 38.

19) give somebody the sack: echar a alguien del trabajo?[throw somebody off the job], botar a alguien del trabajo [throw somebody out of the job]

20) sorry to say: desgraciadamente [unfortunately], lamentablemente [lamentably]

21) She came away a sadder but wiser person: La triste experiencia le sirvió de lección?[The sad experience was a useful lesson for her]

22) safe pair of hands: persona en la que se puede confiar [a person you can trust, a person in whom you can trust, a person you can trust in]

23) on the safe side: por si acaso, por las dudas [just in case, because of doubts]

24) better safe than sorry: más vale prevenir que curar [it is worth more to prevent than to cure, it is worth more to prevent than to make whole]

25) There’s safety in numbers: Es más seguro en un grupo grande. [It is safer in a big group]

26) ... to be plain sailing, to be all plain sailing: ... es muy fácil, es muy sencillo, es coser y cantar [... is very easy, is very simple, it is sewing and singing]

27) be a bad sailor: marearse con facilidad?[get dizzy easily]

28) be a good sailor: no marearse con facilidad [not get dizzy easily]

29) for old times’ sake: por nuestra vieja amistad [due to our old friendship], por los viejos tiempos [due to old times]

30) and Polysemy 5: sandbag, bully: obligar por medio de amenazas [require through threats, obligate through threats]

31) and Polysemy 5: sandbag, deliberately underperform for an unfair advantage: desempe?arse mal intencionalmente para una ventaja injusta [underperform intentionally for an unfair advantage]

32) save one’s neck, save one’s skin: salvar el pellejo [save one’s skin]

33) save one’s breath: no gastar saliva [do not spend saliva, do not use up saliva]

34) saving grace is ... : sólo se salva por ... [is only saved because ...]

35) several schools of thought: varias corrientes de opinión [several streams of opinion]

36) of the old school: de la vieja guardia [of the old guard], de la vieja escuela [of the old school]

37) scoop: conocimientos de interés urgente [knowleldge/information of an immediate interest]

38) schmooze with somebody: hacerle el artículo a alguien [doing a feature or report for somebody], hacerle la barba a alguien [doing somebody's beard], hacerle la pata a alguien [figuratively means “suck up to somebody” in Chile]

Education Consultancy

Education Consultant at International Education

1 年

Very interesting.


Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

