Enforcement Policy Stresses Effective Compliance Programs Must Be Follow-throurgh and Prevent Circumvention

Enforcement Policy Stresses Effective Compliance Programs Must Be Follow-throurgh and Prevent Circumvention

Executive Summary 概要

US Department of Justice (DOJ) released critical policy change on corporate crime enforcement on September 15, 2022.?This policy stresses voluntary self-disclosure (along with full cooperation and remediation) as the “clearest path” to avoid a guilty plea or an indictment against historical misconducts unaddressed.?Moreover, it intends to assist committed business executives and corporate counsels to make both boardroom business case for investing in compliance culture, and genuinely informed choices in procurement, supply chain, partnerships, M&As and restructurings.

美国司法部(DOJ)于2022年9月15日发布了企业犯罪执法的重要政策变化。该执法政策强调自愿自我披露(以及充分合作和补救)是避免对既往未决的不当行为进行认罪或起诉的“最明确的途径”。 该政策致力于协助经理人和合规人士不仅推动董事会层面加强合规投入的商业决策,并在运营层面作出真正知悉的选择(采购、供应链、业务合作、并购和重组等)。

Our briefing is as follows, with unofficial translaction of the guidelines as reference.


2. Actionable Insights 执行参考

DOJ announced Memorandum Regarding Further Revisions to Corporate Criminal Enforcement Policies from the Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco (“Monaco Memo”) on September 15, 2022.[1]?Overall, Monaco Memo consolidates these existing practice with nuances and clarity:


??Individual Accountability: DOJ prioritizes investigations against culpable individuals, “regardless of their position, status, or seniority.”?DOJ requires prosecutors“strive to complete investigations into individuals”“prior to or simultaneously with” a resolution with the corporation.?Prerequisites to greenlight a resolution within DOJ must include an investigative plan and timelines addressing responsible individuals;


??Voluntary Self-disclosure, Cooperation & Remediation: DOJ expects that an effective compliance program must help the company “deter and prevent criminal conduct in the first place, and “position it to self-disclose if misconduct occurs nonetheless,”with full cooperation and thorough remediation;


??Cross-border Enforcement: DOJ’s collaboration with parallel investigations overseas has become norm, e.g., in Goldman Sachs, and DOJ credits proportionately its penalty against fines paid to its foreign counterparts;


??Corporate Culture: evaluation of the effectiveness of a compliance program includes compensation systems as well as severance agreements, in the context of “the full criminal, civil and regulatory record[2] of a company, before resolution;


??M&As & Integration: DOJ reiterates historical misconduct at the target side is neither necessarily a deal killer nor violation triggering enforcement.?Rather, “[p]rior misconduct committed by an acquired entity should receive less weight if the acquired entity has been integrated into an effective, well-designed compliance program at the acquiring corporation and if the acquiring corporation addressed the root cause of the prior misconduct before the conduct currently under investigation occurred, and full and timely remediation occurred within the acquired entity before the conduct currently under investigation;”

并购与整合:司法部重申其对于并购标(收购前)既往不当行为的态度:此类问题并非必然阻碍合法交易或导致收购方遭受监管执法。 相反,“如果被收购实体以前的不当行为已被纳入收购方有效的、精心设计的合规体系,并且收购方在目前正在调查的行为发生之前已针对既往不当行为的根本原因予以解决,并且在目前正在调查的行为发生之前在被收购实体内部实施了充分和及时的补救,那么被收购实体以前的不当行为应该得到较少的重视;”

??Monitorship: DOJ may refrain from imposing a monitor for a cooperating corporation, if at the time of resolution, the company can demonstrate that it has implemented and tested an effective compliance program; aggregating factors, however, could override such potential leniency, such as “grave threat to national security” or “deeply pervasive” misconducts; factual factors impacting determination of the pervasiveness include ignorance by senior management or corporate culture that does not encourage open discussion & reporting);


??DOJ-wide Unity & Transparency: these enforcement policy revisions apply department-wide including antitrust, environmental, and national security fronts.


