English – Business Solution and Opportunity 英语 - 作为商务解决方案和机会的存在
Having strong skills in the world’s common corporate language isn’t just a good idea; it’s now becoming a must. 掌握世界通用商务语言这一强大技能不仅是一个好想法,现今更是成为一种必备技能
?"Investment by an organisation is more than offset by the commercial benefits that open up when its people are able to fully engage with a globalised, English speaking, world." “当一个组织的员工能够与一个全球化、讲英语的世界充分接触时,它所带来的商业利益远远抵消了该组织的对这方面的投资成本。”
With a combined native and non-native total of around 1billion speakers, projected to rise to up to 3billion over the coming decade, English is not the most spoken language today. However, for a variety of historical and cultural reasons, it is the most widely spoken. When it comes to business, English is by far the most important language globally.
With a growing number of companies operating across countries and continents, most global business communications now take place between non-native English speakers — using English. This opens up huge opportunities; however many organisations still face a major skills gap they need to urgently address.
English as a vital business resource 英语是重要的商业资源
To close sales, negotiate partnerships, lead diverse teams, or offer excellent customer service, English skills are now one of an organisation’s most important assets. Also, companies planning to expand their business internationally; either directly by opening offices overseas, or via marketing campaigns and online resources, will find that they cannot do it without English. For success in today's market, a high level of proficiency in the English language has become an essential skill.
English is a requirement for more jobs than ever before. Historically, this was considered necessary only for senior management in global companies. Today, clients, suppliers, technical support, sales and management teams can be spread across several countries. A 2018 survey of 2,000 leaders by LinkedIn found that the three skills in most demand - leadership, communication and collaboration – were all underpinned by a knowledge of English. On a global scale, multilingualism in business no longer works.
在过去的时候,这只是跨国公司的高管层必备技能,但是现在的客户、供应商、技术支持、销售和管理团队都可以遍布多个国家,越来越多的工作种类都要求英语技能。LinkedIn在2018年对2000名领导者进行的一项调查发现,领导者最需要的三项技能 - 领导力、沟通和协作 - 都是以英语为载体的知识为基础的。在全球商务范畴,多语种沟通不再是最优选项。
Tangible benefits to business 对商业的有形利益
The adoption of English as a common communication medium brings many benefits to an organisation and its people, including:
- Language skills win clients – rather than relying on translators, investing in in-house English training leads to more business in new areas, and stronger relationships with clients 英语技能帮助赢得客户 - 投资于内部英语培训可以在新的领域带来更多的业务,并加强与客户的关系,而不是依赖翻译
- Professional development – practical new skills e.g. drafting business emails and documents, writing up meeting minutes, making winning presentations and effective participation in teleconferences 专业发展 - 实用的新技能,例如起草商务电子邮件和文件、编写会议纪要、进行成功的演讲(路演/内部演讲/销售演示等)和有效地参与电话会议
- Keeping up with business and economic trends – as the majority of global commercial information is written in English, organisations can help maintain their competitive advantage by keeping up with the latest best practice, trends and developments 跟上商业和经济的发展趋势 - 由于大多数全球商业信息都是用英语书写的,因此组织可以通过使用英语了解全球商业信息来紧跟最新的行业成果、发展趋势来帮助保持其竞争优势。
- Cooperation and teamwork – common interpersonal skills lead to greater cohesiveness, a stronger corporate culture and mitigate the risk of error due to miscommunication 合作与团队协作 – 普及英语作为组织中的人际交往技能可以提高凝聚力,增强企业文化,并减少因沟通失误而产生错误的风险
- Staff gain confidence - learning valuable language skills, and also developing an understanding of how to work better in complicated business environments 员工获得自信 – 英语是一个有价值的语言技能,能够帮助你了解如何在复杂的商业环境中更好地工作
- Increased ROI – a recent Globalisation of English (Pearson) report found that, after the adoption of an English training program in organisations, an average saving was made of over two hours per week in lost time for each employee involved – equivalent to a bottom-line increase of over RMB 5.2million (USD 750,000) per 1000 employees 提高投资回报率 - 最近的一份英语全球化研究(Pearson)报告发现,在组织中采用英语培训计划后,每名员工每周减少的损失时间平均超过两个小时,相当于每1000名员工创收增长超过520万元人民币(75万美元)
The importance of written English 书面英语的重要性
Whilst spoken language is crucial for day-to-day interactions, the requirement of high quality written English, especially in the business arena, should not be overlooked. Writing is generally a more formal medium of communication; as a result the need for linguistic accuracy becomes premium. Emails, websites and documents full of spelling and grammatical errors will not only usually fail to achieve their intended goals, they can, in a cross-cultural sense, do more harm than good. 虽然口语对日常交流至关重要,但高质量的书面英语要求不应被忽视,尤其是在商业领域。写作通常是一种更正式的交流方式,因此对语言准确性要求变得更高。充满拼写和语法错误的电子邮件、网站和文档不仅无法实现其预期目标,从跨文化沟通的角度而言,更带来了消极影响。
