Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
As suggested in the previous posts highlighting monumental breakthroughs in evolution after Musk's sponsored successful neuro implant, these hint at how in future humans, not AI itself could finish up in control. Robots would just kept their place as human helpers. Again this is an incredible assumption yet with its own serious consequences.
OK, looking at various possibilities. Summarising in brief, it is fairly certain that humans' greatest fear since climbing out of the cave was wondering what the world was all about, where they belonged within it and what happens when one dies. The brutes in charge were helped over time by the smaller, yet smarter men who in answering that question, invented messages from Gods in the heavens of daylight and a Devil for the darkness of night. As populations grew, these religions varied by region, and over time were found to be a convenient way to control the crowds; with heaven promised if you were killed for your king as he wanted to enlarge his wealth - since why would you otherwise want to take the risk?
So they say after some 3,000 or so variations of Gods, we get to those of the monotheists after one group drift East over from Egypt to mingle with the Canaanites to finally become Jews. They invented this God Yahwe, one of still many worshipped who even had a Mrs. Yahwe, Ashera. After The Romans sacked the the Temple of David the now Jews had a big scare and so banned all other worship. But they still annoyed the Romans who twisted the story around with help of turncoat Jew Josephus, where we had the next religion, Christianity; same God, different rules. Next, the emerging warring Arab tribes saw this religious ploy as a good way to stop fighting each other, so they took earlier Christian history but came up with a new set of rules. In that they were smart enough to have learned they should not have a way out. But make sure everyone paid their taxes. Same God, again new set of rules.
So onto the present day, with Islam expanding on a target of introducing Sharia law and all that will involve within 30 years in the UK, all in the name of a God which no one can prove actually exists.
This gets to my hypothesis where I can prove while I don't believe in the man-made rules of man-made Gods, my own Personal God does exist; the strange thing is that it took me a while to realise how, during our interchange, my God was gender neutral. How that came about is another story soon to come out when the publisher gets around to it in MY GOD HATES ME, but meanwhile, what if that idea of a personal God is believable, where we don't have to be fooled by strict rules which include basically killing off anyone who does not believe in a specific version of the man-made God rules?
So, back to this question of human's greatest fear, that of death and what if anything comes next. Is it easier to believe in a wonderful heaven where we can sit around for eternity singing kumbaya, looking after 72 virgins, or accepting the scientific fact that energy in the universe cannot be created nor destroyed? If the latter, we can accept we live the best life we can on earth and when the body becomes worn out, no longer able to carry the internal energy, the body goes but the rest remains.
Hence, while contemplating the validity of such a suggestion, take this further to what has just been shown with neuro-links. Ponder what is the outcome if the human body dies while connected on such a linkage, what remains operating in the brain if linked to the AI? Deeper into this concept you can do away with conflicting religious rules aiming to destroy humanity...