The Monaco Memo also signals more granularity to come to tackle more subtle tactics to frustrate compliance:


??Compensation Systems: DOJ will evaluate a corporation's compensation arrangements contains clawback provisions with retroactive discipline, i.e., human resource metrics that reward pro-compliance behavior and penalizes unethical actors with direct or supervisory roles in criminal conduct surface to regulators;


??Off-system Circumvention and the Use of Personal Devices and Apps: DOJ will inquire the availability and execution of cellphone and App policies of a company under investigation.?DOJ will focus on the level of record retention and address off-system circumvention by reducing visibility of critical business discussion from compliance and management.[3]


Circumvention Through Confidentiality Agreement Faces Heightened Enforcement Exposure


DOJ singles out certain compliance deficiencies as disguised retaliation or silencing whistleblowers and avoid detection.?For example, DOJ highlights restrictive terms in confidentiality / severance agreements stifling whistleblowing to authorities.


Such “cost-effective” practices (using confidentiality agreements as a means to chill or prevent communication with authorities) have invited significant regulatory challenges and hefty penalties in recent Security Exchange Commission (SEC) enforcement in e.g., Brinks Company[4], Sandridge[5], and AB InBev[6].


Under the Monaco Memo, in the context of evaluating financial incentives and compensation, prosecutors should consider whether “a corporation uses or has used nondisclosure or non-disparagement provisions in compensation agreements, severance agreements, or other financial arrangements so as to inhibit the public disclosure of criminal misconduct by a corporation or its employees.”


Future enforcement will focus more on whether and “how incentive compensation systems can promote — rather than inhibit — compliance,” according to Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Miller.[7]


Consequence of Delays and Weak Compliance


When a company's compliance program is inadequate, remediation is not complete, and the criminal conduct was serious and pervasive, the consequences are obviously serious from enforcement perspective.?Yet it often takes considerable time, cability, and willingness to reach internal alignment and informed determination about whether, when, to whom and how upon discovery of serious misconducts.

如果企业的合规体系不充分、亡羊补牢的补救措施不彻底,而且犯罪行为严重而普遍,从执法角度来看其后果显然是严重的。 然而,在发现严重的不当行为时,企业内部往往需要相当多的时间、能力和意愿来达成内部一致,并就是否、何时、向谁和如何进行调查处理作出知悉的决策。

Nevertheless, “timeliness” to come forward is critical to secure cooperation credits and leniency, and DOJ aspires to “gain access to all relevant, non-privileged facts about individual misconduct swiftly and without delay.”


Undue or intentional delay in evidential disclosure relating to individual culpability will result in reduction or denial of cooperation credit.?In recent enforcement against Glencore with $1.1 Billion and imposition of a monitor for three years, DOJ highlights delay as driving factor for losing full cooperation credits:[8]

不当或故意拖延与追究个人罪责相关的证据披露将导致企业获得合作加分机会窗口减损乃至丧失。 在最近对嘉能可(Glencore)11亿美元的定罪与执法中,司法部强调企业拖延是失去完整的合作加分的驱动因素。

When a historical misconduct is surfaced, full cooperation, timely remediation and voluntary self-disclosure, is the “clearest path for a company – even a recidivist – to avoid a guilty plea or an indictment” (and secure leniency, e.g., declination letter in CDM Smith[9]).

当既往不当行为浮出水面时,充分合作、及时补救和自愿自我披露,是 “企业——甚至是重复犯罪者——避免认罪或被提起公诉的最清晰的路径选择”(并由此确保获得宽大处理,例如不予起诉)。

Avoiding delay to come forward timely with a proper resolution as outcome presents the best defense to address significant compliance challenges.?Post-resolution remediation helps companies self-cure and regain profitability, because “failing to take compliance seriously – will, in the long-run, be far more painful.”

