Hello my friends!
Today, I find myself reflecting on rhythm.
There is a beat to the world.
There is a rhythm to every moment of our experience.
This is one of the most powerful practical insights I’ve so far encountered, and it shows up everywhere.
The first module of both my course and my book is devoted entirely to rhythm.
We have the three-part drum of the body, the heartbeat, bellows of the breath, and brain wave activity, all which reflect one another and form a foundation for this moment of experience.
The first thing that I share is how to slow this rhythm by slowing the breath, and how, by slowing down, we can actually shift gears, tuning in differently to this moment of experience.
This is amazing in itself. If you can manage to be aware of your rhythm, your breath, physical rate, and rate of brain activity, then you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your own experience.
But that’s just the beginning!
Every single person, Being, situation, activity, emotions, situation, all of them have a rhythm to them.
We come together with others sharing our rhythm often without even realizing it.
When our rhythms are compatible with another, we experience resonance. On both biological and psychological levels, we will tend to sync up.
When we’re in resonance, communication flows more easily. Cooperation is smoother and more flowing.
Without even realizing it, this resonance has brought us together to act, in some small way, as a “one thing”.
When we are in resonance, thoughts and emotions flow more easily between us, even without words or outer communication.
We will tend to attune to a shared mental and feeling space, where things are equally likely to occur to us both.
You’ve all experienced this, at one time or another. You’ll be interacting, doing your thing, and suddenly both of you will say the same thing at the same time.
When we are in resonance, we act as members of a single unity, each informed by the same collective field of thought and emotion.
The practical implications of this are incredible.
How would you like to communicate with animals? Or listen to the voice of the land? The wisdom of the trees and plant spirits that you engage with each day?
In order to do this, we must come into resonance with that with which we wish to communicate.
And the key to resonance is rhythm.
But don’t take my word for it. Try it out!
The next time that you would like to connect more deeply with a plant, or animal, or place, or another human, remember your rhythm.
Slow down, and get still.
Pay attention to that with which you would like to communicate.
Feel it, and breathe, softly and steadily.
Feel as your inner space shifts subtly to reflect the focal point of your attention.
And then observe the feelings and thoughts that arise within.
Our thoughts are not personal. They are shared. And when you have matched rhythm with another, the thoughts and feelings will tend to occur equally to both sides.
This requires practice, awareness, and eventually, discernment around our thoughts and feelings, many of which are received unconsciously from the world around us.
These thoughts and feelings which we unconsciously pick up are a result of unconscious resonance, becoming attuned to the rhythms of those around us without even realizing it.
Just as a room full of ticking clocks will, on a long enough timeline, tend to come into resonance with one another naturally.
As you begin to explore your rhythm and to qualify this rhythm with intention, you begin to tap into the core qualities of human experience: energy, frequency, and vibration.
This is where my approach begins, in terms of the rhythm of the breath, and this is where it leads to, in terms of matching frequencies and vibrations consciously, rather than unconsciously.
This is such a natural human quality that you will learn it if you pay attention. If you remain vigilant about your rhythm and play with it mindfully throughout the day.
It’s the key to energy work, conscious intuition, and deep navigation through the maze of life.
And this is still just scratching the surface!
I love to use rhythm to shift mindstate, anchor a specific vibration, and link deeply with those I interact with.
This has been so powerful in my own life, and I love to share the freedom and beauty that comes in relating to experience in this way.
If you want to know more, let me know in the comments.
Thanks and blessings, beautiful beings!
6 个月Any advice on using this technique to help others who are mentally and emotionally struggling in life? I have used this technique since I was a little kid, unaware of exactly what was happening during that age, but I knew it was profound, and was a power of sorts. There’s a few people in my life that I want to help, but my words of advice are always discredited and dismissed. Yet I feel that this technique can be a back door into their heads and heart so to speak. Any advice?
I help entrepreneurs, content creators, and white label service providers grow their businesses with the help of Video Marketing. I’m the founder of DFY Media, your Video Editing Agency Partner, an editor, and a mentor.
6 个月Very informative Israel
Holistic Healer, Counselor, Speaker and Author
6 个月Very informative. I really resonate with the wisdom that flows through you and I truly value the gifts you bring to humanity. I know that you are infinitely guided and do have what it takes to connect with the Devine Light of love and unity. I respect your genuine concern to bring about lasting change to humanity with the wisdom that flows. Let's connect and share. Blessings