(ENG) The Diaspora.
Gleb Borisov
Social psychology, sociology, political science, marketing analyst, writer, journalist, strategy developer.
In recent years, we have been increasingly concerned about the problem of migrants. There is no country that has not faced the negative consequences of migration - the burden on the social system, ethnic crime, terrorism. Why migrants bring so much headache to states and how to avoid it, I will tell you in this article.
Let's define the concept. A migrant, in the public mind, a person of an alien culture. A Dane who moved to Germany or an Irishman who moved to Scotland is not perceived by society as a migrant because he was raised in the same cultural area.
A migrant from Tunisia to France is already a real migrant. Despite the fact that Tunisia has been a French protectorate for 75 years, with a French administration and a crowd of French immigrants. French is still one of the two official languages of Tunisia. However, Tunisia lies in an Islamic cultural zone. And those who come from there are not perceived as their own.
A person of a foreign culture, once in a new society, is afraid of an unfamiliar environment, other rules of behavior and responsibility for their violation. A person spontaneously begins to look for a space similar to his former home. And finds it in the form of a diaspora.
The diaspora is a part of a foreign ethnic group that is not integrated into the ethnic group of the receiving country. A migrant who has adopted the culture of the host country, its language, system of values and behavior, will not become a member of the diaspora. He doesn't need the Diaspora. He feels great in the company of ordinary citizens.
The Diaspora is needed by people who have just arrived in a new socio-cultural environment
The Diaspora is not a hotbed of marginals. The Diaspora is a tool for preserving the cultural identity of a migrant. Another thing is that someone else's culture has other people's rules of behavior. And these rules often conflict with the rules of society.
Like any isolated group, the diaspora creates its own cultural space and the legal field that provides it. To confirm the existence of a special cultural space, diasporas need to excuse their members from responsibility for violating the rules of ordinary society. By doing this, the diaspora returns the migrant to its authority. This also gives him a sense of impunity.
But that's not even the problem of the Diaspora. The Diaspora was not created to integrate incoming migrants into the host society. It is not a project of the state. The Diaspora does not work for society. She only works for herself. The Diaspora is interested in the lack of integration of its members.
The stronger the diaspora, the more migrants who have no reason to become citizens, the higher the level of problems created by the conflict of various systems of social behavior.
Actually, the problem of diasporas is not a national problem. Any society with a culture different from society creates a diaspora. Only they are called differently - gangs, sects, etc. These groups, as well as the national diaspora, create their own cultural space and their own rules of conduct.
The solution to the migration issue is to reduce the influence of diasporas and their disappearance in the future. To do this, it is necessary to create a project alternative to the diaspora
At the same time, it is necessary to complicate the conditions of the existence of diasporas. No government support. Complicate public support. To do everything so that a member of the diaspora understands that being in the diaspora is worse than integrating. And immediately provide him with an alternative.
These conditions will quickly end the migration crisis if they act together. For the duration of the existence of diasporas, it is worth creating a separate tool for resolving conflicts
It is easier to ignore the existence of diasporas, but not cheaper. After all, then you will have to put up with the existence of a migrant buffer, and with ethnic crime and even terrorism on your own territory. This is a loss of money. And what is much worse is the loss of the lives of the citizens of their country.