Energy, timing and connectedness
My journey of life has been an exploration of energy and how it moves and shifts as we evolve and raise our awareness towards more observation.
My father was a seeker and his choices influenced and conditioned me. There were no fixed ideas. There was constant learning and exploration. There were hardly any absolutes… no rights and wrongs.
I grew atheist, probably influenced by my grandmother, who would coax me to follow tradition and rituals refusing to explain the reasoning behind them. I was born with a questioning and contrarian mind and refusing to reason immediately activated rebelliousness in me.
I began to meditate in my mid twenties with the scientific idea for improving my concentration and it all began to shift. I realised there was so much synchronicity. I could no longer justify various occurrences as coincidences as miracles were happening before my eyes. My ex mother-in-law was instrumental in bringing a lot of this awareness through her energy healing practices and various incidences came before me that significantly shifted my trajectory. I am going to try and share some from different domains of life.
I was headed to a TED conference and I carried a strong premonition that I would meet someone of deep importance in my life. I kept looking for that person through the 3 days. ‘Is this the person?’ would emerge each time there was an interaction and there were so many with like-minded individuals mulling around but I did not get yes as an answer. I was about to leave but my driver was delayed so I headed to hang out at lunch. As I sat with some friends, I saw a woman walk towards us and literally felt like she was floating on light. We ended up having a wide array of conversation with various insights emerging during that interaction. I remember I had to just find a place to sit for over an hour after we parted as it felt like I was floating and needed to ground. She eventually became my wife and completely transformed the trajectory my life was on. We also met an amazing force of energy at a later time who told us clearly that we had been together many lifetimes and that this was dessert!
I was disillusioned and struggling. My decisions had led the business to near closure. I had gone through a divorce and was in an emotional mess trying to build a relationship with my daughters through the turmoil. I was exploring what life wanted from me and heading in multifarious directions through starting, pushing and shutting various ventures. And it was at this time that I met Dr Kaipa who completely reframed the lens I saw life from. The 4 big lessons he provided were:
These ideas led to my work life, business and contributions shifting completely. I fired myself from executive roles, found much better people and began searching for solutions that would fulfil our aims to contribute towards our planet. The universe’s symphony began to play… ideas, people, finances and solutions all keep appearing and we keep becoming a vehicle for change as we surrender more and more.
As I grew deeper in meditation I kept exploring various spiritual paths. I would go to learn from whatever came my way… Pranic Healing, Art of Living, Sadhguru, Osho, Zen and various other possibilities came and influenced me but it did not feel like home. I evolved my own practice which was a mix of different meditations (one for each day of the week) but I knew I had plateaued. I was stuck. I kept searching for my ‘guru’ to take me further till I met a wonderful man in a gurudwara who I questioned about my search. He asked me to stop looking. He said ‘gu’ ‘ru’ means from darkness to light and that is a journey from within. The real ‘guru’ is inside and the external one only leads us to him. The search shifted. My father had recommended in my mid-twenties that I explore vipassana and I felt ready for it after years at 40 and it changed everything. It felt like home. There were no pretences and I was shorn off all stories. I was naked with all my fears, conditioning and desires oozing out of me. That became my practice and began to connect me more. I began to become more aware and observant and I know this is still the beginning.
I find myself way more aware today. Such powerful forces of energies appear regularly and I am left stunned. I, of course, don't know the plans life has for me but am able to spend each day in more surrender and love. I believe in the universes’ plan so much more and seek direction rather than strive towards forging a path that appears from my intellect. I keep becoming a vessel for life to manifest through me.?
loved the sharing from the heart. appreciate the curosity and wonder with which you have lived your life, and the adaptive leadership you have embodied
Former Director Invest Guatemala, Private Agency Non Profit
1 年Thank you for sharing ????
Co-founder, Institute of Indic Wisdom, Board Member, Retired CEO Coach and Advisor
1 年Wonderful to see you learning from your own failures and experiences Ved Krishna. Most people look outside to learn and keep struggling to be even aware of what is happening in their own life. Thank you for being a leader who wants to walk the talk than just give a visionary talk.
Founder at Crea machines and director at lively eco sustainable solutions pvt ltd
1 年great thought and share @ Ved Krishna, people sometimes complicate the path of spirituality and some people in the name of seeking even distance themself from reality and the material world, but your words and experience depict the truth and what is real spirituality and how that's not something you search outside but inside and how it can anchor a person happily in the true reality, great share !!!
Oficial Administrativa en el Poder Judicial de la Federación
1 年Definitivamente la vida está llena de sincronicidad.! Saludos a la familia.!