(ENG) Emotions sell goods!
New advertising model.

(ENG) Emotions sell goods! New advertising model.


"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." - John Wanamaker (pioneer in marketing).

John Wanamaker

More than a hundred years have passed since John Wanamaker, and now we can tell which half of the money was wasted on advertising. In order to deal with this, we will have to remember how the brain works.


In a simplified form , human behavior is determined by the confrontation of two factors:

The limbic system

The first factor is emotions. The limbic system is responsible for emotions. Emotions are a decision-making tool. Any decision, even a deliberate one, is made on emotions. Thoughtfulness of decisions is an illusion. It's just the brain's ability to justify a decision after the fact (rationalization).

The frontal lobe

The second factor is rational thinking. The frontal lobes of the brain are responsible for it. Rational thinking is a tool for inhibiting emotions. Initially, rational thinking was responsible for the socialization of unrelated individuals in the group.

It is difficult to create a tribe if every person starts throwing a spear at his neighbors because of a sidelong glance in his direction. A social person needed to lower the emotional level otherwise the group would fall apart. Groups whose members were able to get along with each other survived. This was helped by the frontal lobes of the brain acting to inhibit emotions.

An evolutionary increase in the frontal lobes of the brain responsible for inhibition of emotions and intelligent activity.

The average volume of the frontal lobes of the brain in individuals from the surviving groups increased and was passed on to descendants, which improved human socialization. As an additional bonus, people received the development of intelligent activity due to an enlarged brain.

Our behavior is determined by the confrontation between emotions that prompt action and their inhibition through rational thinking. Thanks to the inhibition of emotions, we do not commit antisocial acts, no matter how much we would like to at certain moments of life. We can get along peacefully with our neighbors. We are creating huge societies of tens of millions of individuals within cities.

Thanks to the inhibition of emotions, we can dream, reason, invent. But we can't act. Inhibition of emotions also slows down decision-making. Slows down any action in the real world. A man of action is not a thinker. He is a man of passions.

Emotions are a decision-making tool. Rational thinking is the inhibition of decision-making.


Since advertising is intended to encourage people to take action - to purchase a product or service, it cannot be directed to the client's mind. Advertising should excite emotions, as emotions prompt action.

A person does not perceive abstract images well. Therefore, the world in which the product / service is present is better perceived through the character. I.e. it is necessary to personalize advertising.

Man comprehends the world through action. The advertising character must perform some action with the help of a product/service. Therefore, it is necessary to make a short story. Preferably with a dramatic plot.

The dramatic plot is the struggle between the hero and the antagonist, the basis of a dramatic work. Drama excites emotions. That's why we like works of art, movies and TV series so much. So why not use this approach in advertising?

Evoking emotions with a dynamic dramatic story, it is necessary to call the client to the action you need, indicating how to act (call to action). Without a specific indication, excited emotions will force the client to make a different decision, causing an action that is useless for you.

Having called for a specific action, it is necessary to specify the choice by providing, albeit incomplete, but specific information on the product / service.

Having received the necessary emotions and having prompted the client to the action you set, it is necessary to facilitate the execution of these actions. So the next part of the advertisement should be the information necessary for the order - a phone number, an order form, a link to the payment system, etc. The more options that facilitate the execution of the action, the better. The client needs to ensure minimal actions on his part to order your product / service.

And finally, it is worth explaining to the client why he made the decision to purchase a product / service. Justification of the choice after the fact is a model of behavior that eliminates the discrepancy between correct behavior and desire. Remember how you refused to run, citing rain, heat, or a promise to run a double distance tomorrow (procrastination). The correct behavior of the client does not always correspond to the behavior you require from the client.

The components of the advertisement must go in a certain order. You can't force a customer to buy a product without arousing the right emotions. Asking an unprepared customer to buy a product means to cause him strong negative emotions.

