Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Part-2)

Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Part-2)

Impact of Domain Expertise on Engineering Application of AI


Part 2 — Requirements of the Engineering Application of AI & Machine Learning

Domain Expertise
Expert Practitioner of AI & Machine Learning
Requirements of Training, Calibration and Validation of AI-based Models
Requirements of Explainable AI (XAI)

Requirements of the Engineering Application of AI & Machine Learning

To solve engineering related problems using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it requires two major and important characteristics:

1) Engineering domain expertise, that is an absolute requirement, followed by

2) Becoming an expert practitioner of AI and Machine Learning algorithms.

The first item requires a B.S., M.S., and may be a Ph.D. in the specific engineering discipline that is being used followed by several years of actual engineering experience. The second item requires years of studying the science of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning followed by several years of actual experience of using AI & Machine Learning to solve problems.

The approach of solving engineering related problems using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is quite different from using this technology to solve human level (general) intelligence problems. Since Artificial Intelligence mimics human brain to solve problem, and since human brain requires years of training and learning to become an engineering domain expert, using Artificial Intelligence to solve engineering related problem, follows the same characteristics. It is a fact that from a natural point of view, General (human level) Intelligence is an absolute requirement for Engineering Level Intelligence, but it also requires specific knowledge of certain physical phenomena. When this is true for human beings, then it must be true for any processes and the science that mimics the human brain.

Domain Expertise; Understanding the essence of the problem being solved.

Since early 2000 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has been used to generate tools for image recognition, voice recognition, object recognition, language translation, and many other similar applications (Figure 1). Solving such problems using computers was almost impossible prior to the development of what today is called Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Developing such technologies created a highly attractive usage of AI & Machine Learning and provided the ideas that AI & Machine Learning can be used to solve highly complex problems at speeds far higher than humans.

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Figure 1. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in image recognition, objection recognition, voice recognition, and autonomous vehicles.

AI & Machine Learning created tools capable of using the incredible speeds of computers in order to solve highly complex problems. For example, if it would take an entire day for a human being to go through several millions of pictures to identify which ones are pictures of Cats and which ones are pictures of Dogs or identifying a specific person that is being looked after, now a computer that is using AI & Machine Learning image recognition can do the same thing with very high accuracy in only a few seconds. The same is true with voice recognition, object recognition, and driving cars, buses, and trucks.

It is important to note that application of AI and Machine Learning for problem solving such as image recognition, voice recognition, object recognition, language translation, and many other similar applications mimics what is called General Intelligence or Human-Level Intelligence. AI and Machine Learning performs these General Intelligence applications with high accuracy and with incredible speed that can never be matched by human beings. However, it needs to be clarified that such problems (image recognition, voice recognition, …) can be done even by a 5-year-old child and does not require any expertise in any specific domain. Of course, it needs to be clear that this does not mean that creating AI & Machine Learning algorithms to perform such actions are easy. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a highly complex and immensely tough result to achieve correctly and accurately using computers. Nevertheless, to perform such applications requires expertise in AI and Machine Learning and does not require any specific domain expertise in engineering, chemistry, physics, or biology.

When it comes to solving engineering-related problems using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, while being an expert practitioner of AI and Machine Learning is completely necessary, engineering domain expertise is also an absolute requirement. Domain expertise determines the possibility of success or failure in the type of science and technology that is going to incorporate AI and Machine Learning for its enhancement. Since mid-2000 several large operating and service companies in the oil and gas industry have been using only AI and Machine Learning experts, with no domain expertise in petroleum engineering, to help their companies using AI and Machine Learning for the industry. The outcomes that have been achieved in such cases have proven to be very poor, resulting in waste of time and resources[1]. Communication with the engineers, professionals, and new management of such companies clearly explains such results. Of course, the fact is that as long as the management that has made such decisions is still in charge, the realities of the lack of success is not exposed.

[1] SPE PetroTalk: Shahab Mohaghegh — AI and Machine Learning —

While domain expertise is an absolute requirement to build AI-based models of physical phenomena and solving engineering related problems, it also requires realistic and scientific understanding and expertise of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Unfortunately, in recent years many domain experts spend very little time learning AI & Machine Learning. When they get exposed to the mathematics of some of the Machine Learning algorithms and understand how they work, they usually conclude that they have become AI experts. This is very incorrect. Artificial Intelligence is not only a new problem-solving tool. AI provides a new approach to problem solving that is different from the traditional problem-solving approaches. More details of this topic will be provided in this article. The point being made here is that “while domain expertise is an absolute requirement of using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve engineering related problems, it is not the only requirement. To solve engineering related problems, domain experts must become expert AI practitioners.”

