What is it? it is not a simply? abstract idea; but everything.? It is real things moving in time and space (space-time). What? are things? Everything we sense, namely, see, hear, smell, taste and can touch. Movement implies time and space. There are two patterns of movement. Periodic and random. Periodic is an orderly-movement, and random is? disorderly motion. Periodic is predictable; and random is difficult to predict. It needs information to predict. That information extraction from an apparent randomness is what computing is. It is signal detection buried in noise. All communication systems filter noise out improving SNR ( signal to noise ratio)?
?Thing at rest is an illusion. You are not aware that earth is moving. Conceptually there is a state of rest at absolute-Zero (degree Kelvin), unattainable- temperature.? A thing apparently at rest, could be in? fact vibrating periodically at some frequency,? or at random like a hot or cold body. Most visible movements are circular orbital movements. When the radius tends to infinity it looks linear and when it tends to zero it is spin. Thus it is easier to assume that every periodic thing including a pendulum is moving along a circular or elliptical path though it? is only a part of a closed loop or simply back and forth. So it is simpler to think as a rotating vector with a radius of magnitude and direction. The direction? can be simply north- south or east west if it looks like a straight line. Otherwise the angle itself changes continuously with time or in fast small jerks like a toothed wheel. Any periodic? circular motion has an angular velocity, angular acceleration and higher order rates of changes called derivatives.? So vector spaces have associated derivative spaces.??
So Energy = h times frequency (f) where (h) is Planck’s constant. So ( h) is energy multiplied period (T=1/f )of the angular frequency omega?
ω= (2π. f).
?Homework for meditation. Mantra in Greek? E=h. Nu. Think of everything as frequency (colors, music, smell- rose, jasmine; taste orange , banana and finally, touch as hot and cold? as random movement. . Now simply stand up and spin chanting? ohm. The ohm has growth, steady state, and decay periods. . You can breathe-in, hold it and breathe out.? The realization that energy manifests in potential kinetic forms angels the potential form as a mass
Is a special case when its frequency of vibration is slow when anything gets bigger and heavier in space-rime. Once you meditate on this other things like mass- energy equivalence will reveal itself. We will get to that soon. We will understand spooky things. I have new students who know how to manipulate matrices and their properties as operators etc. much better than me. With old age my memory is getting worse. So Tejas is a Kalakar. He has a conjugate-matching complex impedance with the younger generation. He can do infinite spins and multiply by? j instantaneously using positive-feedback etc. h he can rip time off calculus by creating Tejas- algebras in new manifolds. I just want to be reborn as a tree to create food for all senses? of vision (flowers), smell (rose, jasmine) and taste (mangoes, grapes, peaches, plums and cherries). .?
Independent Researcher on Alternative Energy Technologies
1 年Energy is Information. We can experience it only when they move from one place to the other.