Energy transition and the big winner is the gas...
The North Stream 2 pipeline, which connects Russia directly with Germany via the Baltic Sea, will be commissioned this year. At the same time, Donald Trump is campaigning for the export of American liquid gas (LNG) by ship to Europe.
Both in Germany and in Belgium, there are calls to invest more in gas. It seems that the enormous investments by Belgium and Germany in wind turbines and photovoltaic energy have not been fruitful......................
Globally, electricity is mainly produced from fossil fuels, such as coal.?Above all, however, it is gas that stands out as the big winner of the efforts for the energy transition behind a large-scale action on the development of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Fatih Birol Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said: "Thirty years ago, the share of fossil fuels in the global energy mix was 81%. Since then, despite the fall in the cost of renewable energy and despite efforts to improve energy efficiency, this share has been... 81% remained. ?.?This growth in gas has an immediate impact on CO2 emissions, which increased by 1.7% worldwide in the energy sector in 2018 to meet the growing need for heating and cooling.?Source: "Energy transition counterpoints and the big winner is the gas" by Michel Gay.
Through this article ( it is clear that all the efforts already made of more renewable energy have only led to more CO2 emissions. The petrochemical sector promotes plenty of wind turbines and solar panels because this guarantees them to stay afloat. Our politicians are blind in this and are investing massively in gas-fired power plants. When will someone wake up on the other side???