Engaging GenZ: Building the workforce of future
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Engaging GenZ: Building the workforce of future

If you are someone whose first thought after looking at the word GenZ was to take out a dictionary and look for the meaning, chances are that you are a baby boomer, in simple words, born between 1946- 1964.?

If you are someone who remembers a time when they used to consider a dictionary, but now are relying on the internet, but are still struggling to get hold of it, then chances are that you are a part of?GenX, born between mid-1960s and the late 1970s or early 1980s. ?

If you can easily use online dictionaries largely because you witnessed the rise of the internet, you are a millennial, born roughly between the early 1980s and late 1990s.?

If you are someone born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s, a digital native, with high reliance on the internet, then you, my friend, are a GenZ! ?

The term GenZ has been a buzzword on social media and other platforms, compelling various brands and companies to come up with products and services that address their problems and are suitable for their needs and wants. ?

And not just that, this generation has brought a revolution to the workplace as well.?

Right from bluntly asking for work-life balance to making sure their values align with the vision of the organization, GenZ is truly the master of “I see it, I want it, I got it!”??

But how do organizations, accustomed to follow their rigid norms and fixated on their old expectations from employees, modify to engage the GenZ ??

  • Technology in, a win-win: Being a tech-Savy generation, GenZ are dependent on technology and are well-equipped with the apps and platforms that could revolutionize your business. When an organization creates an environment where the employees can utilize the latest technology as well as tools, it engages GenZ and at the same time, makes the organization’s daily tasks easy and efficient. ?
  • Augment authenticity: Probably the best habit picked on by this generation, authenticity and genuineness are the qualities that are central to any organization. When an organization focuses on transparency and creates an environment where no employees are expected to mask their emotions or window dress, especially in front of their employers. Such an act will go a long way to ensure an engaged team, not afraid to voice out their opinions.?
  • Personalize the prize: GenZ is vocal about their needs and wants. A generation that never fails to address the power of uniqueness and diversity, GenZ always looks for an organization that prioritizes personal growth and development as well as understands and fulfills the needs of every individual in the organization. Right from appraisals to promotions, every person has a different motivator. This generation also focuses on bridging the gaps between genders and ethnicity.?
  • Feedback will have your back: This generation, despite being straightforward and particular about their preference, is hardworking and always willing to learn and develop. Honest and constructive feedbacks go a long way to ensure that the workforce is focused on improving themselves as individuals and as a part of the organization.?
  • Health is wealth: This generation is also vocal about mental wellbeing and fostering a positive working environment. Organizations that prioritize their employees’ mental as well as physical health first and promote work-life balance excite the GenZ and drives them to perform well. They are also the first ones to call out toxic work environment or leave when their values do not align with the company’s vision. Engagement and wellbeing are prerequisites for them.?

In conclusion, Gen Z, characterized as digital natives, prioritizes work-life balance and authenticity. To engage this generation, organizations must adapt by leveraging technological advancements, creating genuine work environments, personalizing rewards, offering regular feedback, and prioritizing employee well-being. By meeting Gen Z's needs, organizations can cultivate a high performing and engaged future workforce.?

The surveys and models of most of the employee engagement companies are outdated and fail to meet the needs of employees across different generations. ?

As GenZ has unique needs and wants, we are happy to address them!?

W.E.-Matter’s multigenerational model ensures that diverse needs and requirements of Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z are met and focuses on creating a high performing team of driven and engaged employees who ensure revenue and profit growth. ?

Our solutions ensure that the employees of the upcoming days are motivated to increase revenue and create a positive and lasting impact on the business.?

So, what are you waiting for??

Connect with W.E.-Matter and drive your profits today!?





