On Energy, Entropy and Probability: Part 3
Part 1: The basic of thermodynamic as "lens" to view the objective World, the basic of probability theory as stochastic (instead of deterministic) worldview, and the nature concerning asymmetrical nature of how things are structured, thus Amor Fati.
Part 2: Questioning the very Energy-Entropy defined by such "scientific" worldview, the grounding of synthetic unity for all of those very Possibilities, incompleteness view of Reality, thus Amor Fati.
I. Energy, (Non)Computation & Collapse of Complex (Socio-Economic) System
By physicality proposition, the concept of energy (& mass) is one set of constraint imposed by the Nature, to limit the ever-expanding inertia-less of man’s mimesis that could unleash unnecessary violence. The concept of energy which is bounded by the space-time continuum facilitate all of the potential for human’s flourishing, in spite of sacrificial attitude towards the complex system it given raised from the Nature.
We look to the Cosmos as self-contained set of pattern and empirical object of observation, a sense of regularity in accordance to the lawful force to its sub-atomic level phenomena. How such system can remain autonomous and self-maintained? We are so ignorance, thinking that we’re free with that arrogant free-will to reject Nature’s Will, but lo and behold, things are failing and proceeded with no avail. The Collapse is Inevitable.
The void originated from natural physical representation with all of its boundary and constraint, could be deduced and constructed from the pure axiomatic self-consistent abstraction. Take the price of Oil (as proxy of energy's abstraction). Things were wild & its impact to the modern socio-economic construction had been opaque and unpredictable. From becoming hedge instrument against inflation, acting as the "input" for any valuables goods/services in the market to the deceptive artificial scarcity creating the negative price scenario. The Collapse is Inevitable, or is it?
On the other front around the scientific community these days, where the Real Understanding is concern to not only about computation, but rather to non-computational mechanism, at least that is the proposition by our modern mathematical physicist, Sir Roger Penrose. It is not about following the Rules (read: Algorithm, or to put context to the recent hype: of Large-Language-Model). Penrose also speculatively engage in what he refers to as “Gravitize the Quantum”, taking it as the other side of the same coin, which is more popular “Quantize the Gravity”, that has been actively researched, conceptualized and investigated throughout latest century. This unique, yet profound insight about the working of the Mind, where one could transcend one’s own rule, to attain the understanding of which the part of the rule is applicable and where things are collapsing and reaching its limit, to go beyond them in a priori sense. This is the reference to Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem that the state every formal system could inherent a property such that it will never complete without self-negating its consistency. Such theorem, at least will be able to guide us and provide grounding to navigate the mysterious Universe, hopefully helping us from falling into the trap of willful ignorance and act as a tool to avoiding the collapse of our very Civilization.
II. Proof of Work & Ethical Binding of Reality
Bitcoin, the supposed to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash, has been showing the constant failure to deliver one of its most important salient features & its working Mind as the Technology that we need, that is the the supposed potential for liberty & freedom from the “fake” legitimacy of financial centralizing agent.
Instead, the rise of bitcoin and other crypto-“currency” has becoming the phenomena in which it offers us to embrace the replication and dissemination of questionable memes (of its digital-gold narrative, alt-coin, memecoin, and other questionable “values”). Mis-information & speculation in the interest of powerful/greedy entities/individuals and market manipulation is precisely necessary. Or consider the even worse phenomena to be what known as “shitcoin”, to expose its meaning literally as useless, worthless, highly speculative-scam economy and act as object of seduction for getting rich quick kind of mentality providing unseen dynamic in the creation and destruction of real value.
Take the price of Bitcoin (as proxy of energy & work's abstraction), as the estimated measure of value creation(destruction) & financial risks(rewards). However, one can easily generalize to other cryptocurrencies price action and/or its fundamental value analysis to sort of conclude the hypothesis that there is such non-ethical binding to our legitimacy & integrity, and it seems that collapse is inevitable, no?
The structure of legitimacy and integrity is continued to be further undermined and eliminated. Although the pursuit of truth has been one of the core context in which our civilization evolves, shaping the course of history, fuelling the engines of progress, and providing a moral compass in times of ethical ambiguity, yet, the intricate dynamics of this quest reveal the very subjectivity that defines our human nature: greed & ungratefulness, short-term thinking and wanting the world to revolve around its bias-fallible-subjective view. This view precisely illuminates the avoidance of Platonic ideal and theory of the “Form”, thus hinders the liberating the limited ontological views. The kind of return to the "Hard" thing (read: Energy, Inertia, Mass, ...) is required and necessary. The real ethical binding to the Reality, instead only to the "praise" of price which is illusionary and fragile. Beware of the situation where humanity becomes the slave of its own assumptions & devices, McLuhanesque & hypnotized by the "money" medium at its best.
Therefore, at such very moment, we should take the Kantian view (or rather a rhetoric) of Transcendent principle, and/or Hegelian Dialectic to provide us with the means for grounding, otherwise we’ll just be turning ourselves to another Intellectual (Yet Idiot), the one who shout “this is how the world works”, without the slimmest doubt about one’s own confirmatory error-prone mechanism. Isn't Science indeed supposed to be "Hard", is it?
III. The Nature of Entropy & In Search of Meaning
Just like entropy, it will take no skill to bring about the divide from unity, while it will need a great deal of skill to form collective and coordinated action from the seemingly combative force. And it is also about mutual respect, where we need ‘both’ of the Abstract/Concrete, as without any concretization of the abstract and any abstraction of the concrete, there will be no such a thing we call human Civilization and progress at first place.
Perhaps, the way in which how we?want?things to happen in certain and specific ways is?not?the way it?needs?to happen. The world response to what it needs, not necessarily to what we want. Perhaps, the weakness of human’s will is true all the time, but we just don’t have the courage to admit it by masking it with human’s agency and free will. It is the time to ask question about our way of life that is furthering away from the Proof-of-Work mechanism and its integrity, following its self-certainty along with how its fragile construction and manifestation in our society can be found everywhere we look.
Basic needs like Energy and its socio-economic implication to its supply chain, education and its formal institution, medical and healthcare system, business, workplace and global financial system, to civic infrastructure, law enforcement and government, had been so crucial in order to maintain our Civilizational's fight against entropy. Only through the Ethical Binding to the Reality as Energy-Entropy, our Energetic-Informational layer will be acted as Oneness merging with our pursuit of Truth.
We’ve been optimizing everything to its limit, convincing ourselves that moving is the only way forward. We've been avoiding stillness just because it seems to be the nonproductive, which in turns generates short term profit for long term risk. We mistake speed for longevity. In doing so, we never realize how much?cost?we’ve been incurred to the Nature and now, maybe it just the time for us to pay the price. We also might never realize that we’ve been declaring the war to the Nature and its integrity.
So, what is it exactly that makes us special? From our abstraction of physical world taking things from thermodynamics hypothesis, the observed lifetime of the ongoing 13.8 billion years and the future to come, the Universe has one single mission, that is heat-death where there will be no longer conversion of energy due to all parts come to thermal equilibrium at uniform temperature. It is about the temperature and its move from equilibrium, thus dis-equilibrium is precisely what defines Life, or is it? From our abstraction of mathematical world taking equation into every natural and observable phenomena, the Universe seems to have nothing to offer, everything is and will be calculated, thus computation is precisely what defines Life, or is it? From the stochasticity and probability of quantum wave function, everything is in paradoxical state, only when we choose to open the Pandora’s Box, our great suffering and hope are to be found, that is where Oneness as a prior grounding is precisely what defines Life, is it?