Engineering Design Of Urban Roads
Engineering road design is defined as the process of finding the engineering dimensions of each road and arranging the road's visual elements such as the path, viewing distances, widths, slopes, etc. Initially, roads should be classified in terms of being main, secondary or local roads in order to determine the design speed and the regressive slope after balancing some factors such as the importance of the road and estimating the size and characteristics of traffic, terrain and available funds.
The design speed and the regressive slope are also the basic rule for setting the standard minimum limits for vertical and horizontal planning of the road, after which the designer can, through trial and error, volunteer these limits or higher from them to the terrain in order to reach a horizontal projection and a longitudinal section of the road. Then comes the stage of engineering dimension details for intersections of single or multiple levels, methods of service, and other features.
The process of constructing roads passes through three stages: study, design (engineering - structural) and signature, and when designing roads, two main factors must be taken into consideration: safety and cost.
The Functional classification for urban roads is to divide the roads into types or systems according to the nature of the service they perform. It should be borne in mind that single roads do not serve the traffic in its independent condition. Most of the movement of travel and transport is carried out using a number of methods, therefore it is necessary to define the mechanism of directing the traffic movement within the road network in an effective way. Accordingly, the importance of the Functional classification through which the role played by each road to serve the traffic and transport movement is clear.
The classification of methods can be summarized to:
A- Major urban roads.
These roads link the main activities centers in the urban areas, connect to the regional network, and absorb more and more the largest traffic within the urban area.
B- secondary urban methods.
These roads collect vehicles from the main roads and distribute them to the roads with lower levels.
C- Local urban roads.
These roads move vehicles from residential and activity areas to higher-level roads and serve the lowest portion of traffic in the road network, and are considered the lowest level in the road network hierarchy.
Urban Transit and Sustainable Networks (UTSN) - 3rd Edition. This video conference is used as a tool that helps in exchanging the knowledge currently circulating the world to enhance research on the topic. It is an invitation to architects, environmentalists, engineers, and university students to contribute to an increase in awareness on the importance of developing sustainable urban cities as well as discuss the most recent innovations in the field. It is an attempt to facilitate an interaction between academic and practical perspectives where theories and ideas from different cities are debated.
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