A poorly written document or website can raise issues in the areas of: credibility (difficulty in believing content – unprofessional), trust (the author’s lack of attention to detail means they do not really care – can they and their organisation ultimately be trusted?), ability and capability (lack of confidence in being able to communicate and deliver when doing business), communication (ambiguity and miscommunication), lost opportunity (many will not have the time, or desire, to try to decipher a message – they will simply go to a competitor’s message written in good, clear English). 一个一个公司如果对外发布存在语法或表述错误的英文文档或网站可能会引发以下方面的问题:公信力(难以相信该公司展示的内容 – 因为不专业)、信任(该公司对细节的缺乏关注意味着他们并不真正在乎客户 – 这样的公司最终会被客户信任吗?),能力和才能(客户与该公司做生意时将缺乏对其沟通和交付服务的信心),沟通(不明确的信息和沟通错误),失去机会(许多潜在客户没有时间或意愿来解读该公司发布的错误资料 - 他们只会去其竞争对手那阅读用正确清晰的英语传达出的信息)
Language and culture 语言与文化
Of equal importance to language acquisition is that of an understanding of the culture underpinning it. Every language has a rich cultural history behind it, and a knowledge of this is key to enhancing proficiency; especially in the business world.
Languages can be high, or low, context; meaning that some languages (e.g. English) can be very direct in their meaning from the words used. Other languages (e.g. Chinese) can have a wide range of additional feelings and meanings beyond the direct translation of the words. Many misunderstandings and miscommunications, often leading to failed business negotiations, can lead from an ignorance of this basic concept.
语言可以是高语境,也可以是低语境:这意味着某些低语境语言(如英语)非常直接地表达其意义;高语境语言(如汉语)除了直接翻译外,还可以有很多隐含的意义 - 忽视这一基本概念而产生的许多误解和沟通错误,往往导致商业谈判失败。
For these reasons, and for effective understanding of many other cultural nuances e.g. body language, differing business cultures and the use of humour, it is imperative that those instructing in any language should only be experienced native speakers. English is the native language of United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland.
Whilst it is entirely possible for a non-native speaker to become highly proficient in the use of a language, they can never be able to fully understand the culture behind it – very simply, they have not lived in it from birth. Additionally, there is a high possibility of linguistic mistakes in their acquired language, which they are unaware of – the errors of the student are therefore carried over as the errors of the teacher.
虽然非母语人士有可能精通一门语言的使用,但他们永远无法完全理解语言背后的文化 - 很简单,他们从一出生就没有生活在其中。此外,学生在学习过程中很有可能会学习到非英语母语讲师传递的语言错误,因此,学生的错误就会因为老师的错误而继承下来。
Investing in English 投资英语
Training staff in English is not just a practical measure; it is a sensible response to today’s business reality. It is not just a business solution, but also an opportunity - the investment by an organisation in training is more than offset by the commercial benefits that open up when its people are able to fully engage with a globalised, English speaking, world.
用英语培训员工不仅仅是一种实际可行的措施;它是对当今商业现实的明智回应。这不仅是一个商业解决方案,也是一个机会 - 当一个组织的员工能够充分参与全球化、讲英语的世界时,它所带来的商业利益远远抵消了该组织在培训方面的投资。
At BM Consulting (Shanghai) we offer a full range of customised General and Business English solutions – all taught by qualified, experienced native speakers. Foundation Courses have been designed for Beginner / Elementary up to Intermediate levels and Business English modules, based on genuine workplace experience, for higher levels. Additionally, we offer bespoke courses in Business Writing for emails and commercial documents and expert translation for websites, promotional materials and commercial documents. We have over four decades of combined real world experience – we are 100% business.
在上海拓堡跨文化,我们提供全套定制的通用英语和商务英语解决方案,均由有资历、有经验的母语人士授课。基础课程是为初级/初中级水平的学生设计的,商务英语模块也是根据真实的工作经验为高级水平的学生而设计。此外,我们还为电子邮件/商务文件等商务写作开发定制课程,并为网站、宣传材料和商业文件提供专业翻译。我们有超过40年的综合商务经验 - 100%关注商务领域和培训服务
Please feel free to contact us for more information on this, or our other market tested training products: 请随时与我们联系,了解更多与此有关的信息,或我们其它经过市场检验的培训产品
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Email: [email protected]
Re: Language & Culture Discussing popular Chinese and English songs, such as those with bi-lingual lyrics on the Xiami APP--this is great activity for developing awareness of syndrome of "Mangren mo xiang"? (Blind people touch the elephant.) AND... it is quite suitable for PBL tivity, using WeChat