The fact is that the consumption of information is work. Including the consumption of advertising. Work is a waste of energy. When we watch an interesting movie, our energy expenditure on viewing is rewarded with positive emotions from the plot. Viewing information about a product you don't need is a waste of energy without remuneration. And the expenditure of energy without return causes negative emotions. Moreover, negative emotions are twice as strong as positive ones, provided that the stimuli that cause them are equivalent.

Double negative emotion quickly teach the brain to turn off attention during the further broadcast of advertising. This behavior conserves energy, which is a protective reaction of the body. Next time, the client will simply close his eyes when your advertisement appears. This is the half of the money wasted on advertising that John Wanamaker talked about.

For normal advertising consumption, it is necessary to evoke positive emotions of the client at the very beginning. An entertaining and dynamic story is responsible for this.

Then you need to encourage the client to take the action you need, facilitate this action by providing information for the order and offer a reasonable explanation of why the client made the decision to order.

A model of effective advertising.

Let's summarize the six parts of effective advertising in sequential order:

  1. Personalization is a character using a product/service. It helps the perception of advertising by replacing an abstract image with a concrete image.
  2. History is a dynamic history with the use of a product/service. Preferably a drama, i.e. a story in which the character has to overcome difficulties with the help of a product / service.
  3. A call to action is an indication to the client of an action you have set, for example, to buy a product/service.
  4. Specification of the choice - partial but specific information on the product /service and price.
  5. Information facilitating the customer's actions to order a product or service - phone number, order form, link to the payment system, etc.
  6. The rationale for the choice is to give the client a given explanation of why he made the decision you need. This will allow the client to think that he made the decision on his own.


  • Personalization -

John Smith's millionaire father died.

  • Story -

The executor introduced the heir to the will - to bury all his money with the deceased. Moishe was threatened with poverty and he turned to our law office for help. After receiving our advice, at his father's funeral, he put a check in the coffin for the entire amount of the inheritance, fulfilling the condition of the will but keeping the money in possession.

  • Call to action -

Contact the legal house “Cochrane and K” for help in any difficulty.

  • Specification of the choice -

Consultation - $ 100/hour.

Representation in court - $ 10,000 or 5 percent

of the amount sued, depending on the contract.

  • Information facilitating the client's action -

Office - 384 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018, USA

Phone - +1-555-0199

E-mail - [email protected]

  • Justification of the choice -

The Cochrane & K Law House has been on the market for 100 years. 9999 cases were conducted, of which 9998 were completed in favor of clients. In total, our clients received $10 billion as plaintiffs and did not pay $20 billion as defendants.

Full text of the ad:

“John Smith's millionaire father died.

The executor introduced the heir to the will - to bury all his money with the deceased. Moishe was threatened with poverty and he turned to our law office for help. After receiving our advice, at his father's funeral, he put a check in the coffin for the entire amount of the inheritance, fulfilling the condition of the will but keeping the money in possession.

Contact the legal house “Cochrane and K” for help in any difficulty.

Consultation - $ 100/hour.

Representation in court - $ 10,000 or 5 percent of the amount sued, depending on the contract.

Office - 384 5th Ave, New York, NY 10018, USA

Phone - +1-555-0199

E-mail - [email protected]

The Cochrane & K Law House has been on the market for 100 years. 9999 cases were conducted, of which 9998 were completed in favor of clients. In total, our clients received $10 billion as plaintiffs and did not pay $20 billion as defendants.”

Compare with the usual approach to advertising:

“The Cochrane & K Law House is the best company in the consulting market.”

Which of the two ads will interest you more?


Emotions are a decision-making tool. Emotions are the main tool of advertising. To convince the client, it is necessary to arouse emotions in him. To excite emotions, use a dynamic and dramatic story with a specific character who used the product / service.

Emotions are aroused. Without wasting time, we encourage the client to the action you set. We concretize his choice. We provide information that helps the client to perform a given action. And we suggest the rationale for a given action.

Congratulations, you have sold the product!


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