Engagement in marketing: Are you focusing on the right things?

Engagement in marketing: Are you focusing on the right things?

Earlier this week I was staying in Singapore with my friend and cofounder Anurag Bhalla , and the plan was to write this article in the evenings. Well, that plan failed.?

But I got to eat some amazing Southeast Asian food instead (mutton curry anyone?), and maybe I had one or two cocktails. So, who’s really winning here? ??

But let's put my culinary escapades aside for a moment. In the previous editions of Unmistakably, we've delved into the concepts of authenticity and credibility. Today, I'm exploring a closely related topic: Engagement. It's the 'E' in my ACE approach to marketing and sales, and it's a crucial element that often gets misunderstood.

By the end of this piece you'll find practical tips on how to build and deepen engagement with clients, targets and peers across channels – be it meetings, written content, or social media.

Let’s dive in!

What is engagement?

In a pure marketing context, when people talk about engagement, they usually mean the active, measurable, interaction with your brand and your content. For example, engagement could be how many likes a post gets, the amount of comments and shares of a video, or the number of times a whitepaper is downloaded.

That’s all well and good. However, it’s easy to forget that this is the visible form of engagement. Or put differently, it’s the outcome – not the driver – of engagement.?

Engagement is all about creating a deeper, more meaningful, and emotional connection with your clients and prospects.

At the end of the day, people don't just buy services. They buy relationships. They buy experiences. They buy...you. And if you are an independent professional, this is even more true.

And let's face it, in a world where you can find a freelancer to do just about anything at the click of a button, being good or even great at what you do isn't enough anymore.

You need to connect. You need to engage; you need to create an emotional rapport.?

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No, it’s not that kind of engagement I’m talking about. But I probably would marry a pizza if it was legal in Sweden.

The drivers of engagement

In the digital age, where we're often overwhelmed with information and connections, engagement is about cutting through the noise and making a real impact. It's about being remembered, not just for what you do, but for who you are and how you make people feel.?

Independent professionals often focus on showcasing skills and expertise, which is undoubtedly important. But equally important is the ability to engage with others, to show empathy, to listen, and to build trust.

So what are the underlying drivers of engagement? Here’s my very own top 5 list:

  1. Authenticity: It's about being genuine, transparent, and showing your true self. In my experience you can't build true and lasting engagement based on an invented persona. People, and that includes clients (!), are good at smelling fake, so you really do need to put the real, authentic, you forward.
  2. Emotional connection: This is the kind of engagement that turns a one-off project into a long-term partnership. It's about creating an emotional rapport with your clients, making them feel understood and valued. It's about making your clients say, 'Wow, this person really gets me.'
  3. Value and relevance: It's about being genuinely interested in others, their challenges, and how you can add value to their lives and businesses. It's about being present when you talk or listen, really being there in terms of your mind and focus.
  4. Active listening and responsiveness: Engagement is a two-way street. It's not just about broadcasting your message out into the world, but also about listening and responding to what others are saying. It's about being proactive, reaching out, initiating conversations, and being responsive.
  5. Consistency: Consistent engagement helps you stay top of mind with your clients and professional network. This doesn't mean you need to be posting on social media every hour or emailing your clients every day. What it means is that you should have a relatively consistent presence, whether that's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Pick what's realistic for you, and set reminders!

Granted - you won’t be able to calculate an ROI or directly attribute your latest project win based on the above. Nevertheless, these are the drivers of true engagement and is what sets you apart and make you unforgettable.

And, importantly, without truly understanding and focusing on the drivers of engagement, you will not get the measurable outcomes.

Practical tips on how to build engagement

Congratulations! You've survived my ramblings and made it to the practical part of this article. Either you're a glutton for punishment, or maybe you’re just really good at skimming.

Either way, here come some practical tips on how to build engagement.

1. In-person meetings (digital or physical)

Be present: Be fully present, both physically and mentally. This doesn't mean you need to be a Zen master or a mindfulness guru. It just means that when you're in a meeting, resist the urge to check your phone every two minutes. Trust me, hate-liking your neighbour's latest holiday pictures on Instagram can wait.

Prioritise the person you're meeting with over any distractions. Listen actively and respond thoughtfully. So, when you're in a meeting, be all in!

