Engineer Moments that Matter
Trisha Miltimore, CMC
Motivational Speaker ☆ WorkLife Wellness Activator ☆ Leadership Consultant ☆ SPEAK+ Coach
This week's newsletter is a personal share on how using a simple LifeTool can create space for greater connection, fun and fulfillment. When I ask audience members, and clients, to share what they want MORE of in life....IMPROVED RELATIONSHIPS and FUN are always listed in their top 5.
What would be the top 5 things you want more in your life? Something to think about.
Here's a tool to LIVE a better WorkLife Experience. It's simple, but often ignored as the chaos of busy takes over the flow of our daily life. When used with intention and consistency it can be a wonderful way to invite GT's (good-times) into your day, week or month.
Additional side effects include: better focus when working, strengthened connection to purpose, improved mental wellness, moments of joy/play/laughs, increased sense of fulfillment and heightened excitement for work & life in general.
WorkLife Synergy Tool--> ENGINEER MOMENTS [that matter]
We are a family of 6 with our kids ranging in age between 16yrs and 5yrs. Like many families our weekday's are jam packed with activities (AKA: total shit-sh*w). So once a week we have ENGINEERED a tradition that every one of us looks forward to. On Wednesday's, after school pick-up's, we collectively jam into the family minivan and treat ourselves to Tim Hortons.
For my non-Canadian friends reading this, the national chain of coffee shops in Canada called Tim Hortons is commonly referred to as "Timmie's". Since we go through their drive-thru on a Wednesday we refer to the experience as "Wimmie's Day". Clever? I'm not sure but we think it's cute.
Wimmie's Day is a weekly tradition that matters because it CONNECTS us all to an experience that is light, fun, yummy and special to our family. We celebrate this day like it is a 100 year old tradition. I cherish it because I know, like most things with growing children, soon this opportunity to connect will evolve as kids go off to college, get jobs and stop wanting to hang out with parents.
Side note: we are very close to them ditching us, and the free donuts, in favour for hanging with friends and spending additional hours in their rooms. Why do teens spend so much time in their rooms? I digress.
For now we celebrate this ENGINEERED WEEKLY MOMENT with cheesy enthusiasm. Even when the older girls are arguing with each other, the 5 year old is crying because he wants another birthday party (his was the week before) and the dog is drooling all over the middle console....I still love Wimmie's Day. Chaos and all.
What might be your Wimmie's tradition?
How can you engineer moments in your life that add to your levels of joy, fun and fulfillment?
If you are a leader in a company, how can you do this for your team members? (tip: ask what matters to them).
WorkLife Synergy is fuelled by intention and driven by action.
If we want to nurture better relationships, feel more connected, develop confidence in our ability to make life choices and ENJOY THE EVERYDAY MORE, we must put energy into LIVING WITH INTENTION. Some days it's easier than others but like a good walk in the fresh air, no one ever regrets investing in the people, and the places, that matter most.
Perhaps your ENGINEERED MOMENT is centred around time/energy/focus on yourself. I fuel my own WorkLife Synergy when I go to a local coffee shop and write. The moments I spend sipping a latte, listening to epic movie soundtracks on Spotify and writing these articles absolutely grounds me. How will you ENGINEER MOMENTS that matter to you? Share below. I would love to know. I really please do share!
As a WorkLife Synergist I help professionals to engineer momentum, fun and fulfillment amongst all the expectations and personal life challenges. Learn tools to be less stressed and more productive, even in the face of endless stuff-to-do and overwhelm.
Next week I will guide you through creating your own IRIS WorkLife Synergy Plan with focus on these 4 Life Elements:
Take the pressure off and lean into a greater sense of calm and focus. Achieving doesn’t have to be so hard. I promise.
PS. This newsletter makes it sound like I spend a lot of time at coffee shops. I do :)
Note: WorkLife Synergy is not sponsored by Tim Hortons. Although if someone from Tim's is reading this I am open to sponsorship. Of course. Call me.
Technical Lab Leader at Canfor
2 年Our Engineered Weekly Moments are our special time with our children 1:1 at bedtime. Each week we look at what we all have going on and pick an evening for each child to look forward to. At bedtime, I spend 30-45 mins with the child in their room, reading books, giving massages and chatting about whatever comes to us, without any interruptions from phones or siblings. Some nights the conversation can take quite unusual turns and we end up talking longer than usual, which is fantastic as they grow and it's less and less cool to tell your mom all the stuff that makes you happy, crazy or mad.