(ENG) Hit back! Or why the policy of appeasing the aggressor does not work?
Gleb Borisov
Social psychology, sociology, political science, marketing analyst, writer, journalist, strategy developer.
Everyone has faced aggression from a person, an organization, or the state. We faced a choice - to submit or to fight back. In this article, we will consider the question - why do concessions to the aggressor increase the level of aggression? And why does rebuffing the aggressor stop aggression and turn the enemy into a partner?
Any social system is created as a management of the flow of resources. Developing, the social system goes through three phases of resource development:
To illustrate the behavior of society, we will build a model - a large tropical island. The island is a plain overgrown with banana trees. Bananas are a tasty resource.
There is a small population of human beings in the center of the island. Eating bananas, people begin to multiply, scattering in different directions.
In such conditions, any kind of management of society is impossible. Trying to control your relatives, you will scare them away and they will simply go to another clearing. Management begins where there are obstacles in the development of resources.
Let's add a fly in the ointment to our model. We will settle on the island of Lviv. Each lion pride occupies a certain territory. Lions are very happy for people entering their territory, but they are happy solely for the sake of a delicious breakfast that people represent themselves in the opinion of lions.
A man cannot handle a lion alone. There is a need to unite large groups of people. Centralized management appears. Why centralized?
Democracy takes into account the opinion of every member of society, which makes it impossible to concentrate all forces against the enemy. In addition, democracy is inferior to dictatorship in the responsiveness to threats.
There was a centralization of management. The crowd turns into a people. The people are defeating the lions. The society continues to expand throughout the island.
The people, led by a “wise” leader, safely crawls to the shore. To overcome the water barrier, there are no necessary technologies - boats. Society is not sufficiently developed for the emergence of technology. He doesn't need to. Before coming ashore on the island, the society had simple tasks - to kill lions and breed.
A dictatorship was enough to consolidate efforts. Dictatorship means control over every member of society to ensure the same consolidation. Control kills initiative. Society becomes a single organism. But one organism will not invent much.
Technological development requires a lot of heads. Diversity is required. The dictatorship resists diversity because it is more difficult to manage different people than a single society.
Upon reaching the boundaries of the resource zone, in our example marked by the coastline of the island, the society will face a choice - to overcome the barrier or use the available resources with greater efficiency. Both are possible only with technological development. And technological development under a dictatorship is impossible due to the lack of diversity in society.
The dictatorship will not immediately give up its position. She will try out of habit to consolidate the efforts of society to crack the obstacle. Moreover, in the absence of new technologies, hacking obstacles will be organized using old methods. For example, a dictatorship can drive a large number of people into the water. It worked with the lions. But not with water. People are drowning. The load on the resource base is falling. The dictatorship gets the opportunity to re-expand into the liberated territories. Such cycles can be repeated over and over again.
But there is another way - the transformation of dictatorship into democracy, i.e. decentralization of governance. The level of diversity in society is increasing. The likelihood of innovation increases. New technologies are emerging.
These may be agricultural technologies that increase the yield of bananas. Fishing technologies bringing a new food resource. Or the technology of building boats that will help overcome the resource barrier.
Technology expands the resource base and democracy becomes unnecessary. Society is once again moving into a regime of dictatorship or anarchy in order to exploit the resource opportunities that have opened up.
This is the model of society's development.
We see that giving in to the aggressor leads to an expansion of its resource base. Which in turn makes the development of the aggressor unnecessary.
Development begins with the establishment of a barrier of the resource zone, insurmountable at a given level of development of the aggressor. By setting such a barrier, you start the progress in the enemy's camp. And progress is impossible in a dictatorship regime.
The opponent will have to move from aggression to development in order to make more effective use of the available resource base or to create technologies to overcome the resource barrier.
Even more likely is the option of the enemy's transition to self-destruction in order to bring the number of people to the capabilities of the available resource base. In any case, the aggressor does not have the ability or desire to continue the aggression.
Do you want to avoid aggression? Let's fight back against aggression. This will not only protect yourself, but also give the enemy the opportunity to become more developed. And development makes aggression unnecessary. A developed opponent has something to offer you. And instead of a war, we will get a partnership.