Be proactive: Don't just respond to what's being said. Ask questions, share insights, and initiate new topics of discussion. Remember, engagement is a two-way street.

Follow up: After the meeting, send a follow-up email summarizing the key points discussed and the next steps. This shows that you value the interaction and are committed to moving things forward. And no, “nice meeting you” doesn’t count as a follow-up.

There are a number of AI tools that can take the pain of this for digital meetings – check out Fireflies.ai or Spinach.io (more efficiency tools for freelancers in my article here ).

2. Written content (articles, blogs, etc.)

Start with a bang: Grab your reader's attention from the get-go. Use a compelling headline and an engaging introduction. Make them want to read more.

Engage your readers: Encourage comments, feedback, and discussions. Ask questions, seek opinions, or initiate a debate. Got a controversial or contrarian view? Share it. As long as you are respectful and listen to counterarguments, it’s great and builds credibility and authenticity.

Be relatable and even vulnerable: Share your personal experiences and insights, share real life case studies, tell stories. Faced difficulties or messed something up? Who hasn’t!! Talk about it and how you got over it and learned from it.

This not only adds authenticity to your content but also helps create an emotional connection with your readers. Just remember, it's not a therapy session and your readers aren't getting paid, so maybe leave out the truly gross stuff... :)

Offer value: Provide actionable tips, useful information, or unique insights. Make sure your readers take away something valuable from your content. Make it easy for your audience to find the insights, so find the right format. Be succinct. Yes, I'm still working on this one!

3. Social media

Be authentic: Social media is a great channel for letting your personality shine through in your posts. Share your experiences, thoughts, and stories.

You can afford to, and probably should be, a bit more personable and relatable here than in other forms of written communication. If you are a funny person in real life, use that to your advantage! If you are not, don't fake it, play on your other strengths instead.

Connect with your audience: Respond to comments, engage in discussions, and show appreciation for your followers' input. Don't be a lurker, at least not if you want to deepen engagement.

Initiate conversations: Don't just respond to comments. Ask questions, seek opinions, and start discussions.?

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First hit I got from Shutterstock when I typed "engaging discussion". It's late and I'm tired, deal with it.

The bottom line

So, there you have it. Engagement is not about being the loudest in the room or having the most followers on social media.

It's about creating genuine, meaningful connections with your clients and prospects.

It's about being authentic, showing empathy, providing value.

It’s about being consistent in your interactions.

Remember, whether it's through in-person meetings, written content, or social media, the goal is to create an emotional connection with your audience.

You want them to feel something when they think of you, and it should be true (and ideally something positive ??).

By understanding them, telling a story, showing authenticity, providing value, and engaging with them, you can drive engagement and build stronger relationships with your audience.

Now, it's your turn. Go out there, engage, connect, write, talk, and make your clients feel like they're the only ones in the room (even if that room is a virtual one).

Until next time,


PS. I'd love to hear about your experiences and any tips you might have on building engagement. So, don't be a stranger, drop a comment below. ?? In fact - let's engage!

Han Cilliers??

Social Media & Community Specialist | Organic SEO Optimisation | Content Management

1 年

Getting online engagement right is one of the most challenging things to do. It takes a lot of time, commitment and personal investment. It's very easy to do it wrong. I couldn't agree more with the points you've raised here Niclas. In my line of work, I've found it's the thing clients neglect to do right the most when it comes to managing their communities. They don't understand the value and therefore don't want to invest the required resources. However, those willing to invest in the long game via proper community management reap a loyal customer base that will stick, not to mention the respect you gain for your brand and product.

Perry Fogman

Controlling at Atradius N.V.

1 年

"...But I probably would marry a pizza if it was legal in Sweden." hhahha, Brilliant! thanks for that

Nidhi Bhasin

Ecommerce and D2C consulting for Medium and Large businesses | Ex - Google, YouTube, Flipkart | India ambassador - The Power Business School

1 年

Spot on Niclas Thelander. I've found that when I put an effort into building genuine rapport with my clients, I even get referrals!

Niclas Thelander

Founder at Outsized | Independent talent for consulting firms & enterprises | APAC, Africa, Middle East

1 年

Keen to hear any thoughts on what resonates, what doesn't make sense, and of course strategies and practical tips you have to build meaningful engagement - whether with clients, prospects, or peers!



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