The engine crankcase

The engine crankcase

The engine crankcase is the area where the engine crankshaft is laid.

The engine crankshaft is supported by the main bearings on the one hand,

on the other hand it is connected to the connecting rods.

The connecting rods are the parts engine which connect the pistons to the engine crankshaft.

The connecting rod converts the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotation of the crankshaft.

The inspection of crankcase is carried out through the Engine crankcase inspection hatches, which shown on the above figure.

The crankcase should be done periodically to check the following:

01)) : Connecting rod play in the crank pin.

02)) : Lube oil condition. anf lube oil flow.

03)) : External condition of crank pin and main bearings.

04)) : Locking arrangement of main bearing bolts and connecting rod bolts.

05)) : Balancing balancing weight arrangement is secure.

06)) : Check the crankcase relief door opening by pressing with the hand or if check the spring balance so that value of force applied can be seen.


