

Lots of people get confused between introversion and shyness. I did too for years, as from the outside they may appear to be very similar.

  • Both appear to be quieter when in big groups of people
  • Both seem to spend time on their own
  • Both seem reflective and thoughtful

But, the difference for me was evident as I reflected more into HOW and WHY I was quiet and spent time on my own.

It was because I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I enjoyed the time and space to reflect. I needed that time to regain my energy.

As a networking host, lots of people assume that I love being 'in the midst' of groups of people. That I am a bit of a social being and love being around people. Yes, that's true to some extent. I do love connecting people, finding out more about them and their businesses, bringing communities and people together.

My networking meetings, events and online communities have become what people think about me (my zone of genius as people put it!).

But as we discussed in a round table event I was at this week, me hosting these events is one of my many 'hats' that I have as a business owner. This is what I am passionate about, but I still prefer smaller groups of people. I still sit back and watch, listen and observe what's going on around me.

Even as a host, I try and to take away from being centre stage to re-energise and watch what's going on around me. I actually think being an introvert makes me a better host, as I can make sure that everyone is being included, having their say and enjoying themselves.

For instance, (and do let me know if you think I'm wrong here) I'm not sure that an extrovert would always notice those that may be struggling, or that perhaps needed some prompts to be included. They may not take the time to watch and reflect. They'd move on to the next thing/ person, always wanting and needing to be on the go.

Managing my energy

And, most importantly for me in both my working and personal lives, I have to have a good amount of time each week at home, on my own, not talking to too many people (if any some days).

I need, and as an introvert PREFER this time to myself.

  • I prefer to work from home on my own
  • I prefer to be part of small groups
  • I prefer making connections 1:1, and online has been great to be able to grow my audience this way
  • I prefer quieter spaces (unless I've had a few drinks, and then enjoy a good party and 'boogie' with the rest of the crowd)

I don't want to be around people all of the time.

As I learned this about myself, this is where I also learned that shy people WANT to be around people, want to be more involved, but something stops them. They feel nervous, quiet and hesitant in social situations as they feel unsure what people may thinks of them, not sure what to say and initiate conversations.

Re-confirming that I am an introvert has enabled me to make some changes in my business -

  • who I want to work with (introverted, quiet or shy women in business)
  • learning to manage my calendar better (making sure I have non-peopley days each week is a must)
  • accepting that I don't have to attend all the big business events to be visible, to be seen, to grow my audience and business. Yes, a few big ones are in my calendar each year, but these aren't essential - I don't have to follow the crowd just because others seem to
  • being proud of my smaller online and in person networking meetings. These are exactly what people love and enjoy about the Female Business Network, and get so much from. I host three big events each year (the online summit, the Female Business Festival and Female Business Awards) and love these, but managing my calendar before and after is essential for me
  • raising awareness of, and providing space for other introverted and quieter business owners to be present and visible, understanding that they'll probably also need time away from being present and visible all the time too

Running a business is tough. Running a business as an introvert is hard going - the feeling that you 'have' to be visible and doing 'all' the things to be successful can be exhausting.

But for any business owner (introverted or not), know that you can build your business your way. You don't 'have' to be seen everywhere, you don't 'have' to be visible on all platforms, you don't 'have' to do all the things. Choose a few that work with your preferences, your energy, where your ideal customers are, where you feel more at ease and able to be you.

Managing my energy through my time, diary, and taking part in activities that feel right for me has been a great lesson for me.

And I am now feeling more aligned with my business, I'm narrowing down my offerings, adapting my services and bringing people together in a way that works for me - and equally as important, works for them too.

And this is what I want from people within the Female Business Club, who attend my events and work with me.

How are you feeling about your energy right now? Are you doing everything you can to make sure you make YOU a non-negotiable?

I'd love to hear your thoughts,

Janine x

Resonate with so much of this Janine! I am an 'extrovert' on personality tests but have a lot of introvert preferences. I am currently listening to 'Quiet' by Susan Cain, have you read it?


Janine Friston- networking host and mentor的更多文章