Let’s demonstrate the difference between using human level intelligence versus requirement of simple mathematical domain expertise to solve a problem. Figure 2 shows a series of dots in two different colors. In this figure there are a lot of black dots in the middle and a lot of yellow dots around the black dots. Let’s assume that it is asked to use a line to separate the black dots from the yellow dots. When this is asked from a 5-year-old child, she/he should be able to draw the red circle line as shown in Figure 3 to separate the black dots from the yellow dots. To do this no mathematical domain expertise is required and that is why a child with no mathematical knowledge would be able to accomplish this objective that only requires human level intelligence.

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Figure 2. Separating yellow and black circles in this figure.

Figure 3. The red line (on the right) can easily be drawn without any requirement of mathematical domain expertise to separate black dots from yellow dots.

Figure 3. The red line (on the right) can easily be drawn without any requirement of mathematical domain expertise to separate black dots from yellow dots.

However, what if the question that is asked will be modified a bit. Now let’s ask to still draw a line to separate the black dots from the yellow dots, but the line must be a “linear” (straight line) and not a “non-linear” line. Can a child come up with a straight line (linear line) to separate the black and yellow dots? It is obvious that if there is no mathematical knowledge and expertise, then doing what is asked is actually impossible.

If the same question is asked from someone that knows mathematics and is capable of coming up with an equation as shown in Figure 4 to regenerate the locations of the black and yellow dots, then it would make it possible to separate these two colors of dots with a linear line. Now instead of simple mathematics that is shown in Figure 4, if solving engineering related problems is the objective of the AI & Machine Learning approaches, then it should be quite clear that domain expertise can play an important role in “teaching” the machine learning algorithms how to “learn” from the provided data in order to solve the problem.

Figure 4. If the separation of black versus yellow dots is required by using a straight line (rather than a non-linear line) then mathematical knowledge is required to accomplish it.

Figure 4. If the separation of black versus yellow dots is required by using a straight line (rather than a non-linear line) then mathematical knowledge is required to accomplish it.

Expert Practitioner of the AI & Machine Learning

As was mentioned in the previous section, domain expertise in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering is an absolute requirement to be able to use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to enhance problem solving and decision making related to these particular science and technology disciplines. It was also mentioned that while domain expertise is an absolute requirement, being an expert practitioner of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is also completely necessary. Without a realistic and solid understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it would be impossible for the domain experts to become realistic data scientists.

Realistic and solid understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning does not mean that once the domain expert comprehends the mathematical characteristics of Machine Learning algorithms, then he/she becomes an AI expert practitioner. Unfortunately, this has been one of the main problems associated with some engineers that try to use AI & Machine Learning to solve problems. They come to the conclusion that since they understand the mathematics behind certain machine algorithms that are used to solve the engineering related problems then that makes them an AI and Machine Learning expert. While understanding the mathematics behind the Machine Learning algorithm is necessary, its contribution to understanding how AI & Machine Learning must be used to solve engineering related problems, would be less than 10% of all that is needed. The same is also true about traditional statistics that was developed more than a century ago. Details of the major differences between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with traditional statistics will be covered in a different article.

The main difference between using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve engineering related problems versus traditional engineering problem solving techniques is the avoidance of assumptions, interpretations, simplifications, preconceived notions, and biases. When some engineers use mathematical equations to generate data and combine them with actual measurements, it clearly demonstrates their minimal understanding of how and why AI and Machine Learning are used to solve engineering related problems. This lack of understanding of the foundation and philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has been generating what some engineers are calling “hybrid modeling”.

To become an expert AI practitioner, domain expert engineers must learn how to teach. However, the difference is that they will not be teaching a specific engineering domain to human students, rather they will be teaching it to machine learning algorithms. There are major differences between how teaching to human students versus machine learning algorithms will take place. It is important to note that when you try to teach a certain engineering discipline to human students you know that they can understand the language that you speak. You also know that they have taken certain courses that make it safe to assume that they know required mathematics and certain basic physics. Therefore, as a teacher to human students you will be using certain basics of mathematics and physics and speak in a certain language to teach specific topics of a certain engineering discipline.

When it comes to teaching machine learning algorithms how to solve specific engineering related problems, it is well known that the machine learning algorithms cannot understand any specific human languages and do not know the basics mathematics and physics that are required to understand the engineering discipline. “Data” is the ONLY thing that you can use to teach and to communicate your domain expertise with the machine learning algorithms. You know that the Machine Learning algorithms’ characteristics is to discover patterns and trends in the data that you are sharing with them. Therefore, the question ends up being how you should use the data to teach the machine learning algorithm to solve the problems that you are interested in.

Requirement of Training, Calibration, and Validation of AI-Based Models

This section explains how data should be handled when trying to use AI and Machine Learning for solving engineering related problems. It should be noted that to solve engineering related problems does not mean that you will always have “Big Data”. While some engineering related problems have access to “Big Data”, a large number of engineering related problems may have only a few hundreds of records (actual measurements) or only few to several thousands of records. When hundreds of thousands, and/or several millions of records are not available, then the process cannot be called “Big Data”.

