ENGLISH. Japan and foreign countries should not be at the mercy of the US, CSIS, Rothschild, and other fake impersonating Jews!

ENGLISH. Japan and foreign countries should not be at the mercy of the US, CSIS, Rothschild, and other fake impersonating Jews!

The rightful heirs of the true Jews and the true Sumerians are the Japanese government, the Japanese Emperor (King of Japan), and all Japanese people.

The pressure on Japanese pharmaceutical companies to stop hiring permanent employees and to make them all temporary workers, the deliberate export of genetically modified foods and foods full of harmful pesticides to Japan from the U.S. side, and the pressure on farmers all over the world to suppress or stop production in order to make Japan and the world food insecure by not exporting food to Japan and the world, all at the behest and through secret agreements with Rothschild, CSIS, and the United States, are all part of the same scheme. The crimes of the UN, European governments, the US government, and Bill Gates, who have begun pressuring farmers around the world to curtail or halt production in order to make Japan and the world food insecure by not allowing food exports to Japan and the world, should be addressed through the establishment of new international law and daily intelligence gathering and analysis by Interpol, G-men (international police), and others. Interpol, G-men (international police), etc. are also included to deal with the situation.

As a Japanese language mystery.

The Japanese language of Japan has many words that are similar to the Hebrew of the Israelites and the Sumerian of the Sumerians, and is a highly similar language.

As a bible mystery.

The Jews who fled the persecution are now being questioned as to where they fled to.

The Christian bible tells us where the Jews who escaped persecution fled to.

1. Far to the east.

2. the land where the sun rises.

3. an island nation.

As for the mystery, which country is it?

I think it is Japan.

Taking into consideration the above Japanese Mystery and the Bible Mystery together, we can conclude that it is the country of Japan, the Japanese government, and all Japanese people.

I hereby declare that the nation of Japan, the Japanese government, and all Japanese people are the rightful heirs of the Israeli, Jewish, and Sumerian civilizations.

Furthermore, the global warming of the SDG's is only a temporary increase in global temperature, but in the long term it is within the margin of error of 0.0% or less, and the increase in carbon dioxide emissions may be temporary, but in the long term it is within the margin of error of 0.0% or less. Such lies and falsehoods are part of the true purpose of the SDG'S, which is to almost annihilate the entire human race according to the Christian bible promoted by the Rothschilds, Huxburgs, Medicis, British Prime Minister Thatcher, and bought-off scientists. Part of it, for example, is to write the above lie in Japan's January 3, 2022 morning paper and for that purpose, let's utilize nuclear power plants, Green. It says. They are going to build a large number of dangerous nuclear power plants all over the world, which are made in South Korea and are not equipped with safety valves, and they are going to attack nuclear power plants by drones to make it look as if terrorists attacked them, causing massive radioactive contamination and almost annihilating the human race, which will be likened to the apocalypse in hell. It is like an apocalypse in hell.

However, the interpretation of 666 in the Bible is explained by Masahiro Ishizuka in the following article.



As for the third prophecy of Phytema, the content of the prophecy is similar to that of the Kadokawa animated movie "Genma Taisen", and the content of the prophecy is that it will not happen in reality, but only in the animated movie, as a battle between darkness and light, Mt. Fuji erupts and a battle between the dragon of magma fire and the psychics takes place. The film is a movie about the battle of darkness and light between the dragon of magma fire and the psychics.


In order to reconcile with the above fake impersonator Jews, the Rothschilds, the Huxburgs, the Medicis, British Prime Minister Thatcher, etc., and to solve the problems of the world as we collectively solve them every day, I, as a descendant of the Emperor of Japan, rather than seeking to ascend to the Emperor, run for the office of King of Japan. I hereby declare that I am running for the office of King of Japan, rather than seeking the throne of Emperor of Japan. MASAHIRO ISHIZUKA: I hereby write as the representative of the Emperor and the Royal Family.



