What is Energy?
Have you ever experienced energy? I know you would give laugh and ask, “I know about kinetic & potential energy from school which one are you talking about?”. What is this energy I’m talking about which drives the life on Earth, is essential for the existence of the solar system, our galaxy & even the whole Universe? What does it mean when some people say, “Everything is energy, it is all around us”? Can we experience it too in some way? What does it mean to us in our daily life?
Where is all this Energy and where is it coming from and going? What could be the source of it? Based on science, for an energy exchange to happen between bodies indefinitely, they have to be in motion. But as we know our world around, not everything seems to be in motion, Is it? What about vibration??A vibration can be source of Energy as well as can absorb it. As they say, everything in the Universe is vibrating. How is it possible, otherwise we would have felt it?
Vibrational Universe
To understand it, let us go back to the basics, the building block of everything. If you would remember the school science class when Atoms and molecules were taught. Atom, which is so small to imagine, has a nucleus of protons and neutrons with electrons revolving around it, similar to our solar system. That is how we had all pictured it for long until my thought shattered when I came across Quantum physics. Electrons are not rotating, nobody really knows what electrons are doing inside an atom, they are just found at different places. There are different theories it, some call it an electron cloud, some say that they are vibrating in the area or may be even moving in-out between different dimensions of the universe. Do you know all this universe we see is only 5% of the actual universe, where is the other 95%?
Quantum physics also helped to further disintegrate protons & neutrons to identify up/down quarks. The quantum fields theory somewhat follows the same direction of continuous vibrations even in vacuum. We will not go further deep in this article, a lot of information is available on Internet. If our building block are in motion, so are we and everything and there is a constant exchange of energy taking place. So, in a way, everything in the Universe is connected and can have impact on everything else through energy.
The enormous energy
How immense could this energy be? It seems at so minute level. What happens if we try to break the nucleus of the atom? Nothing much but it becomes an atomic bomb ??.
What is that energy holding everything together? Content in an atom is less than 5%, rest all is energy making each of us an energy powerhouse. Energy is everywhere, energy is constantly being exchange between the bodies of universe be it next to each other or between the edges of the Universe. Can we leverage this energy in any way?
Energy in our daily life
Every action in us is result of a thought be it from conscious or subconscious mind. So, every thought is also an action. It means that not only any physical action produces energy but even every thought or intention can lead to a subtle Energy exchange, thereby impacting the universe around us.
Haven’t you experienced those days when you think of an old friend or relative and suddenly you receive a message or call from them on the same or next day. That uneasy feeling you experience when someone very close to you is in a difficult situation away from you. Or that uneasy feeling in strange places. It is all energy exchange. The good things or bad things you think about others, they reach out as energy. Do you remember the ‘nazar lag jaana’ (or catching the evil eye) superstition as kids, for which mom used to burn the chillies? It may very well be a result of an unwanted energy.
It is said that our body vibrates in a specific frequency when we are act or feel certain emotions. The more negative the emotion, the lower is the frequency of vibrations. Emotions like guild, grief, hopelessness are the worst emotions creating an extremely low vibrational field around us. These are deadly emotions which has shown to lead people to extreme steps. Emotions like joy, happiness, love, empathy, compassion raise our vibrations and our spirits too and of those around us. The kind of vibration we have inside and so is the kind of energy we produce in the world.
Living the Energy way
Now that we know the impact of our inner emotions, why don’t we try to let go of the negativity from life and raise our inner vibrations. Showing a little more love towards others, a little more compassion and empathy, patience & forgiveness towards others. Let go of that anger, it tends to reside within us, and we are the prime sufferer due to it. In fact, all of our emotions can reside inside our body in a particular organ, like anger in liver, fear in kidneys, etc. and keeping such emotions for a longer time directly affects the organ. Just let it go, throw it out of our body. If you feel angry on someone, just offer him/her gratitude and thank for giving you another perspective in this world if nothing else.
Just try it for a few days and it is surely going to change your relationships with all others. However subtle & small these emotions may be, but our body knows it all. It sends & receives the energies on the sub-conscious level. The change in your vibrations would be not only felt by you but all other people around you too. It could be a turning point in your life.
The Healing Energy
There are many names to the energy, Prana, Life-force, Ki or Qi, etc. Ancient healing systems like Yoga tantra & ancient Chinese book of Yellow Emperor provide clear work on the energy system in our body. The Chinese define its flow through various meridians where any stagnation causes a disease. A similar system is described in the ancient Yoga scriptures on the Chakra system which gained more popularity with Tantra in early AD century (more details on this in a future article). Does it really work? There are abundant cases today around the world where people have got healed from fatal diseases through these non-conventional methods despite being given up by modern medical science.
This high vibrational energy not only can heal us but also can be used to heal others. One such widely used example is Energy healing. The core concept is same however the methods can be different known as Reiki, Pranic healing, Quantum healing, QiGong, etc. The healer slowly moves into a subtle meditative state which helps to tap into the subconscious mind to direct the flow of Energy. The energy then can be redirected to the person or even a past/future event which needs a healing. This energy influences & clear the stagnated energy in the receiver’s body.
Earlier years I had never really bothered or shown interest to look into the energy system. But when I first came across its strength, it blew me away. Let me share few one of my real-life experiences. Hope it helps you appreciate the energy better.
Few of my experiments
My first experience with energy was with Reiki. While most people feel energy through emotions, to me it comes to be more as a physical sensation. It like moving my hand against slightly dense air. Interestingly, my hands become very cold whenever I practice energy (contrary to many, who feel the heat in their hands).
Being a Skeptic from science background, how can I simply believe that this works unless I see a proof? I got the chance to try my first trial at home. My wife had been complaining about a backache since few days. One night, when she was fast asleep, I tried the energy healing without her knowing about it. The next evening when I asked about her back ache, she replied “Oh yes, I feel somewhat better and don’t seem to it now”, she replied. Now that was something to get me intrigued.
Thereafter I did numerous experiments with energy, including healing of other family members & even plants, birds, fishes, many times it seemed to work but sometimes it didn’t. There is another experiment for which incidentally, I have pictures to show.
Playing with nature
I read somewhere that energy can keep the flowers fresh. I thought of trying energy on some freshly bloomed large Dahlia flowers. I energized one of the flowers, a yellow one, and requested it to stay fresh for a longer time. I assumed the flower will stay as it is for a longer time than others. Strangely, it threw all its opened petals the next day. I was a little upset but then I noticed interestingly its inner petals stayed there. This happened only to the yellow flower, while all other 4-5 flowers kept all the petals as usual.
Interestingly, even after around 22 days, while the other flowers were decaying however this yellow flower, with only the inner petals, stayed same. But it kind of made me feel bad about playing with nature and thought never to play like this again.
The below pictures taken when the flowers bloomed in the garden.
Below are the pictures taken after 22 days. Notice the decaying pink flower which happens to all Dahlia flowers. Notice the yellow flower, it is exactly what it was 22 days back. You will see what I meant by inner petals.
PS: Since I didn't plan to record the incidence, I don't have the pic when the yellow flower threw away its petals. But it looked exactly the same as it shown here after 22 days. In fact it stayed same for another week & then slowly it decayed.
Chief Marketing Ex at Indo Auto Tech
2 年Beautiful article, love to experience the energy effects. Unbelievable?