When the engineering related problems do not include “Big Data”, then handling of the data becomes somehow different. First and foremost, the AI and Machine Learning expert practitioner, should not only divide the data into two categories of training and testing as it is provided as a default approach in most of the Machine Learning algorithm libraries (TenserFlow, ScikitLearn, …) that can be used in all sort of codes (Python, R, ….). Please note that “testing” data also contributes to the training process, but in an indirect fashion. In solving engineering related problems, you must separate a percent of the data in a way that it would play absolutely no role in training and development of the AI-based predictive model. The main reason for this has to do with the fact that once developed, the AI-based model is used to solve problems using data that was never available to the model during the training process. This part of the data is called “Blind Validation Data”. Use the “Blind Validation Data” as a realistic example for the user of the AI-based predictive model that you are developing.

Once your predictive model is developed and tested and turned in to the user (engineering related companies), they will not trust it until they use a set of data that they did not share with you, to make sure that the technology that you have used to build the predictive model is better than the traditional technologies that they have been using for decades. What is interesting (usually) is that they never do the same type of testing to validate their traditional approach, but nevertheless, it will happen to the AI-based predictive model that you develop and give it to them.

So, the first part of the data categorization during the development of the AI-based predictive model is identification and separation of a percent of the data as the “Blind Validation”. Then the rest of the remaining data can be used for the model development. The remaining amount of data should then be divided into three categories: Training, Calibration, and Validation. Training data that is usually anywhere from 70 to 80 percent of the data is used to train the machine learning algorithm that is used for the model development.

Calibration data (the same as it is called “testing” for non-engineering related problems) is not used to “train” the model, but it will be used in every epoch of training to find out how good the training has been and whether the training process needs to be stopped or continued. While Calibration data does not directly contribute to training by playing a role for the weight modification of the connections between neurons, it will play an indirect role to let you know when you should stop or continue training. Calibration data usually can be 10 to 15 % of the data that is used for model development.

Finally, 10 to 15 % of the data should be used for Validation. Unlike the Calibration data the Validation data will not be tested during every training epoch to let you know when to stop the training process. The validation data lets you know how good the training and calibration process has been moving forward. The validation data identifies the quality of the model that you are developing. Furthermore, your “Blind Validation” data provides you with possible information about the quality of the model and the potential predictions that the user of your predictive model will be exposed to, in the near future.

Requirements of Explainable AI (XAI)

One of the major characteristics of Engineering application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is its incorporation of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). While using actual field measurements as the main building blocks of modeling physical phenomena, Engineering application of AI and Machine Learning incorporates several types of Algorithms including artificial neural networks, fuzzy set theory, and evolutionary computing. Predictive models that are developed by Engineering applications of AI are not generated via “Black Boxes” that cannot be explained. Engineering applications of AI have the ability of explaining the behavior of the purely data-driven predictive models, known as “Predictive Analytics”. This addresses one of the major differences between Engineering applications of AI with traditional statistics.

In the early 1990s, when Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning started to be used to solve engineering related problems, engineers and scientists started asking how this technology achieves its predictive objectives. What recently is being called Explainable AI (XAI), mainly for the non-engineering application of AI and Machine Learning, is not new in the context of engineering application of this technology. Based on historical results and the quality of traditional statistics in data analyses, engineers and scientists have been questioning the predictive models generated using AI related algorithms that are referenced as “Black Box”. Such questions by engineers and scientists gave rise to research and development efforts in early 2000 and resulted in what today is called Explainable AI (XAI).

Historically, prior to the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, traditional statistics was used to analyze data. The major role of traditional statistics is to specify hypotheses through identification of predetermined mathematical equations that can fit the collected data. Therefore, the key behind the traditional statistics is “correlation” while engineers and scientists have always been interested in “causation”. It is a well-established fact that “correlation” does not necessarily determine “causation”.

The main reason behind calling the predictive models that are generated using AI and Machine Learning algorithms “Black Box”, has to do with the fact that these algorithms do not model the physical phenomena using mathematical equations. When it comes to the engineering application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the “Black Box” characteristics of such models will cause serious problems. Many traditional engineers that have a negative view of this new technology usually use the term “Black Box” in order to deny the contribution of this technology to the future of engineering problem solving.

One of the major contributions of engineering application of AI and Machine Learning that has been developed during the past three decades at Intelligent Solutions, Inc. and West Virginia University is the creation of transparency for the so-called “Black Box” of Predictive Analytics. Since engineering application of AI and Machine Learning is a purely physics-based technology through avoidance of any mathematical equations, and generates purely data-driven predictive models, it develops explainable predictive models. Explaining the AI modeling of engineering application of AI and Machine Learning can be done through three techniques, (a) Identification of Key Performance Indicators — KPI, (b) Single and multiple parameter Sensitivity Analysis, and (c) Type Curves. Details of Explainable AI (XAI) in engineering application of AI and Machine Learning have been published in a new article[1], [2], [3], [4].






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