Energy Modelling, Science or Magic?
Quality, Consequences and the Construction Industrial Complex (part 284).
Our guest this episode is Eoghan Hayes, Managing Director of Edge Consultants and all round building simulation wizard.
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In this episode, we discuss:
- Do not trust the software!
- How the fundamentals matter.
- Open source performance data, why it matters.
- How 85% of roof top units shut down due to temperature not ventilation requirements.
And much more…….
For more information on Eoghan
Eoghan has a B.Eng. Building Services degree from the Dublin Institute of Technology. He is also a LEED AP and a BC Hydro approved building simulation energy modeler.
Eoghan is a professional building services engineer and experienced building simulation practitioner. He specializes in building services design including ELV systems and energy modelling. He has deep experience with design solutions that incorporate geo-exchange systems, solar thermal systems and radiant heating & cooling solutions.
Eoghan is Managing Director of Edge Consultants and an owner of Airsset in Vancouver Canada.
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