对于违规行为避免拖延、适时披露并争取适当的裁决作为商业结果是解决重大合规监管挑战的最佳防御措施。 裁决后的后续补救措施有助于企业自愈并重获盈利能力,因为“不严肃对待合规——从长远来看,将更加痛苦”。

Role and Accountability of Compliance Officers if Resolution Takes Place


DOJ officials highlight that the policy goal is “not just to hold people accountable after crime has been committed, but to disrupt and deter the threat before crime takes place.”?“[A] company that decides to white-knuckle it through is taking on a lot of downside risk.”?Such downside risks include not only penalties and reputational harms, but also “risk of collateral consequences like suspension and debarment in relevant industries.”[10]

司法部官员强调其执法政策目标是“不仅仅是犯罪事后追究责任,而且预防犯罪,即阻却犯罪发生并阻止其威胁”。 “大量负面风险持续累积是一家企业做出如下选择所要接受的后果,即怀揣不报而内心惴惴不安”。该等负面风险不仅包括监管惩罚与声誉毁损,还包括其意料之外的间接损失,例如在相关行业中被暂停甚至剥夺经营资格。

Recent resolutions (e.g., GOL Airlines[11], ABB[12]) have required certifications by Chief Executive Officers and Chief Compliance Officers in settlement agreements.

最近的执法实例(巴西戈尔航空公司(GOL Airlines)与 ABB案件)要求首席执行官和首席合规官对与监管部门达成的协议进行签字保证。

Such certification commands CEOs and CCOs to affirm that, at the conclusion of the term of a resolution, the company’s compliance program is reasonably designed to detect, and prevent, and remediate violation.


DOJ deems this measure to “empower, not punish, compliance teams and help ensure that compliance officers have an important voice in the business organization.”


Outlook / Why Care ? 展望 / 为何关切?

“Adversity spurs vitality, while comfort breeds sloth.?Always take a long view, be vigilant in peace time.” (citing Chinese proverb)


A recurring question for compliance in China is “why I (we) (in China) should care about DOJ policies.”?Geopolitical conflicts have proliferated blocking statutes and data protection laws against the so-called “long arm jurisdiction.”?Moreover, codes of conducts of S&P 500s often command compliance “with all applicable laws” (including local laws).

在国内合规岗常被问的问题是:“为什么(在中国)应该关心美国司法部的政策?” 地缘政治冲突导致了针对域外“长臂管辖”的阻断法律和数据保护法规的普遍化。 此外,众多500强企业的的行为准则要求遵守“所有适用的法律”(包括中国当地法律)。

That said, both the reach of DOJ jurisdiction and realistic consequence of violation are clear for multinational companies either publicly traded in US or having overseas headquarters / subsidiaries and assets in US or Western markets.


Moreover, regulators share anti-corruption enforcement interests despite of ideological difference.?For example, PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) secured “complete access to inspect and investigate audit firms in China for the first time in history” on December 15 2022.

不仅如此,尽管意识形态存在分歧,监管机构之间在反腐败执法合作方面有着共同的利益。 例如美国上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)已于2022年12月15日获得了“史无前例的对中国审计机构核查与调查的完全权限”。

Takeaways 要点回顾

??Invest in Effectiveness of Compliance Programs: Monaco Memo empowers committed businesspeople and compliance officers with strong legal basis and incentives to deter misconduct through effective compliance programs—a top focus in DOJ's corporate crime enforcement.


??Don’t White-knuckle It Through: DOJ will apply “adverse inference” for those who “capitalize” data protection laws or blocking statutes to “shield misconduct inappropriately from” detection and enforcement.?DOJ expects and provides credits to cooperating corporation who “find ways to navigate such issues of foreign law and produce such records” “expeditiously.”

莫惴惴不安却企图瞒天过海:对于那些通过“榨取”数据保护或阻断法律从而“隐匿不当行为”并规避监督的不法者,司法部将适用“不利推定”。司法部希望企业 “迅速、积极设法解决法律冲突问题并提供记录”,并为合作企业提供合作加分。

??Don't Destruct Data / Evidence or Retaliate: in terms of cooperation and remediation anticipating regulatory exposure, DOJ directs that efforts must be in place “prohibiting the improper destruction or deletion of business records.”


??Review, Eliminate Deficiency & Identify Wrongdoers in Compensation Systems and Confidentiality / Severance Agreement: Monaco Memo bright to light subtle schemes, with varying forms but same substance is to “inhibit the public disclosure of criminal misconduct by a corporation or its employees.”?Such schemes could constitute systematic misconducts that Monaco Memo crystalizes as enforcement focus.

