enforcing and challenging arbitral awards
Ramasubramanian FCIArb
Arbitrator / Counsel | Expert Witness | Advocate| Mediator | Member IBA | ODR Neutral | PoSH ICC| WIPO Neutral | Co-Author - Handbook on ARBITRATION by ICSI.
Does the arbitral tribunal have the power to correct or interpret an award on its own or at the parties’ initiative? What time limits apply?
The arbitral tribunal has the power to correct an award on its own initiative within 30 days of the date of the award.
In addition, if there is no other agreement on the terms between the parties, within 30 days of the date of the award:
If the arbitral tribunal considers such a request as reasonable, it must correct or explain the award within 30 days of the date of receipt of the request.
Challenge of awards
How and on what grounds can awards be challenged and set aside?
A right of appeal is not provided in the Law on International Arbitration and, therefore, an arbitral award cannot be appealed in the local courts of Azerbaijan. Under the Law on International Arbitration, an arbitral award can be set aside by the Supreme Court. This is the only recourse against an arbitral award.
An application to set aside an arbitral award must be made within three months of the date on which the applicant received the award.
An arbitral award can only be set aside by the Supreme Court if the applicant provides proof that:
An award can also be set aside if the court finds that:
Levels of appeal
How many levels of appeal are there? How long does it generally take until a challenge is decided at each level? Approximately what costs are incurred at each level? How are costs apportioned among the parties?
An arbitral award can only be set aside by the Supreme Court. Legislation does not specifically regulate the length of challenge proceedings, but Supreme Court cases should be decided within three months. In practice, the three-month guideline is used to determine challenge proceedings. No expedited proceedings on challenging arbitral awards are available.
The fee quotes for submitting appeals on challenging arbitral awards to the Supreme Court are not specifically determined by the legislation.
The state fee on appeals made to the court is paid by the applicant. Then, on the basis of the relevant court decision, the respondent may be required to pay the amount of the state fee to the applicant.
Also, as per the legislation in force, there are categories of persons exempted from paying the state fee on submitting appeals to the court. If the applicant is exempted from paying the state fee in the prescribed manner, the state fee calculated in accordance with the secured part of the claim shall be deducted from the respondent and transferred to the state budget.
Recognition and enforcement
What requirements exist for recognition and enforcement of domestic and foreign awards, what grounds exist for refusing recognition and enforcement, and what is the procedure?
Domestic arbitration is not regulated by Azerbaijani legislation and is not practised.
Regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, Azerbaijan is a party to the following international treaties related to recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards:
The Arbitration Law and Civil Procedure Code replicate provisions in the New York Convention.
An arbitral award (irrespective of the country where it was made) is recognised as binding and, on written application, will be enforced in accordance with the Law on International Arbitration. The Supreme Court reviews applications on the enforcement and recognition of arbitral awards. For recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, the party seeking enforcement must supply the duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy of it. If an arbitration agreement is not in Azerbaijani, a certified translation must be provided.
The Supreme Court can refuse to enforce a foreign arbitral award on proof of the following grounds.
The Supreme Court can also refuse to enforce an award if:
The legislation does not specifically regulate the length of enforcement proceedings, but Supreme Court cases should be determined within three months. In practice, the three-month guideline is used to determine enforcement proceedings. No expedited proceedings are available.
As Azerbaijan is a party to the New York Convention, achieving recognition of a foreign arbitral award is not difficult provided that no grounds for refusal stipulated in the Law on International Arbitration and the Civil Procedural Code exist.
Time limits for enforcement of arbitral awards
Is there a limitation period for the enforcement of arbitral awards?
According to the Law on Enforcement, enforcement documents issued on the basis of international arbitration awards and foreign state courts must be directed to enforcement within three years.
Enforcement of foreign awards
What is the attitude of domestic courts to the enforcement of foreign awards set aside by the courts at the place of arbitration?
The Supreme Court can refuse to enforce a foreign arbitral award if the award has been cancelled or suspended by a court under the laws of the country where it was adopted.
Enforcement of orders by emergency arbitrators
Does your domestic arbitration legislation, case law or the rules of domestic arbitration institutions provide for the enforcement of orders by emergency arbitrators?
Although the Law on International Arbitration does not explicitly provide for emergency arbitrators, it allows the parties to agree on the right of the arbitration institution to grant interim measures prior to the composition of the tribunal.
Cost of enforcement
What costs are incurred in enforcing awards?
The fee quotes for submitting applications on recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards to the Supreme Court are not specifically determined by the legislation.
Costs related to the translation and notarisation of documents and attorney order fees may occur.
Also, according to the Law on Enforcement, in the event that the enforcement document is not executed by the debtor within the time prescribed for voluntary execution without any excuse, the bailiff issues a decision on payment by the debtor of an execution fee at the rate of 7 per cent of the amount of money that must be withheld from the debtor. If a non-material claim is not executed, an execution fee of 11 Azerbaijani manats must be paid by an individual and 55 Azerbaijani manats by a legal entity.