

The life-force of creation, is carried across the earth, I call it energy, ( all is energy ) some people call it ley lines. The birds in the sky use these lines to guide them. It makes sense right? If you really think about how magical the birds sometimes fly in the sky? Many people think the Pyramids were built because their shapes interact with the energy. The great pyramid at Giza is a key point in the whole system. ( interesting right ;) ) I let the people discuss this. Just like I have choisen to step back from all the reality I see with my own eyes. Because I know “everything is energy”. I started everyday in the beginning with “worldpeace on a magical tone” but this frequency shouldn t been changed in a frequency “how to convince the people”. So for the people who asked me private; What are you doing now? This mother will Pray, meditate and write. Everyday I will sit with my guitar to try to find the right frequency. We all creating our own songs. Change the melody, change your lifestyle. If I look back on my messages > I know I have to change the melody < Like I wrote in my previous article.

The extreme sensitivity of quantum sensors to their surrounding environment

Is a situation to learn and discover the error on the level of conscious and unconsiouness.

What does she write? Well imagine yourself like a computersystem! Like the computer we also have daily errors, on different levels, think about health, wealth. Most people do not consider to understand why there is something wrong with their health. Or why they have lack of wealth in their life. I am the person… highly sensitive who get errors very fast by absorbing others people pain and sadness.

Most people who see an error on their #computer, do not consider analyze the error, just want to keep going in the rush of the day. I am not the typical woman who would say "rush rush, time is money" Who followed me on YouTube knows my sentence "Time is LIFE Time is Precious and Time is an illusion".

Sometimes we can accomplish more by praying and just be silent. Listen, observate and listen again what people write and tell. This way you can observate them and send out blessings over the people, which transform the energy.

Again.. what she is writing?? is she ended up in lalaland?? Energies?>

I challenge you all to climb a mountain, if possible, for me it was the most magical place, the most powerful energy I felt it in my whole energyfield.

We are all energy. You all don't need to believe me. Ask a scientist!! They even know!! Most people who are famous or are at another way succesful in life… all know the truth.

Some people maybe wonder why The writer of this article is not famous or succesfull? Well maybe I am on planet MARS famous lol

But what if I tell you > I never want to be famous or succesful. I would like to be me, a proud mother, just having a human experience on this planet. Is the planet not allready a stage?? Being famous or succesfull means lots of responsibilities to other people's expectations. I don't want to end up living the lifestyle others expect me too.

I like reading and writing. I am back in my own workfield. Where I worked anonymous for years on. Research and development in the field of new age theory science/ spiritual (interest;pineal gland) akashic records/ and internet observation( decoding ( also spiritual matters secret behind the numbers and vibrations) digital age /information revolution

I told a week or two weeks ago my story to a group of people. Very fast I thought WHY?! I told them!!Because We are all beautifull souls who can organize or own lifestyle. I don't tell you all to not ask for assistance. But I think we all are creative enough to find a way to change our own lifestyle, to have a wealthy , healthy lifestyle.

I am writing with my favourite music on the background. Believe it or not. This woman loves classical music. It's like my soul begins to dance.

I think our energy should all be toned back to some classical frequencies. I love to go out to the park or forest. For me rather not the busy cities. Where people got there eyes on their phone instead of the road. A lot of people ask me to watch a movie or tv programme. I have to keep telling this people : “I do not watch tv”. I don't even have a TV! The fast flashing images on tv is not healthy for your system. Our system is bigger than a computer system. We all record all the information.

Think of days you give someone advice and thought 'How did I know this”? It's been recorded in your system. Why do you think commercials keep repeating?? After seeing the longlasting lipstick commercial for millons of times… You start to think… It must be longlasting lipstick. You allready started to believe it's longlasting. And time is an illusion. So don't worry!! The moment you will buy the longlasting lipstick!! It's will be longlasting ;)

We are not robots. We have a soul, embrace your own soul. Our life-force deep within us, is been surrounded by the demands of the system which denies the existence of anything that can't been seen. 24/7 most people got a busy agenda. So busy, that they do not have time, never ever got time. Time is an illusion. But back in the system it's a 24/7 schedule.

I don't support 24/7 schedule of working instead of embracing god's real wealth. Although it's to serve others, you still have lack in your own life, because God gave you life to breathe fresh air. Not to keep running and don't even realize the person who is standing infront of you. A friend who text you, invite you, will not be there forever. At daytime, there is a butterfly, you don't want to miss this miracle.

At daytime I like to be at ( 8,200 metres a 27,000 feet) to be close to the swans who showed the perfect picture of freedom and love!!

This height was attained by a flock of whooper swans flying over Northern Ireland, and recorded by radar ?At night I like to spread my wings on the speed of light!!

A friend told me yesterday to open my eyes to embrace love. I do embrace! Yet Love is not to own. Love is to wish someone their wishes coming treu. Love is from the heart and soul. Not to take for granded. Love is not to sell yourself to another person because of lack of wealth or selflove.   

               >> My whole point of putting out the message of selling <<

To think the other person is more perfect. God doesn't made you or me imperfect. You don't need to search for someone to complete you. God made you allready complete. If someone doubt you, they doubt GOD's creation. It's really funny what I learn on a daily basis. Ask for lessons to learn and the universe gives you lot's of lessons. If you didn't understood the lesson, God or call it the universe will send you more lessons of the same.

Never try to find love by searching and selling yourself because of lack. No person can enter your beliefsystem. If you have lack in your life of love or wealth. You will always have this, no mather if you are married, or if you have won the jackpot. All is energy. It's the feeling and the emotions what counts. Love, is never something you can buy. I do have respect for some cultures who have to get married with someone they not have meet before. Somehow, the marriage is long-lasting ;) They start to love each other? Embrace each other? Respect the marriage? While lots of people get married for love and divorce suddenly very fast again?! What is this all about?

What if we all on this planet learn to read each others energies?? I think we all would respect each other more. Today I start writing my new book. Send me a message what you would like to read. Learn how to read each other's energy??

Dear readers,

Acknowledge each others soulmission.

           Spread your wings and start to fly

                    the best way to make your tears dry

                                   I know! Because this is the way,

                                                            how I start my daily pray

      Spread my wings on the frequency of unconditional love & light

                                      Do I turn left or right?

                                                  In the darkness of the night

                                                                          I just follow the light

Thank you so much for the wonderful people who are inspiring me to become better every day. Who have time in their busy life to text me. I appreciate you all,

God bless everyone with miracles and some magic,




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