Engineering Update Magazine -
Tim Johnston
Johnston Marketing -Digital Marketing specialist | Creating websites that generate customers | 01843 491229
Engineering Update has been at the forefront of successful marketing campaigns for companies within the industrial engineering sector for the best part of a decade. With a readership of 73,000+ key decision makers within the manufacturing, automation, process control, Oil & gas, electronics and aerospace industries our publication(s) target potential customers for our advertisers. Return on investment is a regular occurrence for our clients and this can be backed with our many testimonials online -
Below is a full list of services we provide along with average statistics for each form of advertising available.
Whether you prefer to showcase your products / services with display advertising or in the form of editorial. We can cater to both needs as well as combine the two with our monthly publication. A majority of pages are booked for a year period by our regular clients and there is also the option to maintain the same page number in consecutive months. Due to this consistency we find it helps companies establish themselves to our readers and offers them reassurance they’re working with the best in business when procuring their services. Unlike many we favour our regular customers and offer the best pricing to clients looking to book a series of months with Engineering Update.
We offer full, half and quarter page advert spaces along with full & half page editorials. All of which come with analytical reports 4 weeks after the issue has gone out.
Sole company E-shot campaigns can be described as our most direct form of marketing. This is a very popular choice for our clients as we send our 73,000+ readers a HTML of your content (and only your content) twice a week. the best thing about Eshots is it brings many new potential customers to your website and can be used a direct selling tool. Whether you are promoting a new product, new website, a promotional offer or an event Eshots are a great way to spread the word. We provide clients a full analytical report 48 hours after its release. This includes open and click rates.
Web banners again serve as a great brand awareness campaign and generate new clients to your website. We offer 2 different types of banners (Web button & Carousel) These both come with analytics on request and with over 35,000 independent views to they are a great way to be seen and to generate regular site viewers.
Newsletter insertions
The Newsletter is a very popular as it share your latest news in the form of an Eshot but alongside other industry releases from reputable engineering companies. What’s great about newsletters is the links provided take the reader to your story in full so this guarantees relevant subscribers will see your latest company info.
Editorial uploads to website (s)
Editorial uploads to the Engineering & Automation Update’s website have been known to go viral on a regular basis. Not only do we have a combined reach of 45,000 website viewers monthly with over 11,000 LinkedIn and 14,000 twitter followers your press releases will reach far and wide.
We can guarantee great exposure for your business as well as a fair price for the services we provide. Our prompt and helpful team will ensure the experience is successful which is why work to a 95% business retention rate across both magazines.
For more information on any of the above please feel to contact me on 01843 448 443 or [email protected]