English Language Insights 47, Slang: “a bowl, a bowl of stupid, pulling a brady, a break.” Definitions and Sources.

English Language Insights 47, Slang: “a bowl, a bowl of stupid, pulling a brady, a break.” Definitions and Sources.


English Language Insights, Slang: “a bowl, a bowl of stupid, pulling a brady, a break.” Definitions and Sources.


After each author submits his or her opinion on the meaning of these different terms or phrases in English slang, readers can react be agreeing or disagreeing. To be included in this list, at least 10 different agreements or disagreements must be made and at least 75% of the answers must agree with the definitions submitted by the author.


Following are four slang terms in the Urban Dictionary that meet the criteria and thus they are here.


1) a bowl


With regard to a pipe, it refers to the part of a pipe that is used to pack cannabis.


2) a bowl of stupid


It is the usual preferred breakfast of idiots and morons


3) pulling a Brady


A no reply, often used after somebody that received a lot of communication, such as e-mails or invitations, when not replying, it is common to say that person pulled a Brady.

4) a break

Following is the definition found in Urban Dictionary.

A break?in a relationship is when you agree to have time to yourself in the relationship when things either get confusing with each other or you need time to figure out yourself. Some people ask for?a break?instead of breaking up as they still love the other person and want to make sure they love them back. A break shouldn’t last over a month or two and when ready they two people should talk about?getting back together. A break IS NOT the same as a?breakup

“ I think we need a break, not to break up because I love you but?I need time?to sort myself out so I can?love myself?aswell as you” ( two months later ) “ hey can our break be over? I really love you?and I know it?was the wrong thing to do” YAY THE COUPLE ARE TOGETHER AGAIN



ClassicRonnie on July 4, 2019 in Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=a+bowl

Renegade Biscuit on May 16, 2006 in Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=A%20Bowl%20of%20Stupid

Led2000 on September 15, 2014 in Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=A%20Brady

Katejameson?on Januariy 20, 2018: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=a%20break


Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

