Energy-cybernetic structure of human life and death. Quantum world and scalar fields.

Energy-cybernetic structure of human life and death. Quantum world and scalar fields.

The path to a new world, longevity and human rejuvenation.

N. Tesla's proposal to think about a person as a mass set in motion by a certain force helped us in determining the energy source of human life, the structure and mechanisms for providing this energy to humans and other biological objects on our planet. Yes, a person is not an ordinary mass consisting of atoms and molecules. From conception to death, the human body is constantly changing. With age, the body’s “natural” energy supply also changes. First, from conception to the completion of continuous renewal processes, energy supply increases. Then, it stabilizes and decreases until death occurs. And all this happens not by human will, but according to “natural” programs. The desire of scientists to provide the human body with additional vital energy and immortality has existed for a long time. But the action itself, which provides a person with additional vital energy, does not solve the problem of achieving sustainable longevity or renewed youth. It is necessary to learn how to update or adjust vital activity programs and restore / rejuvenate the body, increasing its service life. To do this, it is necessary to determine the structure of ensuring, controlling and managing the energy supply of human life. In the course of research, we have identified this structure. It surrounds the Earth and looks like a space (cloud) receiving and transmitting energy server, controlled by a "space AI" and providing life on our planet. The structure is provided with a huge volume of constantly replenished nuclear energy, which feeds the Earth's core and supports all the "natural" energy processes of near-Earth and atmospheric space. And this source of life support on the planet is located next to the Earth and also protects our planet from "accidental" cataclysms. The second remote energy server is located at a distance of 480 thousand km to 1 million km. It turns out that our planet is located inside a huge energy ball. The functions of the second space server are not completely clear. Its energy volume is constantly replenished by another type of energy.? And here many questions arise about the life of people on Earth. The "natural" provision of life for each person is a series of cumulative processes taking place according to a clear "natural" program associated with each specific person. It is based on a complex of energy support for all the main components of each person's life and for everyone in general (implementation of vital activity programs, provision of vital functions, etc.). Few people think about the energy of life. Most scientists strive to change certain processes in the human body through the regulation of the cell or genome, and these are the main areas of research in achieving longevity or rejuvenation of a person. People are also interested in the origin of thought and manipulation of the processes of thinking, mind and memory. There is a lot of research in this area and also a lot of great results. There are very few results of non-invasive reconfiguration (reprogramming) of the human brain, which has the functions of an executor of the "natural" program of vital activity, without the exclusive right to change the "natural" human programs. The human brain is just a perfect computer of body, with functions for receiving and transmitting data. Of course, with genetic modeling, the brain will be forced to fix local changes and support the processes of vital activity. But this is an insignificant period compared to super-longevity or a relapse of youth, since the amount of energy of life has a limit, and the body has its own service life, according to the "natural" program of vital activity of a particular person. However, such experiments are very interesting. There is a possibility of transmission to descendants of the modernized cumulative hereditary material from a genetically modernized person, which may be a kind of confirmation of pangenesis. It will be interesting to find out the life expectancy and quality of life of the heirs. Such an experience of genetic modeling has yet to be studied by someone in the near future.

Our research has a different character – it is the use of direct-acting code frequencies capable of quantum synthesis in order to restore/rejuvenate the body and increase its life energy. The way to achieve the goal was through the definition of an energy-cybernetic structure in space and methods of its applied use. Based on the results of frequency exposure on volunteers, we came to the conclusion that thinking, mind and memory are not homogeneous, but have a common system of communication and coordination in a complex of hypothetical interaction with a source of life energy for a specific biological object (human). For example, memory has two overlapping circuits for storing information. The first contour is formed in the human brain and fixed in crystalline multichemical compounds (similar to the pineal gland) in the form of complex geometric shapes. The amount of complexity of geometric memory figures can reach 11-15 degrees, identical to the capabilities of the human brain in the first stage of mental load. The first stage of mental load is the standard load of the brain in a person's daily life.

The second circuit is located in the "natural" cloud of information storage, and if necessary, it is activated at the "request" of the brain via a hypothetical bidirectional frequency channel of reason, thinking and energy supply. A scalar field provides fast transmission of a hypothetical signal. However, with such requests, the answers come with a delay, due to the correspondence of the answers to the mental capabilities of a particular person.

?Man and the cosmos, as a living organism, have many identical properties.

N. Kobozev, a physicist and chemist, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow University, in his works discovers a lot of interesting things in the knowledge of such processes: - "Neither cells, nor molecules, nor even atoms can be responsible for the processes of thinking and memory. The carriers of the above-mentioned processes may be hypothetical particles, which are called "psychons".

In the course of research on the processes of thermodynamic entropy of biological objects, we came to the conclusion that the carriers of the processes of providing certain functions of human life ("psychons") cannot exist without hypothetical particles of energy transfer to ensure the processes of human life. For example, the work of the human brain and heart. Therefore, we combined them with hypothetical particles of energy transfer to ensure the life of biological entities on the planet and retained the name "psychons". While studying ways to correct human ontogenesis programs, we came across the features of scalar fields and their active-reactive response to frequency-code effects. Scalar fields (Tesla's free energy fields) are a perfect conductor for instantaneous transmission of energy of any kind in the near-Earth and atmospheric space of the planet, with the ability of energies of any kind to synthesize, while maintaining polarity and a specific amount of information charge during synthesis. In particular, the human brain, like a wave interferometer, determines the code compatibility of a personal wave "natural" energy charge directed at it and receives this particular energy wave. This method of wave transmission is possible only in a single scalar field of the Earth and space. This is similar to receiving the personal energy code of a biological object in a communication system with a space server. Such interaction is provided by a constant tunnel bi-directional "natural" energy flow? the source of control and management of the bio-object, to the human brain, and back - from the brain to the source. It can be confidently assumed that the space server records every moment of a person's life, including thoughts, dreams and daydreams.

By the way, it was by this method, which I described in the text, that we treated intractable diseases in human volunteers (including fatal ones).

And we restore/rejuvenate the human body.

Yurii Pozniak-Linnik

Human rejuvenation of breakthrough frequency technology based on new physical principles.

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There will be a continuation soon.

Yurii Pozniak-Linnik

Human rejuvenation of breakthrough frequency technology based on new physical principles.

7 个月

More recently, the theory prevailed among scientists: - "The earth is flat and supported by three whales". The scientist who said that the earth is round was burned. Little has changed since then.???



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