The Engageable Moment …

The Engageable Moment …

2 Peter 3:10 ~ But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.?

Abba Father good morning ~ The bible is very clear. An anointed day is actively coming. Everything our life can see throughout the earth vanishing within a moment. Destroyed before our very eyes. It can be hard to visualize. Difficult to comprehend. Challenging to see the creativity of humans. Wonders of the ways of this world. We send people to depths of oceans, deep within caverns, penetrating cores of mountains, traveling marvelous wonders of the universe. Seems to be no limits or restrictions to the abilities of human life. The medical field is astonishing. Computers running everything imaginable. Vehicles conquering terrains. No wonder this verse can be hard to visualize, comprehend, live-out. Take some intentional time. Slowdown. Live still. Reflect on uniqueness of human life. Astonishing wonders of The Lord Our God. Fascinating abilities of humans. In all we do as human beings, we are unable to create sustainable everlasting life. Unable to create dirt of the ground. Waters flowing freely. Floating clouds drifting. Twinkling stars glittering. Moon shining phases. Sun providing seasons of life. Human beings unable to create blowing winds, falling rains, blankets of snow, powerful storms. All focusing there is more to life. Not one moment is our life not sustained with air, water, food. There will never be a moment our life can provide sustaining life. No matter what we achieve. Everlasting life in heaven is un-earnable, un-creatable, un-purchasable. Life living abundantly sustained within The Lord Our God’s life-changing engageable free-gifts of undeserved grace intimately breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Life-changing heavenly gifts transforming real hearts, real minds, real souls. The Lord Our God is actively faithful, always comforting, intimately trustworthy. The bible is very clear. Our Lord Christ Jesus is coming back. Simultaneously witnessed by all of life. Clouds will boldly open. Trumpets will courageously sound. Dead will be fearlessly raised. Every eye will intimately see. Every knee will willingly bow. The Lord Our God’s anointed protective truthfulness unraveling satan’s ungodliness within a flash of a moment. Godliness engaging ungodliness. All creation disappearing never to exist the same again. This day ~ Today has been purposefully created, uniquely designed, intimately put in motion with intentionality of preparing all of life for the up-coming everlasting, engageable banquet. The ultimate feast. Everlasting free-gift of The Lord Our God’s cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace within anointed protective promise of everlasting life in heaven. As we go about living our everyday life with little or no concern. Out of nowhere our life can get blindsided with unexpected turmoil, fears, hurts, disappointments, anxieties, chaos. As this dysfunction of the ways of this world wraps around our life. We can possibly start feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, discouraged, isolated. The Lord Our God’s holy word teaches about heavenly truthfulness, hopefulness, perseverance, faithfulness and about believing and trusting within the unseen. About expecting the unexpected. Intimately feeling comfort within uncertainties of life. It teaches about having heavenly faith, living sure what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Remember ~ We have an Amazing Living God actively loving this whole world. All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. Agape love overshadowing our life with intimate promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Agape love freely flowing with life-changing gifts breathing all the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Our life must be living prepared intentionally for this unexpected time. This unknown moment. This amazing life-changing banquet. For the time will come when we least expect it. This day ~ Today has purpose for our life. It does matter. Our choices are real. Our decisions do count. Our way of life reflects what actively lives within our heart, our mind, our soul. The life we willingly choose to actively live is the difference between living within eternal darkness in hell or living protectively within everlasting life in heaven. Living prepared is a choice. Believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit is a decision. Attending the banquet within the anointed promise of everlasting life in heaven is an active way of life. Reflect if you must. Have you personally accepted within the inner-core of your thriving life: Your Heart ~ Your Mind ~ Your Soul; The invitation living within Our Lord Christ Jesus who was mocked, condemned, beaten, crucified, sealed in a tomb, and resurrected to everlasting life in heaven? What life is actively living within: Our Heart ~ Our Mind ~ Our Soul.?

Father ~ Thank you for this day. Today open my heart, my mind, my soul to live within Godliness. Intimately prepare my life for the unknown moment. Realizing the engageable day is coming. The protective hour is arriving. The life-changing moment prepared. Abba Father ~ Protectively engage my life. Intimately helping my life live a worthy life among a world of chaotic brokenness. Helping keep my humanistic life faithfully prepared. Guarding the inner-core of my thriving life. Protecting my heart, my mind, my soul; my everlasting life purposefully living within you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner


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