An engineer named Nancy, building a course, speaking, and being nice.
Neil Thompson
Teacher of Geeks | Inc. Magazine contributor | Children's book author | Speaker | Podcaster | Engineer | Check out my Featured Section for Insights on Giving Technical Presentations
Nancy Servigna, MBA is an engineer who decided to take the business route. What prompted that decision? What type of work does she do now? How did her engineering education prepare her for her current work? All these questions and more are answered during our conversation. Tune in!
Ever thought of creating your own online course? I did a video on what I wished I had known before I created my course. Check it out?HERE.
Many have aspirations to become a speaker, but what does it take? I read a book recently, The Wealthy Speaker 3.0, which goes into detail as to what you need to have to be a speaker. Whether you speak for a fee, speak to market your business, or speak for another reason, this book can serve as a resource. Check out the LinkedIn post I did about the book?HERE.
One other thing. I was at a networking event recently. There were exhibitor tables there. A rep at one of the companies entertained all my questions, even though I wasn’t an ideal client.This interaction happened after I had a less than stellar interaction with a rep from another company at her table. It was evident that she didn't care to answer my questions, even though they were similar to the ones I asked the other rep. Needless to say, I won't refer her business to anyone.Being nice to people should be the default, and when you talk to people, the first thought shouldn't be "what can I get from this person?" It should be "how can I be a resource to this person." I made a LinkedIn post about it. You can check it out?HERE.
All for now. Have a great week!