Energy Panorama Newsletter - April
Institute of the Americas
Promoting sound public policy & fostered cooperation between public & private sector stakeholders across the Hemisphere.
April Panorama
This installment of Energy Panorama is being composed having just returned from Madrid where we hosted the fourth edition of the Madrid Energy Conference in collaboration with IPD Latin America.
With attendees from over 20 countries in the Americas and Europe and more than 80 companies and institutions, our two-plus day agenda offered a unique array of discussion. Perhaps most importantly there was a resounding call to action to accelerate cooperation to support energy transition that counts reliable and affordable energy solutions.
We launched the Madrid Energy Conference in 2019 with a clear objective to foster cross-continental energy transition and investment discussions. With our mission statement of “Where Europe and Latin America meet for energy dialogueâ€, we believe that we have created a unique and important platform for energy thought leaders, policymakers, regulators and investors from both sides of the Atlantic to meet and advance our collective efforts to ensure more energy and less carbon.
We were pleased to also count the participation of five graduate students from UCSD’s School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS). They joined us as rapporteurs during the conference and will help to prepare the proceedings report. Their participation was supported by a donation from John Gerretsen. Stay tuned for the full conference report.
Our preparations in early April for the Madrid Energy Conference included two additional Curtain Raiser interviews. Jeremy Martin spoke to Camilo Serrano of Atlas Renewable Energy. Our colleague John Padilla spoke to Jose Vicente Zapata of Holland & Knight. Both firms were principal Madrid Energy Conference sponsors.
Jeremy Martin also contributed a scene-setter essay in advance of the Madrid Energy Conference that was published by Latin Counsel.
We have a wide range of events and programs coming up, beginning with our third and final Geothermal in the Americas webinar set for May 5. We are also beginning plans, in coordination with our colleagues at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) for our Energy & Sustainability Roundtable in Rio de Janeiro on June 27-28.
And it’s never too early to mark your calendars for our annual La Jolla Energy Conference. The XXXII edition is set for October 11-12.