审查并消除薪酬制度和保密/离职协议中的缺陷并查明违规者:摩纳哥备忘录将管理实务中一些较隐晦的伎俩置于监管阳光之下:这些伎俩形式各不相同,但实质是为了“阻止公司或其员工公开披露犯罪的不当行为”。 这些伎俩可能构成系统性的不当行为,而摩纳哥备忘录将其作为执法重点。

??Follow-through: Experienced compliance counsels and professionals must be vigilant on signals from ground, recommend corrective actions and follow through.


??Consider Voluntary Self-disclosure: voluntary self-disclosure, cooperation and remediation saves companies from corporate liabilities and penalties in millions and billions of dollars often vicariously borne by shareholders instead of wrongdoers, hold culpable individuals accountable, with transparency and beefed-up compliance program as solid closure of historical misconducts.


Exhibit 1 contains the courtesy bilingual transaction of the Monaco Memo for ease of reference by committed business and legal professionals.


Exhibit 1 - Memorandum from Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco Regarding Further Revisions to Corporate Criminal Enforcement Policies Following Discussions with Corporate Crime Advisory Group (September 15, 2022)

附录1 - 副总检察长丽莎?摩纳哥关于根据公司犯罪问题咨询小组的讨论对公司刑事执法政策的进一步修订的备忘录

Note: The contents of this newsletter are the author(s)’ individual responsibility, and do not necessarily represent the views of any company / organization or any of its members. Due to the general nature of its contents, this newsletter is not and should not be regarded as legal advice. No specific action is to be taken on the information provided without prior consultation with your trustworthy counsel(s).        

[1] U.S. Dep't of Justice, “Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks on Corporate Criminal Enforcement” (Sept. 15, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/deputy-attorney-general-lisa-o-monaco-delivers-remarks-corporate-criminal-enforcement; Memo from the Deputy Attorney General (Lisa O. Monaco), “Further Revisions to Corporate Criminal Enforcement Policies Follow Discussions with Corporate Crime Advisory Group” (Sept. 15, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/dag/page/file/1535286/download (“Monaco Memo”)

[2] U.S. Dep't of Justice, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Gives Keynote Address at ABA's 36th National Institute on White Collar Crime” (Oct. 28, 2021), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/deputy-attorney-general-lisa-o-monaco-gives-keynote-address-abas-36th-national-institute

[3] U.S. Dep't of Justice, “Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Marshall Miller Delivers Live Keynote Address at Global Investigations Review” (Sept. 20, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/principal-associate-deputy-attorney-general-marshall-miller-delivers-live-keynote-address

[4] Order, In re The Brink’s Company, Securities Exchange Act Rel. No. 95138 (June 22, 2022), https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2022/34-95138.pdf

[5] Order, In re Sandridge, Securities Exchange Act Rel. No. 79607 (Dec. 20, 2016).

[6] Order, In re Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Securities Exchange Act Rel. No. 78957 (Sept. 28, 2016), https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2016/34-78957.pdf

[7] U.S. Dep't of Justice, “Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Marshall Miller Delivers Live Keynote Address at Global Investigations Review” (Sept. 20, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/principal-associate-deputy-attorney-general-marshall-miller-delivers-live-keynote-address

[8] Plea Agreement, United States v. Glencore International A.G. (May 24, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/criminal/file/1508266/download

[9] Declination Letter, In Re CDM Smith, Inc (Jun. 21, 2017), https://www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/page/file/976976/download

[10] U.S. Dep't of Justice, “Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri Delivers Remarks at the 39th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” (Dec. 1, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/acting-principal-deputy-assistant-attorney-general-nicole-m-argentieri-delivers-remarks

[11] Deferred Prosecution Agreement, United States v. Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A., No. Case 8:22-cr-00325-PJM (Sept. 16, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/file/1535366/download

[12] Deferred Prosecution Agreement, United States v. ABB Ltd., No. 1:22-cr-00220-MSN (Dec. 2, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1556131/download

Tim Williamson

Infrastructure, Efficiency and Renewable Energy

1 年

Excellent share, Yi Wang. Greater transparency, remains a constant theme in corporate FCPA, AML, and ESG integration. Self-disclosure helps prevent misdeeds, and a ton of legal fees on enforcement, prosecution, and penalties for bad behavior.



