#Energy & #Shipping Insights from Poten & Partners - July 2023
Over 80 years as trusted brokers and advisors providing valuable insight into oil, gas, & shipping markets.
#LNG?in World Markets:?1H 2023 Contracting Pace Slows
LNG contracting activity slowed in IH 2023 after hitting record highs last year amid tight markets and price volatility following Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. A total of about 36.2 MMt of sales and purchase agreements (SPAs) have been signed since the start of 2023, almost 20 MMt short of the volume signed in the same period of 2022.
Read more of our contracting analysis?from Poten's?LNG in World Markets
#LPG?in World Markets: Higher Demand Spikes Turkish Imports by 50%
LPG imports into Turkey jumped 50% from January to May, to about 1.6 MMt. This increase was primarily fueled by higher consumption from the autogas and industrial sectors, despite the country dealing with both economic concerns and the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in February, according to Turkish energy market regulator EPDK.
Read the rest of this feature?from Poten's?LPG in World Markets
#Tanker?Opinion:?Transatlantic Balancing Act
Did the Ukraine war change transatlantic product flows?
The transatlantic product trades have been a staple for the Medium Range (MR) product tanker market for decades.?MRs are being used to balance the product markets on both sides of the Atlantic.?Europe typically exports gasoline to the United States and diesel would make the opposite trip. Ideally, the same vessel can get employed in both trades, moving European gasoline from Northwest Europe to the US East Coast and picking up diesel cargo in the USG destined for Europe.
Read and subscribe?to Poten's?Tanker Opinion
#LPG?Market Outlook:?Near-Term Trade Flows Shift
OPEC+ announced that voluntary production cuts are going to be extended through September 2023. The news of the extension resulted in a noticeable surge in oil prices, but the rally appears to have stalled on demand uncertainty in the near term. Nonetheless, OPEC+ crude oil production in July was at its lowest level in roughly two years. LPG exports from the Middle East in 1H 2023 were 3% higher than they were last year over the same time frame, despite the production cuts. However, with production beginning to fall more rapidly in 3Q 2023, exports in 2H are forecast to be lower than they were in 1H. As a result, Middle East exports are forecast to decline in 2023 to 41.4 MMt from 41.8 MMt in 2022.
Read the rest of this feature?from Poten's?LPG Market Outlook
On demand Webinar: Long-term?#LNG?Pricing: Have Contract Levels Peaked or Is There Room to Rise? | Presented August 9, 2023
Long-term contract prices have been rising steadily over the past year, both in the United States and in other regions. Join Poten's Head of Business Intelligence Jason Feer on August 9 as we dive into the most current deals and examine where prices are now and where they are headed.
View the webinar?on demand
#LNG?Market Outlook:?LNG and Coal Imports Rising in India
Rising temperatures played a major role in higher LNG imports in 2Q 2023 for India, but the monsoon season has set in, and temperatures have cooled off. However, low prices and the initiation of commissioning for the new Dhamra LNG import terminal are both factors that are forecast to keep India active in the LNG spot market in the near term.
Read the rest of this feature?from Poten's?LNG Market Outlook