We were talking a little bit about life balance and how it’s kind of like a car tire and we’re rolling down the road of our life and the scenery’s changing.

I was asked to go a little bit more in-depth and talk a little bit about how that affected me and my life and probably… Well, perhaps you can relate to this because it’s affecting you in your life this way as well.

Coming back to that mind, body, and spirit balance, and the three main aspects that are in control of that tire, I had some experiences earlier in life that really showed me how quickly I could shift out of balance. Perhaps you’ve experienced something like this yourself. You wake up and you have a crick in your neck or your back is at or something’s sore. You just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Or even better, let’s say you’re having a fantastic day. Everything’s rolling just according to plan. You’re on track. Then all of a sudden, something bad happens. You trip and fall and crack your knee open. Or, all of a sudden, your back starts hurting. You get a toothache or a headache or something. When that would happen to me, I would notice immediately my fuse would go [inaudible 00:01:19] and I wasn’t happy anymore. I was like a ticking time bomb or a fuse bomb, just waiting for something to set me off.

In that state of not being happy, I really would start going into almost an excuse mode, looking for excuses for something to justify me being in a bad mood when in reality, I was in pain. When we’re in pain, it takes so much of our energy and so much of our focus. It’s really hard to feel alive in a good way and feel the joy and the awesomeness that the spiritual aspect brings.

I’ll come back to that in a little bit, but let me actually turn over to the other side, and talk a little bit about the mental aspect. Has anybody here ever been having a fine day and all of a sudden, something bad happens? Maybe your parents, or your kids, or your boss, or I don’t know, the neighbor’s dog comes over and goes to the bathroom on your lawn instead of their lawn. All of a sudden your blood boils. Have you ever noticed that it’s those times when we’re carrying stress when we get inflamed, that, oh my gosh, my neck is sore? I need a massage.

The American Medical Association is now saying that over 80% of everything that goes wrong with our body, all degenerative disease, and chronic illnesses, and bad things that are happening, are actually happening from the inside, that we’re breaking ourselves down. They are due to stress.

There’s a really interesting balancing act that we play because if we injure our body, we’re in pain, we immediately are unhappier, and we start feeling stressed. But the other side is actually even more dangerous because if we’re carrying stress and we’re not exercising and relieving that stress, then it gets lodged into our tissues in our body and starts breaking us down from the inside.

The very interesting thing about this balance, that the surest way to destroy a car tire is to drive on it when it’s flat. The thing about our life is like a car tire, well, in a car tire, you put air in it and you fill up that tire so it stays full and keeps rolling down the road. But in our lives, so many times, we’re running on empty all the time. Have you ever felt like you’re burning the candle at both ends? Well, that is the surest way to destroy our tire.

If you like energy on demand and a way to hit your master reset button every day and instantly invigorate every one of your cells, synapse, nerves, tissues, and all of your energetic system, you want to feel kind of like you just take 10 shots of espresso and totally full of energy, but without the jitters and all-natural, definitely go check out our Energy Expansion Program that we just released for the very first time. It is absolutely incredible.

If you do it, you will feel it. If you feel it, you will love it. I look forward to seeing your results. Check it out.


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