English Expressions You Have To Know

English Expressions You Have To Know

Expressions are the heart of any language, making your conversations sound authentic and relatable. Below are 20 random English expressions, each with a definition and example sentence, to help you level up your fluency and understanding.

1. Break the ice

Definition: To start a conversation in a social situation.

Example: "She told a joke to break the ice at the networking event."

2. A blessing in disguise

Definition: Something that seems bad at first but turns out to be good.

Example: "Losing that job was a blessing in disguise; it pushed me to start my own business."

3. Bite the bullet

Definition: To face a difficult situation with courage.

Example: "I didn’t want to do the presentation, but I had to bite the bullet and get it done."

4. Hit the nail on the head

Definition: To say or do something exactly right.

Example: "When you said the team needs better communication, you hit the nail on the head."

5. Let the cat out of the bag

Definition: To reveal a secret unintentionally.

Example: "She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party."

6. Spill the beans

Definition: To reveal a secret.

Example: "Don’t spill the beans about our new project until it’s officially announced."

7. Beat around the bush

Definition: To avoid talking about the main topic.

Example: "Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think."

8. Under the weather

Definition: Feeling ill or unwell.

Example: "I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’ll stay home."

9. Piece of cake

Definition: Something that is very easy to do.

Example: "The test was a piece of cake—I finished it in 10 minutes."

10. Once in a blue moon

Definition: Something that happens very rarely.

Example: "We only see each other once in a blue moon since she moved abroad."

11. Hit the books

Definition: To study hard.

Example: "I have an exam tomorrow, so I need to hit the books tonight."

12. Cost an arm and a leg

Definition: To be very expensive.

Example: "This car cost me an arm and a leg, but it’s worth it."

13. Burn the midnight oil

Definition: To work late into the night.

Example: "He’s burning the midnight oil to finish the project on time."

14. Add fuel to the fire

Definition: To make a bad situation worse.

Example: "His angry reply only added fuel to the fire during the argument."

15. Keep an eye on

Definition: To watch or monitor something carefully.

Example: "Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?"

16. Cry over spilt milk

Definition: To waste time worrying about something that cannot be changed.

Example: "It’s no use crying over spilt milk—let’s focus on fixing the problem."

17. Barking up the wrong tree

Definition: To pursue the wrong idea or course of action.

Example: "If you think I’m responsible for the mistake, you’re barking up the wrong tree."

18. The ball is in your court

Definition: It’s your turn to take action or make a decision.

Example: "We’ve made our offer; now the ball is in their court."

19. Cut to the chase

Definition: To get straight to the point.

Example: "We’re short on time, so let’s cut to the chase and discuss the budget."

20. Take it with a grain of salt

Definition: To not take something too seriously.

Example: "He’s known for exaggerating, so take his stories with a grain of salt."

Sign-Off: Try using these expressions in your conversations this week! The more you practice, the more natural they’ll feel. If you have any questions or need more examples, reply to this email—I’d be happy to help!

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