Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD., Noetic Healing Orthodox Psychotherapist.
St. John’s Management Group AOCCA. An Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy. Members: The International Conference of Police Chaplains, American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts and The Christian Legal Society.
Energy medicine is the new face of medicine in which we understand that everything is based upon frequencies. If we observe any cell down to the nucleus and its constituents far enough, we arrive at the electron. The electron is but a system of waves, frequencies. Interestingly enough, they precipitate from a state of potential (wave frequencies) to material when they are observed. This is the potent discovery made by Heisenberg not very long ago. From a clinical point of view, one may note that wherever we put our attention, that lives. If we look at something straight-forwardly, it is vivid; from the side or the periphery, it is vague; from behind, it does not exist. Uniting that with the Heisenberg Principle, we see that it really becomes an actuality, an actuality which is better understood when we begin to see that a word may jump out of the page if it denotes the particular interest that we are searching, the information which we are seeking. So, it works in personality. Where we put our attention (interest), that flows with a better product. Psychologists are interested in (have attention for) things which are of the intellect and the heart. Football players are more interested in things which are muscular. If we unite that information about wave frequencies with medicine and psychology, we can easily note that everything is based upon rhythm. All disorder is dysrhythmia, out of rhythm. Flow is due to synchrony, harmony, and the rhythm which is harmonious. Getting back to hypnosis, we note that we, during induction, help the patient to relax the body and to let the emotions calm down. Next, mind chatter flows away, opening the patient to access a realm of peace, silence, and miracles, such as inspiration or physical acts which are far beyond the normal. Super-athletic performance occurs when one gets into the Zone. Performance becomes easy, flowing and often beyond what had formerly been expected to be the limit. Much of the inventive genius of Einstein and Edison came from their being in a similar state of intuitive receptiveness as in meditation or its equivalent, –hypnosis. Unquestionably we emanate the very energy that we contain and of which we are made. This is evidenced in the fact that we can record these energies in an electrocardiogram or an electroencephalogram, and nowadays, a magneto-encephalogram (which measures magnetic energy rather than electrical energy) giving us even further definition and knowledge. The fact is that we are fields of energy interacting and interchanging with other fields. As we induce the hypnotic trance, we do so by not only instructing the patient but also by exchanging our mutual energies. I have observed that if the hypnotherapist will allow himself/herself to go into the semi-trance state while being, of course, attentive at the same time, a more powerful effect arrives on the scene.
DISCLAIMER: (The appearance of these articles does not mean that I agree with everything in the article. It does mean that there is much that I have found helpful. I hope you will find them helpful as well). Dr. Ward.,
Dr. Richard Paul Ward, CHAPLAIN
At: St. John's Management Group
El. Dorado County, California, U.S.A.
Telephone 530-644-4588
General Practice Specializing in The Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses, Roots of Disease and Blocks to Healing, Relationships, Phobias, Emotions, Performance Issues and Conflict Management
I’m an Orthodox priest, psychotherapist, metaphysician and Board-Certified Medical Hypnoanalyst with the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts working with Athletes, Law Enforcement, and the Business community. My foundational skills are in Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapy, Theocentric Medical Hypnoanalysis and Christian Investigative Conciliation. Our therapeutic healing techniques relates psychology to neurology, but goes beyond them because, it functions beyond the limits of science, without ignore it. It has no similarities to any western or eastern type of psychotherapy, it has its own different character, and a specific distinct anthropology. In any case the term “Orthodox Psychotherapy” was accepted by scholars, as demonstrated in the voluminous book titles Manual of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity by the American Psychological Society.
St. John’s is a Chaplaincy member of the Christian Legal Society, and we provide Christian Conciliation Services in business disputes, including, conflict counseling, coaching, mediation, and legally binding arbitration. we take office appointments in El Dorado County, California and can-do telephone or Zoom consultations with people from all over the world. St. John’s Management Group is a business and industrial Chaplaincy.