The Engaged Employee - what it all means
The way we work and the direction we are heading to in the future involves employees who seek challenges, fulfilment and a sense of purpose.

The Engaged Employee - what it all means

The Engaged Employee - what it all means

The workforce has dramatically shifted in recent years. We're no longer tied to our desk from 9 - 5, locked into the same roles or staying with companies for our entire career. We're no longer purely motivated by a pay cheque, a corner office, and the promise of a promotion every few years.?

Now we're also largely mobile. Our job can follow us wherever we go - on our laptops, from our smartphones or in our watches. Our work is now complexly intertwined into our daily lives. ?

The way we work has changed and so too has the way we see our work. More than ever we now seek challenge, fulfilment and a career in a company that reflects who we are as an individual and instils us with a sense of purpose. We want to be invested and engaged in our jobs. We want to be excited by what we do.?

But why should businesses also equally seek to create a positive work environment that inspires and excites their team?? Why should it be a focus point for all employees, not just at the c-suite level but for managers and team leaders as well??

Because employee engagement has been linked to higher staff retention, higher productivity and higher innovation - all the key ingredients businesses need in their cocktail for success. Particularly when we're continually being challenged to generate more output under ever tightening constrictions of reduced budget, heightened regulations and unpredictable world events creating a turbulent business environment. ?

To help us understand how, Deloitte have untangled the key indicators for employee engagement to help shed some light on what an engaged workforce actually means.?

  • Loyalty - Your likelihood to stay in your role
  • Willingness to advocate - Your likelihood to speak positively about your role/organisation
  • Discretionary effort - Your likelihood to go above and beyond the bare minimum required in your job?

Simply put, an engaged workforce is more likely to work hard, stay with your company and be happy about it. ?

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But what's the driving force behind this powerful effect? ?

Because an engaged employee feels an emotional commitment to the organisation. They have internally invested in the goals of the organisation and are motivated beyond the extrinsic rewards, such as good pay or Friday drinks, but also by the work itself. This personal connection and commitment when we're highly engaged means we're more likely to go above and beyond - whether this be to the customer service we provide, the care we take on the plant floor or the extra hour we give to polish off a report. ?

That's why businesses should care if their employees care. In our rapidly changing environment, your people are your best asset and committing to creating an engaged workforce helps your people perform at their best.?

Thanks for the knowledge shared and referenced in this article Forbes and Deloitte.



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